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Everything posted by TATERS

  1. Good for you! Best of luck in your new place.
  2. Happy Birthday dear friend. Hope you have the best birthday ever. And don't worry...I slugged Big tom for you....I've got your back...Happy Birthday!!! :clap2:
  3. You should be very proud of him. Thank him for serving and protecting our Country.
  4. :clap2:
  5. I'll hit you 10,000....come here....
  6. Put the flashlight in the freezer for an hour....the battery will drop out easily after an hour or so.


    That's my next post. lol:cool10:


    Did you ever wonder why a "strike" in bowling is good...but a "strike " in baseball is bad?....just wondering...


    I'm confused.....are we talking "why" or 'nuts"
  10. Happy Birthday Kenny Kenny Kenny...
  11. Do you need to borrow some of my friends Black Owl? They're always ready to go for a cuppa.
  12. Absolutely! Why is that? I thought it was just me.
  13. Very funny! Love the clipboard idea.
  14. Decided to make this my new mantra. What do you think? www.youtube.com Little yellow bird singing "Bad Day Song" Go on youtube - type in Bad Day Song - and start singing friends. Enjoy!
  15. So happy to hear this Robin...wonderful news ! Love and prayers to all. You give Jeremiah a big hug from us.
  16. Bring back the cabana boy....
  17. Feel better Bull....hope you have a speedy recovery and get back to your weird old self...I mean feeling like your self again soon...Be a good patient and don't drive Chrissy tooooo crazy.
  18. So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well Annie...antibiotics? puffers? Must be some infection you have going on. Do what the Doctor says....and be a good little patient. Take care of yourself. We love you and need you.
  19. I'm sorry.....What????? Oh yes....I am the luckiest girl in the world...
  20. Robin....I'm here for you...just say the word...
  21. Hail Mary....
  22. " The more the merrier?"...........now were you referring to the two Vikings....or the Spyder group? I know how you are with those Viking men.
  23. The floor came out fantastic! Wow! Great job Bob. And the room looks great. I love it like that...looks nice and cozy.
  24. I know.....right?????????????
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