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Everything posted by fishrepair

  1. I am proud to say that my 1990 Goldwing trike makes me one too.
  2. I bought a set of dual, chrome, air horns with 159 db's off Ebay, for $36.00. The compressor and tubing are included and the will work off of your stock horn button, that is already relayed. They even make the cows out in the field take notice.The more d b's the louder the horns are. If you want them to hear you coming, you need to take off the exhaust chamber and put straight pipes on it. I believe that loud pipes save lives. I know that they will make people quit texting long enough to look.
  3. I have been riding since I was 16 years old and I am 71 now. Loud pipes do save lives, because they get the texting dufis attention long enough to notice you. Make em loud, you won't regret it in the long run son.
  4. Unhook the battery probe that is in the right hand cell. If it is not there, find it and unhook it.
  5. This has been happening in Kentucky for centuries, but we just go on with life, as usual.
  6. What post? What subject?
  7. Pee wee herman joke.
  8. Ain't fooling me. He's been there since christmas. He got to hot and had to take off his suit.
  9. It figures that a ten year old would like a Harley instead of a Honda. All that sparkles is not always gold.
  10. ooooooooooo!!!!!
  11. Carbon 14 ?????
  12. That just don't seem right.
  13. A new animal has just been discovered in East Africa and it is called a Gorillaphant. Nasty looking critter.
  14. I had my clutch to start slipping and I have a parts bike that I got the clutch spring off of.I doubled up on the clutch springs and I have not had any trouble with it in 4 years now. When you put it in GET GO now, it does.
  15. fishrepair


    Seafoam, Seafoam, Seafoam, and then, more Seafoam:fingers-crossed-emo
  16. I had the same problem on my 86 1st gen and I finally ran a whole can of seafoam to 1/2 tank of gas and WOW, it straightened right out.
  17. I blowed a head gasket last year while on vacation. Oil coming out the exhaust pipe, missing, running real rough. I pulled the engine, removed the heads and had them reworked, and replaced both head gaskets. When I put it back in the frame, and cranked it up it ran like a scalded dog. Big Big difference.
  18. It seems that there is a new government regulation that concerns all male patients 12 years and older. Effective immediately, all males 12 and over will be given Viagra, upon being admitted to any hospital. It seems that too many male patients have been rolling out of bed and sustaining injuries.
  20. I had the same trouble on my 86 Venture about 4 years ago. I have a parts bike and I took the pressure plate off the parts bike and doubled up with the pressure plate on my good bike. It has'nt slipped since. I pull a trailer and it will do a wheelie in first with the trailer hooked up. Cheap, effective fix, Whallah.
  21. I run a Meskner Block K, side car tire on the front and a 135/ 16 Donut on the rear. I have over 8000 on the front and 7000 on the rear without any problems and they are barely worn. Oh I have a 86 Venture with a voyager kit. I run 35 lb. in the front and 40 lb. in the rear. WORKS FOR ME.
  22. Only if they are Muslim.
  23. A farmer told his 5 year old son that it was time to start learning about working around the farm and to start him off the farmer took the kid out to birth a new calf. After some time and much pulling and labor on the cow's part, the little calf was finally born. The farmer asked his son if he had any questions and the son said, yes dad I do have one question. The farmer said, well what's your question son? The little boy said (HOW DAMN FAST WAS THAT CALF GOING WHEN IT RAN INTO THE REAR END OF THAT COW?)
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