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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Time for a lawyer...............
  2. Pilot

    Sound Clips

    No mods required, they are slip-on. You will need 2 P clamps which will allow you to mount them using the existing mounting hole, I did have to enlarge the clamp holes a bit. And I did install K&N filters but you don't need the filters. I will make a sound clip this afternoon and post it.
  3. I'm thinking of doing a stage 3 mod to one of the two sets of Harley pipes ( I don't know the part #'s of these pipes) or a set of stock pipes I have. The harley pipes are a bit louder then the stock pipes one of the sets being a bit louder then the other. I'm now running a set of turned out mufflers from JC Whitney PN ZX017037U which make the bike sound real good and they turn the heads of Harley rides. The JC Whitney's a 3 years old now and a bit beat up and they look bad on a new 07. My harleys are still in good shape and of course the stocks are in A1 condition. My question is does any one have a sound clip of the stock pipes or harley pipes that have had a stage 3 mod done to them? 32"longTurned Out MufflersZX017037U
  4. It looks like the DB400 have been replaced by DB401, most lickly the same speakers just a number change. With my hearing I think an old soup can and some string will work just fine.:rotf:
  5. How do we know it's just not someones back yard???????:rotf:
  6. Nothing wrong with synthetic oil formulated for motorcycles. I used it in my 03 for over 40k with no problems. AMSOIL SAE 10W-40 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (MCF) http://www.syntheticlubes.com/mcf_qt_350phx.jpgAMSOIL Synthetic Motorcycle Oils have been reformulated with new high performance additive technology that provides even greater multi-functional benefits for the special requirements of motorcycle applications. These independent and exclusive new AMSOIL formulations provide second-to-none viscosity protection for hot-running American and foreign motorcycle engines, transmissions and primary chaincases. Performance specifications include: API SG, SL/CF; JASO MA; API GL-1 See Pricing Information or Place an Order Package sizes include: 1-Quart Bottle 1-Quart Bottles (case of 12) 30-Gallon Drum 55-Gallon Drum G2156 - Motorcycle Oils White Paper (1MB PDF) Comprehensive 28 page test comparison of 26 popular motorcycle engine oils. Harley Davidson Recommendations PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-40 Motorcycle Oil (MCF) is a premium oil designed for those who demand the absolute best lubrication for their motorcycles. AMSOIL MCF is the result of extensive research, and it is specially formulated to excel in all areas unique to motorcycles, including high engine RPM, wet clutch lubrication, extreme pressure regions of gears and rust common to short drives and storage. AMSOIL MCF is multi-functional and fulfills the requirements of both domestic and foreign motorcycles. It outperforms other conventional and synthetic motorcycle oils. AMSOIL, the leader in synthetic lubrication, produced the world’s first API qualified synthetic motor oil in 1972. Trust the extensive experience of AMSOIL The First in Synthetics® to do the best job protecting your motorcycle. Reduces Friction, Heat and Wear In high heat conditions, engine protection is not sacrificed with AMSOIL Synthetic Motorcycle Oil. It has the best high temperature film strength (see High Temperature Viscosity Protection graph below) of all oils tested and contains a heavy treatment of anti-wear additives to reduce wear regardless of the operating conditions (see Wear Comparison graph at right). AMSOIL MCF is thermally (heat) stable and contains maximum levels of oxidation inhibitor additives. It is extremely resistant to breakdown and engineered to prevent damaging sludge and carbon deposits for superior engine cleanliness. http://www.syntheticlubes.com/hitemp_viscos_mcf_300.jpg 10W-40 Motorcycle Oil High Temperature Viscosity Protection Higher values reflect better film strength ASTM Test Method D-4683 March 16, 2005 http://www.syntheticlubes.com/10W40_weartest_300.jpg 10W-40 Motorcycle Oil Wear Comparison ASTM Test Method D-4172 March 16, 2005 Provides Extreme Pressure Quality Protection for Gears With AMSOIL MCF, there is no need for separate transmission lubricants. It is absolutely shear stable and will not thin out from mechanical activity. AMSOIL MCF performs like a gear lube without the negative effects of extreme pressure additives. In the FZG gear test, AMSOIL MCF achieved a perfect score with a “zero” wear rating (see photos below). http://www.syntheticlubes.com/fzg_geartest_mcf_amsoil.jpg FZG Gear Test (ASTM D-5182) AMSOIL 10W-40 (MCF) http://www.syntheticlubes.com/fzg_geartest_mcf_motul.jpg FZG Gear Test (ASTM D-5182) Motul 300 V 10W-40 Delivers Superior Rust Protection Motorcycles are prone to rust from storage, humidity and short drives. Rust can cause major damage such as uncontrolled wear, compression loss and blow-by. Good rust protection, however, comes by design and is not natural to engine oils. Unlike many motorcycle oils, AMSOIL MCF contains special anti-rust agents. It passes the ASTM D-1748 humidity cabinet rust test and clearly demonstrates superior rust protection (see photos below). http://www.syntheticlubes.com/rusttest_mcf_amsoil.jpg Rust Test ASTM D-1748 AMSOIL 10W-40 (MCF) http://www.syntheticlubes.com/rusttest_mcf_castrol.jpg Rust Test ASTM D-1748 Castrol GPS 10W-40 Provides Excellent Wet Clutch Performance AMSOIL MCF contains no friction modifiers and promotes smooth shifting and positive clutch engagement. AMSOIL MCF controls heat and prevents slippage and glazing, and its high TBN resists acids that can degrade clutch material, helping improve clutch life. APPLICATIONS AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-40 Motorcycle Oil is recommended for liquid or air-cooled 4-stroke engines. It meets SAE 80W/90, API GL-1 gear oil requirements and is recommended for transmissions on both 4- and 2-stroke motorcycles. AMSOIL MCF is recommended for Honda®, Kawasaki®, Yamaha®, Suzuki®, BMW®, Husqvarna®, KTM® and other motorcycles where 10W-40 or 20W-40 engine oils or SAE 80W/90, GL-1 gear oils are used. Not recommended for shaft drive hypoid gears or where an API GL-4 or GL-5 gear oil is required. MIXING AMSOIL AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-40 Motorcycle Oil is compatible with conventional and synthetic motor oils; however, mixing oils may shorten the oil life expectancy and reduce the performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed. Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL motorcycle oil. SERVICE LIFE For “on road” use in engines and transmissions, change AMSOIL MCF and AMSOIL engine oil filter at twice the motorcycle manufacturer change interval or one year, whichever comes first. Change other brand oil filters at standard intervals. For “off road” use in engines and transmissions, change AMSOIL MCF at the standard motorcycle manufacturer change interval. For racing or in engines modified from the original factory design, no change interval recommendation is made. Oil changes are at the owner’s discretion.
  7. Thanks, your right you can't hear it anyway, but it's just one of those things you just have to do because..............Well because I don't have anything else to do right now,heee heee.
  8. Before I started tearing my bike apart...........Where is the front horn located? I installed an air horn and I want to disconnect it.
