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Everything posted by TATERS

  1. You asked for it....You've got mail...... love ya lol
  2. Can you believe it? see all my friends....Can I put ya down?
  3. AAAAHHHHH! Thanks Guy! None of my new friends are pathetic. except maybe Squidley (I'm not sure...the jury is still out on that one). Big Tom is still paying for that comment.
  4. No Problem.....we love company. What time do you plan to have dinner ready? I'll warm up the oven for you. Tops Market right in town for groceries. Plan for 31-32 (Squidleys' up in the air yet) of my new friends. We'll have a ball!
  5. I just wanted to thank everyone for being there for me. Thanks to all of you...I now have more friends than Big Tom. Still waiting on you Squidley.
  6. Hi Squid, After checking my friends of the friendless list....I noticed that you're still not on it..WHY????
  7. Thanks! I will try to get on the chat sometime, if Big Tom does'nt stop acting up he's gonna get it....I may need some names from your other list. He's soooo jealous of my friends list...Did you see his evil response? He should talk... smoozing all of you woman just to get deserts at Maintenance Day.......Oh...he'll lie...and say no...but we know the truth. Think about this....they don't call him Big Tom for nothing. OK....I love him again...I feel better now thanks for listening...
  8. Charlie, Anyone with 49 friends is a friend of mine. You bet ya :bighug:lol
  9. Hey now! Play nice.
  10. Come along Tom....its time for your meds. How embarrasing...Sorry my new friends. I placed him back in the rocker.:rotfl:
  11. "HELLO" friend what do you mean WE......
  12. Patti sorry it took me sooo long to get back to you...trying to answer all my new friends post. LOL Tell Don to type with one finger like Big Tom does..he'll get better at it eventually. Glad to have you as a friend. Hope to see you on OUR site where we can type what we are thinking. GIRL POWER!!! Welcome to the Friends of the Friendless...
  13. I'm glad to have you on board...and glad to be on your list. Thanks! Do you need more friends? Just ask...:bighug:lol
  14. Yes Phil...you were one of my first few friends on my list. I did not have to beg you....or threaten you...or buy you expensive gifts....look what Big Toms sarcasm forced me to do...I feel so cheep. lol Friends of The Friendless....
  15. Thanks! Honey...Big Tom is getting nervous now.
  16. Does that mean no pudding...no jello...you must have found out that I have Mini and the rest of the um...Tater Tots..is that what you said? On my side? Don't worry Gene you're still in my posse. lol:happy65:
  17. Chocolate pudding....Jello....You are going down my new friend.... First Impressions....isn't it funny? You are not doing so well as a new friend....want to start over? (Keep in Mind...my friends list is growing...and I am getting chooser...)
  18. And than he woke up.....lol
  19. AND YOU ARE??????????? LOL
  20. I brought you into this club...and I can take you out.... Love Ya! lol
  21. Blah...Blah...Blah...Are you on my friends list or not? If not a pressume you are on my other list.
  22. Smart Man......:bighug:Where's Becky...I need her...Why isn't she a member...Are you also a computer Hog my friend?
  23. Mini, I am also 5 foot tall...together we make 10 feet. Looking forward to meeting everyone at MD. Thanks for the support. If you have not noticed..I am in total control of the duder tonight..thats why I was able to count new member...yes, he is a computer hog. My friends list is growing...strenght is in numbers..we are Golden....
  24. You are so right...we are Thanks! for your vote of confidence. we"ve got to stick together girls!!
  25. They are adorable!! Nothing like grandchildren.....to spoil rotten...
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