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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. It doesn't give a thing away. All it said is that they want to see it when they put it on. Now I'm thinking that if this nameless person wants to model there new underware that would be up to them.:rotf:
  2. Sorry the chart would not upload in the post. Here it is in Word
  3. Your right on your calculation of 60 amps for 12 gag wire in a 12 volt Dc circuit. This chart is a simple "max capacity" chart for a short wire run. Increase the wire size for long runs - for example the wires running to the back of a vehicle to power the taillights may need to be one size larger to account for the length. However your talking about 15 to 20 feet to reach from the front of a car or truck to the rear depending on how you run the wire. I don't think running 10 feet of wire on a bike will amount to very much resistance it will be negligable. Hope this cart helps you out. See next post for chart.
  4. Yes the main fuse is the MAIN fuse, it carries all the load for the electrical system. 12 ga wire with a 20 amp fuse is good for 240 watts, if you go with 10 ga wire and fuse it for 30 amps your up to 360 watts. I put an amp meter on my bike, turned every thing on and I was only pulling 15.8 amps. I have a few electrical extras on the bike so what you or others will pull depends on your load. would think if you went with a 10 ga wire and a 30 amp fuse you would be able to run a small carnival.
  5. $13,000 for a new 07, id go to California, but even $14k is good..................Man I paid $17,000 a few months ago. That was the best price I could find in San Angelo, San Antonio or Del Rio. I'm always on the wrong side of the track when it comes to buying things. It's a great bike you will get used to it and the price is well lets just say you can't go wrong. Merry Christmas.
  6. Pilot

    Car wash anyone?

    These's firmen have way to much time on their hands.
  7. Same thing happened to mine at 800 miles. I dropped the rear wheel and greased every thing at 600 miles. Glade I did because Yamaha didn't use very much grease on the spindels or drive shaft. Well back to the point. It started making a clicking sound at about 800 miles I didn't hear it but the people behind me did and pulled me over. I heard it while backing the bike up. I knew what it was I had the same problem with my 03 at about 60K miles. It's the drive shaft, it's mis-aligned. Try this: loosing the axil nut and the 4 nuts on the final drive put the bike on a lift and hand rotate the rear wheel while hitting the final drive with a rubber hammer, if you still hear the clicking the final dive nuts are not loose, if you can turn them with your fingers they are loose. Once the clicking stops tighten the axle nut down and then the 4 nuts on the final drive. If you haven't greased every thing on the back recently (like other here have said) you might as well drop the wheel and do that also. Drop the bike back on the ground and torque the axle nut down before you torgue the final drive. I talked to a mech after this happened to me and he said it happens a lot when your putting everything back together you mis-align the drive shaft a bit but you don't hear it right away you have to put a few miles on it and it will show up. It won't hurt the bike to ride it this way so you can get it home, but you want to fix it as soon as you can.
  8. Do you really think he can read English?
  9. All you need to do is file down one of the post (any one) and the 1157 will work in the rear of the newer bikes. The front signal still uses the older 1156 base.
  10. I already have a Roady XM on the bike, so maybe I could lose the Roady connect the antena to the Zumo 550? Sorry your existing antenna will not work, you need a GXM-30 antenna. About another $180.00 depending on where you shop.
  11. I have had the Zumo 550 for about 3 months now and I'm pleased with it's capabilities. You don't have to have a computer unless you want to make routes and then transfer them to your Zumo unit. There is a learning curve for any unit you decide to get. Make sure it's waterproof like the Zumo. The Zumo is capable of receiving XM radio but you will have to buy the antenna which is more money (around $160.00) it is also cabable of connecting to your cell phone and you can make and receive calls using your helmet headset and mic if you get a cable ($30.00). It also has MP3 player capability. Others will chime in. Good luck in your hunt.
  12. Don't Get Me Started................
  13. Pilot

    next gen

    I think they will get rid of the stereo cassett and install a mono single 45 LP turn table.:rotf:
  14. My BUTT has over 200,000 miles on it (5 bikes) and NO I am not going to take a picture of it to prove the statement.:rotf:
  15. TJ follow this link: http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002008&id=273 Go to Tech Library, 2nd. gen, engine for the coolant change directions. I didn't do the engine cylinders and the water pump as explained in the write up on my 03 when I bought it used and put another 72 K miles on it with no problems. Instead I just drained, refilled put the bike back together went for a 5 mile ride and then repeated the draining and filling part. I expect this way will get 99 % of the old stuff out and it saves a lot of trouble in my humble mind. It's your bike you decide what's best. Make sure you use a low silicate regular green coolant which is pre mixed 50/50, I used prestone.
  16. Here is is, sorry if I spoiled your suprise.
  17. Today is the day my cousin goes around kicking over all the Jap bikes he can find. Funny how things change, today you are our enemy and tomorrow we buy stuff from you. After we spend billions rebuiding your country. Sad day..........
  18. They will sell anything on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royale-Sales-Brochure_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34239QQihZ005QQitemZ150190890891QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW :rotf:
  19. Did you boot to safe mode. If not then boot to safe mode and then go to add remove programs in the control panel and try to remove it. The program should not be running in safe mode. If it is then it's a bit more work to stop it from running in safe mode but it can be done. If you can't resolve the problem and want the directions to do that let me know and I will send it to you via email.
  20. I would if I still had the bike, I recently purchased a new 07 and traded the 03 in.
  21. I don't have the pics any more...........Buy some thing else unless you want a lot of work.
  22. Freebird is correct, they are a pain in the butt to install, I put one on my 03 and then never used it. I had pictures of what you need I will try and find them for you, but if you want my 2 cents buy something else.
  23. At that price I would jump at it, hurry before someone else buys it..................:rotf:
  24. BOO try this: Uninstalling mIRC mIRC 5.8 and later versions have an un-install option in the 'START/Settings/Control Panel/Add/Remove Programs' menu. Select mIRC and REMOVE it. The uninstaller will tell you exactly what mIRC copy will be removed. You will loose all your mIRC related files and all settings this way. With older mIRC versions to un-install (or remove) mIRC, simply remove all of its files from your harddisk and remove the shortcuts. It is all very simple. mIRC makes no important changes to registry files or other Windows files that you have to remove. Older mIRC versions did not come with an un-install program. mIRC's files are normally found in the c:/mirc/ or c:/program files/mirc/ directory. When you installed mIRC you had the freedom to choose another then the default c:/mirc/ directory. When you can not find the files maybe look what the shortcuts point to? If your mIRC keeeps coming back you might be infected with a trojan virus! Recently a virus was distributed by some malicious people that installed mIRC on PC's for some strange reason... See http://www.nohack.net/ and http://www.moosoft.com/ for help.
  25. I wouldn't trust my Venture on one vary far or very fast......... I had a friend back in Illinois who bought one of those fancy (small wheeled, won't mention the name) trailer that was supposed to be made for bikes. Paid an arm and a leg for it. The first time he went to use it he noticed a warning sign on it that said (Do Not Exceed 40 MPH) so much for long hauls.
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