  9. Go here for directions on how to drop the rear wheel" http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002014&id=323 This one will show you the splines that need grease: http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002006&id=230 This one will give you some info on the drive shaft: http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002006&id=338 Other information on this site: Rear hub lubrication: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263 Rear End Noise http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1705 You will find a few links here for lifts and adapters, lots of people use the sears model, any one you buy will need to be modified, I did my own mod using hardwood. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=75 The drive shaft will come out after you remove the final drive assemble, putting it back in is a pain in the #$$ but with patience it can be done, if I can do it you can. You will need a lift to do this job. It's a bit scarry the first time you lift the bike this far off the ground. Do a search on this site for "lift". The Venturers web site has a lot of information on the venture and it's free to download. If you have any questions just post them here and someone will get back to you. It took me around 4 hours to do the job but this was the 4th time I have removed the wheel and the second time I have removed and re-installed the drive shaft and final drive assemble on a venture. Hope this helps a bit. Or take the bike back to the dealer with copies of this information and have them check for grease.
  10. "closer to 275K and up for something nice". HOLY #$&% that's up there. I don't think we will fork out that much. From what I have look at online, for 22 to 24H sq/ft, 5 to 9 years old, any where from 1/4 to 1 acre the price goes from 210 to 245K. We will have to look around if we end up there. It's hard to see what your getting when you are online shopping. Something nice is going to be it, we will have to wait and see. Most people we have talked to say the same thing you did, stay South.
  11. 22 years old, blonde.........have to go my wife is comming.............:rotf:
  12. I don't think it would do much good. They should know about it by now, they just have not fixed the issue. Like the commercial says "We build it, you make it your own" I guess that means you fix what we didn't.............
  13. Last night I decided to drop the rear wheel on my NEW 07 (146 miles on her) and check the clutch pins, clutch hub drive splines and drive shaft splines for the amount of grease on them. As you can see by the attached pictures the amount of or should I say the (LACK OF GREASE) on them was ridicules. The pictures of the drive shaft are bit blurry to see but I’ll tell you that the amount of grease on all these parts from the factory would not amount to much more then a tablespoon full. If you have not checked these parts for adequate grease I would highly recommend that you do. It may just save you a lot of aggravation down the road. I'm very glade that I decided to do it, now I can ride without worry. The pictures prove that you can’t trust Yamaha to do it. The repair cost of all the Ventures due to the lack of grease on these bikes from the factory must be costing Mama Yama a bundle in warranty work. You would think that the powers that be at Yamaha would have addressed this by now. If you look at the picture of the drive shaft you will see the seal (red arrow) that bonded itself in the final drive assembly on my 03 due to what I believe was a lack of grease. If you remember I had a lot of trouble removing the drive shaft from the final drive. After asking on this forum why it would not come free as it was supposed to I figured out that it was this seal, which has a metal ring imbedded in the rubber bonded to the inside of the final drive (due to friction) and prevented the drive shaft from coming out. I had to pry this seal out in order to remove the drive shaft. So if you take yours apart and the drive shaft want’s to stay in the final drive assemble this may be your problem.
  14. I have been doing a bit of research about Delaware online and my wife has been there a few times on business. She knows about the outlet malls and such. House prices are comperable to what we are used to 200k to 225k, but I have noticed that most of the homes I have looked at online only have a one car garage.......STRANGE...... The move if it happens won't be until January or Februrary of 08, but we will know about a month before. We are hoping it works out since Dover is a days drive from my wife's mothers place in upstate NY and she is getting up there in age. Its also only a days ride to Myrtle Beach (bike week and my sisters) so all in all it's a good middle. We don't know exactly where we want to end up when the wife decides to retire we just know we want to be on the East coast. We do know that Del Rio is going to be as short a stop in our life as possible. All we have to worry about when the time comes is selling our place here, the market seams to be good but there building dozens of new homes in the area and that could be a good or bad thing for sellers. A good thing because the new ones are 20 to 40k more then what we paid, bad because theres lots to choose from. When we moved here there were very few available.
  15. My wife may be transfered to Dover Air Force Base in a few months. She's not sure if this will happen but in case it does maybe those who live around there can tell me what town/towns to look for a house in. We prefer to live in a small town but not more then say 30 miles from the base. I plan on doing some looking online first to get some idea of what we are in for. How are the property values doing in this location. We don't have any heart ach over this move since we are not really happy in Del Rio, it's a real nice little town but you have to travel 150 miles to do any real shopping or to get to a hospital with the ability to take care of more then a sliver.
  16. I know what you mean about leaving your baby with stangers, whom at my age are starting to look like they are skipping school. I do all the work I can on my bikes always have. There has only been one dealer that I trusted to do work and he is back in Illinois. I just bought a new 07 last week and I have so far added all but one of the extras I had on by last ride. I noticed a small paint blemish on the trunk while washing it Sunday, showed it to the dealer and he's ordering me a new trunk top. I told the service manager that I would replace the top myself and didn't care if he turned it in to Yamaha or not, I don't trust his people to do the job without doing other damage. I have to wait now to install my trunk rack. At least the dealer is making it right for you.
  17. Since moving to Del Rio Texas I am convinced that Mexican drivers do not have to take a drivers test to get a license, if they even have a license in the first place. I know they probable don’t have insurance nor do they have to get their vehicles inspected to insure they are safe in the first place. I have drivers blowing through stop signs and red lights all the time and to be fare they are not all from Mexico. I watch all intersections for approaching vehicles and if I se one I slow down or if I know I can get through the intersection before the approaching vehicle I will speed up. Don’t trust any cager. Glade to hear you made the right decision and your still in one piece.
  18. Pilot

