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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. One in the same company now. One bought out the other.
  2. Look into a Zumo GPS, it has the ability (add the antenna) for sirius, it also has MP3 and bluetooth for your phone. Add Buddyrich's cable and you can use your phone via your hearset. And it gives you a very good GPS. I use Clean 6000 for oil and the pegs mentioned are what most people here use. As far as the whine goes if it's to loud bring it back to the dealer and have them change the I basket. This at times helps it won't get rid of the whine just transfer it to a differant RPM. If that doesn't work change your mufflers to some thing a bit louder, if you want. You'll love the bike.
  3. Did you do much damage to the bike when you kicked it over and did you need help picking it back up? :rotf:
  4. Not only did the same bolts on the front fender trim come off my 07 the entire trim piece fell off on my first ride. The dealer replced it. I went thru the bike with a fine tooth comb after that and found dozens of loose bolts. But I missed a few because a few days ago while washing the ride I found both bolts missing off the rear trim piece on the front fender. I don't know how the trim stayed on, lucky I think.
  5. Is this the cord your looking for? http://www.jmcorp.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=HC-JJ&PF=20
  6. Like others, I check mine about 2 times a year unless I'm feeling more vibration then normal. A good indication of vibration is your rear view mirror. If the car on your tail looks blurry then check your sync. Once set they shouldn't need to be adjusted very often, if they are way off from your last sync then I would start looking for a problem. The money spent is well worth it.
  7. Any auto parts store will carry contact cleaner if you can't find a Radio Shake.
  8. It's possible the relay got fried when you had the short. Check to see if you have 12 volts to the relay when you turn on the signal lights. If you do and it does not click then I would suspect that it's bad. You will have to test and eliminate things one at a time. Good luck and be patient you’ll find the problem.
  9. I had water collecting in my front signal on my 03. To solve the problem I drilled a small hole in the bottom of all the plastic signal caps, as close to the rubber seal as possible,this allows the water that does collect to run out again.
  10. It all depends on the dealership. I have been in some that do and some that don't let you test drive a new bike. Just find on that does. Good luck in your quest.
  11. I used a 1/2" bit and made four overlapping holes and then used an old broom handle and bent the remaining tabs down. It took me about 45 min.
  12. I need to be spanked again I guess. Peggy I'm not going there.... I'm not going there.... I'm not going there....
  13. I had a pair a few years back. They became uncomfortable after about an hour. Alone they are ok but with the helmet straped they become uncomfortable after awhile. This is just me so take it with a grain of salt, you might like them, to each there own as the saying goes.
  14. I think that is a tow away zone...
  15. I had a 03 for 5 years, Traded it in on a 07 this past November. You will love the bike, my 07 rides just like the 03, but then it is the same bike just a different year. I had the famous whine in the basket but Yamaha replaced it. The whine didn't go away it just moved to a different speed; I got used to it and could hardly hear it with the JC Whitney pipes I installed. My 07 is much quitter and just a bit of a whine so I'm running HD pipes and I am very pleased with it so far.
  16. I still carry mine in my wallet, I always licked those wallets with the key holders in the bill fold area. I haven't used it in many, many years but it's there just in case...You never know when you will run across a c-rat can...
  17. Can't help him but you can, why not ask him to join the forum. He will get more help then he wants.
  18. Pilot

    Iway 350c GPS

    First one I had was the IWAY 350, it shut down a few times due to vibration, it also was very hard to impossible to see in the sun at times. I tried the 250 my wife had in her cage, it doesn't have a hard drive so it didn't shut down but was also hard to impossible to see in the sun. Bought a ZUMO 350 about 7 months ago and have not looked back. It's a bit more money but worth it. I don't have the XM antenna I just use the SD card and load my own music. You can pick up a 550 for around $550.00 shipped.
  19. Most of this stuff is already covered but I'll put in my 2 cents. Upgraded Stereo with a removable USB or SD card so you can load your own music, bluetooth capable would be nice for those with cordless helmets. Keyless ignition system with built in alarm (like the Ultra's) 600 watt alternator ABS Brakes, linked would be nice. Full instumentaion. Chrome front end. Factory installed front running lights. More rear lighting (more like the Ultras or GW) factory installed. Factory installed bag rails. Adjustable and vented windshield. A larger engine (say 1800) The reason I would like to see these things FACTORY installed instead of aftermarket is because they will be coved under the 5 year warranty. DON’T CHANGE THE FRAME…I bought the bike because I like the way it sits.
  20. Yup 1 inch check to see if you received the wrong ones, you might have the 7/8 inch size.
  21. Does a 1st. gen have the same engine as a 2nd. gen? Don't know so I'm asking, I thought the 1st gen's were 1200?
  22. If you have a server your problem may be with that. I ended up buying a Sisco when I had a DSL connection years ago and it solved my problem. It's never the phone line.............Yah right!
  23. Must be a new car wash all the ones I ever used just flush it down the sewer. That's a great idea.
  24. Lets take a closer look at this issue. Your not supposed to wash your bike at home because it’s somehow wasting water…But it’s OK to take it to a car wash. What’s the car wash using in place of WATER?
  25. I received my tire yesterday evening, I must be the last house on the UPS route. I have to recommend SW Moto Tires to any one looking to buy tires. It only took three days for the tire to arrive. I didn't receive a shipping email from them however they said in an email that a lot of shipping confirmation emails were retured to them as undeliverable. I received a very fast reply to my email, GREAT VENDOR! Now off I go to get it mounted.
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