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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Ok Bill from now on if you want to stir the broth , go over to the wing site, we are too polite to really say what we think on this site....LOL
  2. You didn't have to bring AGE into this!!!! Oppps! I forgot the
  3. I have had 3 RSV's, a 99, a 03 and my most recent a 07. I have over 500 miles on a Harley Classic and about 300 miles on a Goldwing, around 100K on a 1100 and have riden my buddies Valkeri. Having said that the RSV is the bike for me at the present and the reason is the position. It is the most comfortable bike I have even had the pleasure to ride over 500 miles a day. The Goldwing is smoother but the riding position is not for me I have a problem spreading my legs far enough to rest my foot on the pegs. The Honda doesn't make much noise compared to the RSV but I hardly notice it. My 99 and 03 had the clutch whine but the 07 does not (so far). Try and find one to test ride even if you have to travel a bit to do it, you will be happy you did.
  4. James I would appreciate viewing it. Please add me to the list and thanks for offering. Pilot
  5. Me wants to look see also.... No Copy.... No Break.... Ship Free to Next Inline.... And by the way THANKS!
  6. I was so curious about this that I removed a JC Whitney muffler from the bike yesterday and measured the thickness of the metal. The metal of the HD mufflers are thicker then the JC Whitney mufflers, which is why they didn't fit correctly. RuffRider99 hit the nail right on the head with this. One more mystery solved, I feel better now knowing that I was not crazy….LOL
  7. She had her own tools????? Man where are these women....Her own tools.... All my wife needs it a screw driver with a big handle that can double as a hammer when needed.
  8. Nice job he's a very handy person to have around. I wonder if he want's to move to DE?
  9. You might have something there. I still have my HD mufflers I will have to measure them the next time I swap them out. When I get tired of the sound one set makes I swap them makes you think your riding a new bike. I like the JC mufflers they make the bike sound like a 6 cyc. The people in the SCRC I ride with like them, they are not for everyone as they are a bit louder then HD's or most other mufflers I have heard on an RSV.
  10. I used the clamps to installed JC Whitney mufflers and it was very loose with the rib so I got rid of the rib. I think it's because there's only about 1/2" of clamp that actually tightens around the exhaust with the rib. The rib area of the clamp is all the contacts the muffler. I may not be making myself clear, but it's the best I can do. If you remove the rib you will have contact over the entire length of the clamp, with the rib you only get 1/2".
  11. Use caution when ordering these extra wide clamps from Choppercycle. If you look at the pictures (use Link) you will see a raised rib portion on the inside of the clamp. The raised portion of the clamp makes the clamp too small to allow the muffler to fit unless you spread the clamp open. If you spread the clamp open it will fit over the muffler but because of the extra thickness the rib presents it wil not tighten down properly on the exhaust pipe. If you want to use these clamps you will need to grind this raised portion of the clamp down. This took me about 40 min each and I went through 6 dremal sanding dics. I didn't notice this when I ordered the clamps. They do look good however. http://www.chopperscycle.com/page/VTS/PROD/42-264/24032
  12. Now thats one heck of a BIG ATM machine!
  13. Man what a way to go....TORTURE! And not having any one to leave his fortune too must also suck. I think you should jump on this before his offer evaporates or he is kidnapped by a cult or heaven forbid he dies in an auto accident....
  14. I don't have any coolant smell or oil leaks so I don't think I have a torque problem. Maybe Buddy's right the bike wants to go back to TX....Then again............ The bike has been running great ever since the incident, maybe it was just one of those weird things that happen now and then. Thanks for the info.
  15. Buddy you might be right on that one....Then again maybe it just needs more time to become acclimated to the weather here in DE. I have to say that given the choice I would pick DE over SW TX anytime. Del Rio weather did not agree with us, way to hot and way to dry. Maybe were getting old. Keep the rubber down and enjoy the hill country, I do miss riding in the hill country.
  16. Are there any symptoms associated with the head bolt torque not being proper? Just wondering since I have a 07 and this past Saturday I had a heck of a time starting the bike. I had to use full choke ( I have never had to use any chock before) to even get the bike to start and then you could not turn the chock off or the bike would die. I played with the idle screw a bunch just to get the bike to run with the chock off. This lasted for about 15 minutes then the bike seamed to return to normal. Of course I had to re-adjust the idle afterwards back to 1000 RPM. I took the bike around the block about 20 times just to check it out and it ran fine. I then took it out on the highway for a 70 mile trip and it ran fine. I have not had any more problems like this since. What the heck happened?
  17. Use a low silicate regular GREEN (not the Yellow) coolant which was pre mixed 50/50 for this change.
  18. Since you didn't say if you had replaced the break pads or not I'll assume they are old. If they are old then check the wear marks and replace the pads if they are worn. If they are worn then check the rear pads also and replace them if they are worn. Usually the rear pads will wear down before the front. A bit more info from you will help us with advise.
  19. In Texas no one bothered me about the Back Off I had, but a Delaware State Trooper stoped me last week and told me it was illegal in DE, just a warning because I still have TX plates and registration. I think the Back Off system is illegal every where it's just that some states leave you alone. Just trying to make one self more visable.
  20. They look like they would be a Bit$% to put on and use if you have pegs, are they?
  21. Graig I don't think you would be disappointed in them if you decided to put them on. I'll let you know when I head up North, I don't have a date set as of this time but I'm thinking possible the 2nd or 3rd week of July.
  22. Well my wife finally gave me a pass from doing work aroung the house and I took baby out for a test ride to check out the risers. It was just a short 70 mile ride down the road but it was long enough to tell that the risers have made a world of differance. No pain in the shoulder blades and the position is way better then stock. I'm thinking it's the best mod I have ever done on a bike. I can't wait to take her to upsate NY next month. I did take the rubber wedges off, more for looks then anything else. Thanks for your advise.
  23. You people are correct the risers went on like a dream. I thought I would have to split the front cowling to get some slack in some of the GPS wiring but I didn't. I couldn't get enough slack in the clutch and brake cable. I had to loosen both assemblies them so they would slid a bit on the bars, after that I was able to get the risers in place. The bars feel good but I can't wait to take her out for a spin afetr the weekly grocery shopping thing. The rubber wedges did stayed where they were. Thanks for your help.
  24. I was wondering if you needed to remove the gas tank but I think that will only be necessary if you have to remove the neck covers in order to re-route the cables to get some slack. I will have to pull the front cowling off as I don't have the slack in the GPS power cable, the AUX input cable along with the radio control cable. I didn't know about the dots, I will have to keep a note on their position and the rubber spacers between the bars and the cowling. I think I read on a post that you might have to tie up the bars so You don't drop them on the gas tank, that's a good idea. I'll take my time and take some pictures along the way and then write up a how to do. Thanks for your input I will be doing the job this weekend.
  25. I tried to find the installation instructions for the Baron risers but came up blank. Does anyone have the link? Thanks
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