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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Yeah, what he said....
  2. Those are engine spec's not rear wheel spec's. Yamaha does not tell you what the rear wheel spec's are. The rear wheel is what gives you your power. Don't want to get into an argument either, I rode a Venture for 10 years and liked the bike. For what it sells for it's a great ride and I would and may still own another Venture in the future if they would just get EFI, ABS, A lower center of gravity and upgrade their electronics package and maybe just maybe make some t-shirts....LOL I got tired of waiting for the upgrades but I think it's coming. Like I said before buy what you want as far as I'm concerned they all make good bikes and every one has their own style of riding. I'm happy with the Ultras performance and I don't ride faster then about 80 MPH so HP, Torque and all that other stuff really doesn't really make a poop, a 650 Yamaha will do 80 MPH any day.
  3. I assume when you say new you mean 09? 1) Harleys are supposed to vibrate. My 09 vibrates much less then older models due to the new 4 point engine mount. If you don't want your ride to vibrate don't buy a Harley. 2) If you measure the distance from the riders back (same person) to the back of the passangers backrest on a 09 Ultra and a 07 Venture you will note the LARGER dimension on the Ultra. 3) If his bike was ideling at 400 rpm his has a problem, any bike can have problems. He most lickly did not use the rear cyc shut down, which is just a flick of the throttle forward. I have used this feature many time to see if there was a differance in exhaust heat or performance. I was riding with a member here and you could not tell. I have been in city traffic for about 1 hour with no problem. 4) Buy a new Venture, keep it for 2 weeks and see what you get for it, you will loose much more then $3k. 5) I have not burned my leg yet on the Ultra, but I did get a bit hot on the inside of my thighs while on my Ventue. As far as HP and Turque goes, just where are you getting your information? I've been looking for the HP and Turque rating of a Venture ever since my first one in 98. My Dyno on an unmodified stock Ultra. 82.5HP, Torgue 97.5
  4. It will go back up in about 40 days. After the election, never fails.... Ride with the rubber down and the tunes up.
  5. That would be me. Well now to start off lets just say if you want a very nice bike to take very long trips on and you don't want to break the bank....BUY THE VENTURE! The Venture has a great deal going for it, less money, comfortable and plenty of cockpit room. I loved the three I owned so I have a bit of background on them. I have been on many 5000 + miles and was never unhappy with it's performance. I have not been on any 5000+ mile trips yet on the Ultra so I can't say how that compares, but so far it's a comfortable bike, just a bit less cockpit room. But you get used to that. Now to the newly designed 09 Ultra. Well I love it. The handling of the Ultra in cornering and twisties is like a dream compared to the Venture. The saddlebags and trunk have been pushed back on the 09's to give your passenger more room, they also will handle more weight in them then the venture will. Theirs much more room in them then the Venture (only important if your wife goes with you) LOL. Theirs more power and torgue to the rear wheel then the Venture. More options are available and you can find lots more t-shirts that say Harley on them then you can that say Yamaha on them....More LOL, but true. Just buy the bike you want, you will be happy with it. Ohhh I forgot the Venture is much less $$$$ then a Harley Ultra, has a better factory warrenty (costs you extra on the Harley) But if you want you can continue to purchase factory warrenties for up to 15 years on a Harley. Now the resale on a Harley is MUCH better then that on a Venture. So if your not sure buy a Harley and if you don't like it sell it and buy a Venture that way you won't loos as much as if you went the other way around. The redesigned 09's are not as hot for the passenger as other older models and you can shut the rear cyc off with just a twist of the wrist when you want or let the computer do it automatically. The Harley has MUCH more current technology then the Venture even though about. Ride Safe. I'm happy with my 09 Ultra. Ohh forgot about the engine on the new 09 Ultra's it's designed and made by Porsche. If you want to talk more about the two just give me a call or pm me.
  6. Man I would contact some banks....$11,000.00 and 500 miles.....well your nuts not to go for it if you can find some $$$$$. You will save what $5 to 6K on the purchase, and your payment will be what $100 less a month. What am I doing, I'm trying to talk a guy into buying a Venture at a great price instead of a newly designed 09 Ultra.......LOL I love my Hadley, but the Venture is a sweet ride for the money. And it's easier to change the fluids and filter on the Venture. But the Hadley handles like a dream in the twisties. Be nice now folks I spoke nicely about the Venture.
  7. Just wanted to remind everyone about the poker run this Saturday. The weather man is calling for temps in the mid 70's and sun shine, GREAT RIDING WEATHER. Hope to see you there. Jim
  8. Who you calling old? Ohhh me. I'm sure I will miss the all year riding thing, but to be truthful it's nice being a days ride away from my family. I DO miss the hill country though, that's some great riding.
  9. Boy I REALLY went and did it this time. Sorry everybody I did not set out to convert anyone, it just happened ...LOL On the serious side DON'T ride one if you don't want to buy one. If your going to ride one stop by the bank first and get you pre approval because you will love it. I love the ABS, which I used on the way back. The red lights in Penn change fast from yellow to red. I was doing about 50 mph when the light went red, I had maybe 100 feet to the intersection. I applied both breaks HARD and was happy to see this bike come to a stop with no hint of a swerve . Man I have to say these breakes are some thing to behold, it even supprised R12guy on how fast this bike stopped in a straight line. Also on the way back I discoved another thing I didn't know about the radio, as soon as the sun set the radio display turned from the bright green background to a red background . Night vision....UP PERISCOPE!
  10. I also had a great time. Penn is a great place to ride, plenty of twisties, hills, stones, sand, dropoffs, hairpin turns, trees and not so wild animals. Just kidding, it was a good meal with great people and the ride for ice cream afterwards was nice if not a bit hairy from time to time. I had a great time and Halfwitt did a great job with it. I didn't take as much ribbing as I thought I would showing up on an HD. This is still the best site going....
