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Expired Membership
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Everything posted by TATERS

  1. And so it begins.....
  2. Happy Birthday Squidley! Buy yourself a little something ok?
  3. Very proud of you hon....I know it isn't easy... But if you snap at me one more time, you'll have a whole nother set of problems. Seriously.... Keep up the good work !
  4. Joyce...so sorry to hear about Larrys' accident. Please take care of our buddy. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
  5. :rotf:
  6. Have a great time Bob and Becky...I'll be watching for those pictures.
  7. Ya see why they put me on meds?
  8. Glad to hear everything went well. Take it easy for awhile and ease into that retirement.
  9. Thank you everyone ....you guys are the best ! Feeling much better now that I'm home. Waiting for some test results and will keep you informed. Thank you so much.
  10. Have a great time you two... It sounds great ! We'll miss you...enjoy yourselves...
  11. Happy Birthday Day to you... Happy Birthday Day to you... Happy Birthday Day... Happy Birthday Day...... I'm younger than you. Ha! Ha! Make sure you get over for a birthday drink. Have a great day!
  12. Eileen, You go girl !... Now you have me thinking...I may have to throw Big Tom in the passenger seat every once in awhile. How do you think that would go over?
  13. You guys are great ! Thanks Patti...We have some pretty special friends and devoted members here in New York and I know I can speak for all the New York members, and say it has been a pleasure to host the International this year here in New York.. we would not have been able to do this without all of you. A big "Thank You" to everyone of you... and you're right...Pioneer Motorsports...Terry, Michelle and their family are the best. Thank You for all you do...opening your doors to us...and treating us like family. A big thanks to Robin and Bob, (who missed the birth of their grandaughter while they were here...you guys are pretty terrific) Amy and Tom, Bob and Becky, Jim and Sheila, Jerry, Kenny, Steve, Jim... thank you so much for your time and donations.. Thanks to Phil our cook at the BBQ tonight...and we still have 2 more days of fun with all of you ! Thanks everone for coming and helping us make a memory.
  14. Angels sent to watch over you. :2132: :2132:
  15. Will do Annie....we will miss you both... and be thinking of you. You're a good friend Annie, but I'm winning the trailor. Ha! Ha!
  16. Whats up? I was in the Chat Room butt naked with no one to talk to. Where are all my friends? Do I have to start a "Friends of the Friendless" Club again?
  17. Boooooooo Boooooooo. Was this Alan's joke?
  18. Stay cool Bob....its way to hot to be doing that stuff. Do what I do...call "the guy". You know..."the guy"... Oh no....are you "the guy" ? Never mind....Stay cool... :scorched:
  19. PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN Thank you to those who defend our Country and keep us the "Land of the Free" . God Bless you all.
  20. What is the deadline again? Just messing with ya ! We got it. We got it. Hugs and kisses to you....Love ya sweetie...now RELAX! before I kick your ...oh Hi! honey...
  21. How wonderful! It must be so nice to know someone representing the USA ! Good Luck Tia ! We'll be watching. Jim... could we put her in a Venture Rider T-shirt ? Ha! Ha!
  22. Thanks everyone. Miss you all ! Looking forward to seeing all my bff's at the International in July.
  23. She's sooo sweet and adorable. You cannot mean Eileen ? Watch it buddy... lol Love ya...
  24. Happy Birthday Big Guy ! Lets get together for a birthday ride. p.s. I'm younger than you....hee hee
  25. TATERS


    While out at lunch today Big Tom got up to use the rest room and came back 4 shades of red. Just getting ready to ask him what he did....the woman that was sitting at the table next to us came over to the table and said " well...did he tell you what he did?"... It seems that Tom and this woman came out of their stall at the same time and were facing eachother. She said " am I in the wrong place? " and he said to her...."well one of us is".... It seems that he entered the Ladys room by mistake... I was dying...all I could get out was...well...you did stop to wash your hands didn't you? And he said...h&ll no!...I ran out as fast as I could. I can"t take him anywhere....
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