    Eat Crow

    Ok I’m going to have to say it but this 07 is faster, has a more responsive throttle and handles much better then my 03 Midnight. Also has a better radio, on my 03 I had to have the volume on 24 to hear the music out of the bikes speaker @ 70 mph, well I went on my break-in ride yesterday (340 miles) and I could hear the music with the volume set at 18, man what a bike. And like HIDRSV it’s PRETTY! Had some popping so I plugged the AIS and installed the Stebel Crome Nautilus which I ordered Wednesday morning and received yesterday, fast shipping from CALIFORNIA SPORT TOURING
  19. I removed them yesterday morning along with the warning sticker on the top of the tank. The nose art is silk screen there from cyclegraphics.com you can remove them and reapply them as much as you like. I haven't lost one yet in over 22K miles but if you do they will replace it for free.
  20. Sure is PRETTY…………. Does yours have the Run/Stop decal on the grip housing? Mine doesn’t there is on the stop switch itself. If you didn’t know witch position is Run and Stop you would get confused since the point on the switch itself doesn’t point to anything. Just wondering if yours has the decal on the housing…. Yup sure is PRETTY.......
  21. Hidrsv is this your bike? The pictures are great the bike is mine with a few excemptions, Acc that I have added, and a few things I have removed such as the logo on the tank and the warning sign on the tank. I'm waiting for the truck rack and bag guards along with the new grips. I took pics of my bike and they are now on my screen saver. Thanks.
  22. Just picked up my cowlings from the body shop. They did a great job. Take a look a the bottom of the cowling, the new part is black over rock guard. The rest of the pics are my new ride and I'm going out now and put some miles on her. Yamaha is getting cheap there's no Run/Stop decal for the kill switch.
  23. Pilot


    Anything associated with "HD", you can add about $50.00 more HD stands for Hundred Dollars.
  24. How did you come across a 03 with only 4k miles on her? She's brand new... As far as you question goes, yup it's the AIS.
  25. And you call yourself "HALFWITT" I thought of that after I put this on the forum. As soon as I get my lower cowlings back that's what I'll do, thanks anyway............. Daaaa maybe we should swap names........
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