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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. I had a friend back in Illinois that rode that way. He was a bit on the crazy side you might say. Always trying to prove he could take the twisties on his crotch rocket faster then anyone else whom he was riding with. He raced dirt track and he was a good rider. I stopped riding with him after the first 30 minutes of our first ride together. He finally had to start riding with his other crazy dirt racing friends on crotch rockets. Sorry to say we buried him in 2001,he lost it in a curve went into the oncoming lane and hit a car head on. Stay alive and ride your own ride. Anyone who is out there and has something to prove while on two wheels is just a step away from a hospital say, or the cementary.
  2. Pilot

    DOT Sticker!

    I like the masking tape idea. I just can't get over the stupidity of this. What ever happened to common sense?
  3. Was pulled over by the law yesterday for a helmet violation.... Now mind you that DE doesn't require one to use a brain bucket, but I wear one anyway. Having said that you are wondering if I was in De at the time or why would the LAW pull me over is a bucket is not required and I'm wearing one...All great questions. Here goes the explanation: The LAWMAN says that you don’t need to wear a bucket in DE but if you do then it must have a DOT sticker on it. So I say “if you don’t need to wear a bucket in DE and you see someone riding down the street with a baseball cap on would you pull him over and tell him he needs to have a DOT sticker on it? He let me go with a warning, if I was to ride into MD or some other state that requires a bucket then my brain bucket would not be legal because it’s been painted and the DOT sticker is gone. Now what do you think of that?
  4. Let us know what happens when it's raining? I'm sick of mine when it rains. It seams that the way the original shield was designed the rain just travels around the sides of the shield and you end up with just as much water coating the back of the shield as you have on the front. I also have water blowing up onto my face. I hope Yamaha does some airflow tests before they come out with the next generation ( if there is to be a NEXT Gen) and resolve this issue. The only way I can keep the rain of my face is to tuck my head into the space between the dash and the shield. I was talking to a guy who has a new 08 Goldwing and he said the design of the shield on this model is very good. He or his passanger stay dry in the rain as long as he's doing 35 or so. Of course you have to slow down or stop sometime....
  5. In the past 10 years I have purchased 3 modular full face helmets and every one of them FOGS up in cold weather. And these type helmets are expensive to buy and even more so when you can't use them in cold weather.
  6. A word to the wise, be careful when wiring them to be on all the time. At night they are extreamly bright for oncoming traffic. And the police may not like it if you blind oncoming traffic. I'm speaking from experience here. I have mine wired to the high beam switch so that I can dim them when there's oncoming traffic. I just forgot to dim once (or twice) and once it happened to be a state cop, he reminded me that it's the law to dim your lights at night for oncoming traffic. Didn't give me a ticket just a friendly reminder. You could cause an accident by blinding people.
  7. This poker run is to benefit Jt. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The local chapter of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club, of which I am a member, is putting on a poker run in Seaford DE. If anyone can make it your more then welcome. As a member I will be working the registration as well as the final stop. Here’s hoping some of you are close enough and your schedule allows you to come and partake. WHERE: Ride starts at the Seaford Harley Davidson on 13 South in Seaford, DE and ends at Em-mings in Bishopville DE with a pig roast. WHEN: Registration is from 10am to 11am on Saturday October 4. WHAT: $100.00 for the best hand, Prizes, Raffles. Cost of registration is $10.00 per rider, which includes the pig roast at Em-mings. All proceeds from this event go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Southern Cruiser Riding Club has given over $797,000 to St. Jude's. In 2007 they gave $242,802.51 Catie’s Story: http://www.catiesstory.com/
  8. DITTO: I worked for the government and that was inappropriate and very RUDE, file a complaint.
  9. Ahhhh too bad....
  10. You can never have to many lights on the back of a bike. I'm glad everyone was OK.
  11. I'm sooooo excited that I could:pushups:.
  12. I never was one who thought you HAD to leave money to your kids. If you add up what you have already spent on them you will see that you them. Nope not me, I plan on spending their future until I'm too to do it anymore. They are collage educated (with PHD's) let them make their own money....
  13. You had better stop looking at that road atlas....I heard that there is a scenic route to Belize! Have a great trip it sounds like your making it into a novel.
  14. Could someone with power please move my meet-n-eat thread to the "Meet-n-Eat area of the forum? Sorry I posted in the wrong place. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=240592#post240592 Thanks
  15. Bob I'm in Harrington on 13. Do you want to meet up some place and ride up together? If so just pick a spot I can find with the GPS and let me know.
  16. Looks to be a nice ride, I'll be there if the weather cooperates.
  17. I forgot my camera, but I did leave a note with the site address.
  18. I have always been in the barn that thinks custom paint jobs that cost $$$$.$$ is for those that buy bikes that cost $$$$$.$$. NOT for me, just what I think, NOT trying to make anyone mad after all it's your $$$.
  19. There was a 07 Venture parked behind my 07 at the Wings n Wheels show yesterday. Was it someone here?
  20. I'm not going to make this a long story, but I had a root pulling job once. It was supposed to set me back $1300 with the cap. It ended up costing me the original $1300 plus an additional $175.00 to have the tooth pulled because it cracked and fell apart about a month later. I think Dentist cost way too much and they don't even guarantee their work. Every time I go to a Dentist they want me to spend thousands of $$$, I say BULL Sh*%, if you can't fill it take it out, when I can't eat anymore I will get false teeth, which by the way only cost about $2300 TOTAL the last time I asked.
  21. Really I do, his first name is John I can't remember his last name as it's been over 30 years since I knew him. He wore a size 14 double wide boot when I was in boot camp. I remember him because they didn't have a boot that big when they started handing out uniforms, they had to order them for him and he went half way thru boot camp in sneakers before they arrived. Now that's a BIG FOOT!
  22. Can you give us a link to the article? Thanks Never mind I think this is the article you are talking about: www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002010&id=168 Never can get links to work properly, so go there and look under the 2 gen area then fuel system.
  23. If he is correct then the value of my 07 is about to take a GIANT LEAP UP. :banana:
  24. This will clear it up for you. http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_2/chpt_1/3.html
  25. Congradulations on your new ride you will come to love it. Now you own one of the FAST Ventures.
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