  11. I had a hard time getting around the price of the bike also, but when you think about it a new RSV (depending on your location) can run as high as $17k in the US. So just add $5K more and you have an Ultra. When you look at what you get on an Ultra versus an RSV its not that bad a price. But like I said I had a hard time getting around the price but I'm now happy I did it. I'm not going to get into how much power the RSV has compared to the Ultra. If some RSV owners want to think their bike has more power then the Ultra, well more POWER to them, but in my humble experience having owned 3 RSV's......NO WAY!
  12. Who said mine is not paid for? I put 346 miles on the new baby yesterday. I had to keep it under 3k revs for the first 50 miles then under 4k revs until 500 miles. Now with 6 gears you can push this bike to almost 83 mph in 6th gear and still be under 4k revs. The handling is different then the RSV and before someone thinks I have moved to the DARK SIDE and I’m bashing the RSV I’m not. I’m just giving my impression of the difference in handling between the two. The Harley at least the 09’s handles like a dream in the twisties. You don’t even have to push the bars you just lean a bit in the direction you want to go and she responds. It holds the curves with ease, not at all like the RSV. In parking lots it’s much more stable and maneuverable, the power is unbelievable. I did not notice a heat problem with the bike even at stop signs but it was a very nice day yesterday in the high 70’s with a breeze, which may change on a hot windless day at a stop sign. I didn’t feel any heat problem with the exhaust; they moved it away from the rider and passenger. You can stop the rear cylinder from firing if you want just by rolling the throttle forward. It used to be controlled via the computer, now you can do it. They can still program the computer to do it but I like the idea that I can do it whenever I want. This is really a nice ride, and if anyone ever gets a chance to ride one take it, but be prepared for a new experience. Again I’m not bashing the RSV I liked them enough to buy 3 of them. I just really like this Harley.
  13. All part of the Harley buying experience, you get a 1 year membership to the Hogs. Not sure I want to get that close.... LOL Naaa! I'll hang around here the people are friendlier. If Yamaha ever built a bike like this one I would switch back in a second. I don't think I have to worry about that for a few years.
  14. All droolers have to stand 5 feet DOWNWIND from the bike....LOL See you tomorrow bro.
  15. As promised here are the pics.
  16. The 09 frams is redesigned they moved the passenger seat back about an inch. They moved the bag rails back about 3/4" to give more room to the passenger. The exhaust is redesigned to move the right pipe out of the way of the rider and passenger, less heat and more room. I added foot pegs, that took care of the stretching problem for me. Going to put 500 miles on her today so I can get the Rev's up a bit higher then 4K. Ride her like you bought her.
  17. All I have now is one that I downloaded from the HD site. I pick up the bike today and will take and post pictures.
  18. OK I screwed up sending everyone who bought items from me and drove Don nuts. So I'm asking everyone who won items too send me your shipping address (via email) and as soon as I get the exact shipping charge for your item(s) I will send you an email with the total cost. You can use PayPal or just send me a check. Don I sorry for the screw up on the emails. Jim
  19. So no one thinks I was playing favorites I sold the parts to the first person that replied via email or posted here on this thread. I used the time the email or post was sent to determine the winner. I must have sold this stuff CHEEP because they went like hot cakes. Thanks to everyone who has helped me out in the past with the Tech questions I had on the Venture. I have made many new friends who will remain so as long as I still breathe and I will continue to visit the site. I am going too miss the RSV but for me it’s time to move on. I pick up the new ride today and hope to spend a few hundred miles of road time getting to know her, then its accessory time….LOL Pilot
  20. I bought a 2009 Harley Electra Glide Ultra Classic. I’m tired of waiting for EFI and ABS so I bit the bullet and forked out the big bucks. I pick it up tomorrow morning. I’m going to miss the Venture but I think I will come to love the new ride also. The 09’s are completely new with the exception of the 96 cubic inch V-Twin. I hope you folks won’t hold it against me and I will still be able to ride to the meet & eats, I have come to enjoy eating and talking with good people. In the mean time I have a few used and one new in the box accessories and parts for sale if anyone is interested. New in the box K&N Air Filters…..$50.00. SOLD TO ECK Clymer’s Service Manual good for 1999 to present for 2nd Gen’s…..$10.00 SOLD TO BOOMER Hopnel Trunk Bib. This bib has the holes in it for the Trunk Rack….$20.00 SOLD TO PONCH Baron’s 1 ½” Risers….$35.00 SOLD TO SARGES46 Tri-Star Backoff XP with Dual Load Equalizers….$30.00 SOLD TO R12GUY Dossier Venture Backrest, this one has about a 3/16 inch rip on the top which has been glued back down and is hardle noticeable…..$40.00 SOLD TO MICK0 Royal Star/Venture brake and clutch covers…..$15.00 SOLD TO PONCH The buyer also pays shipping or can pick them up. If you are interested and want pictures of any item just shoot me an email and I will send pics to you. Still looking forward to the PA meet & eat this Saturday if you let me?
  21. See this post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=91&highlight=stebel+horn
  22. And that was all I did. If you close your eyes when you walk up to one it helps with the PANIC ATTACK and you won't have nightmares for more then a week or 8 days. We are talking UGLY, big time. Now as far as the ride is concerned if your ancestors removed themselves from the trees less then 10,000 years ago your arms MAY be long enough to reach the bars. Also I'm pretty sure you have to own a dog that flies in order to own one of these things. By the way they are offering free test rides at the Delmarva Bike Week, which starts today and is why I'm heading out the door now.
  23. Here you go, just use a file to file down one of the pins so it will fit. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=25410&highlight=1157+bulb
  24. Pilot

    Good Video

    I quite clicking, me thinkith some one is foolun us.
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