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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Use Goo Be Gone and soak the velcro, wait about 5 min and it will come off without bothering the paint. Soak a cloth in it and you will be able to clean up any left over glue. Goo Be Gone won't hurt paint.
  2. Use the RAM Mount they are well made and will hold the GPS securley.
  3. Ummmm! To make you feel better your not the first. Glad you got it open without damaging the bags.......Expensive! If one can't laugh at oneself one can't laugh at others.
  4. Galaxy Blue over Raven
  5. No No No you have it all wrong...........Use a HAMMER to put it back together.
  6. 3.5" stereo jack man if I were you and since you offered to sell me your trunk bib I will offer to sell you a 3.5mm jack for say $100.000.00.......Did I tell you these things are HARD to come by.
  7. Had that happen to me in Myrtle Beach a few years back on my 03. It turned out to be my jacket stopping the front latch from releasing. Since my back latch was releasing I could pry the back up far enough to push the jacket out of the way. Are both of your latches holding? If it’s only one latch you might be able to pry it like I did. If both of your latches are stuck then just be patient with it and you will figure out a way. If all else fails you might want to remove the pin on the hinge. I have never done this but it looks like it could be done without damaging the plastic. Good luck with it I hope you get it open without the use of a sledge or 20 pound jack hammer.
  8. I think I still have a Monopoly game in storage. Let me look and see how much money is in it and I will get back to you...........You did want cash right?
  9. Received a reply to my email to these people. They don't have any and are not able to aquire them.
  10. They have not removed them from the mag yet. I'm waiting to hear back from the Canadian site, I emailed them this morning.
  11. Do you happen to have a trunk bib? If you do I'll take it.
  12. If I can't find a trunk bib for me 07 I may catch the virus :sick:also....................Hmmmmmm better not let my wife see this post.
  13. Heith I also found this site. I have not called them yet as it's a Canadian site (I'll email them today) and I never did business out of the good old USA. Not that I wouldn't do business with them. My question to you good folks is has anyone ever done business with these people?
  14. Can't find one there.
  15. That's the Hopnel and they are a discontinued item (no longer available) and so far I have called over a dozen dealers and they have all told me they can't get them anymore. I will email this guy on ebay but at $54.00 that's about twice the price. Might not have a choice if I can't find one sitting on a shelf some where.
  16. Never mind the cowling.Hows your leg?
  17. You are correct all oil is refined and then pumped into the main lines. All oil companies use these lines. There's no way you can tell where the oil that made the gas came from.
  18. Don't squeeze to hard...............Animal rights people.
  19. I have called about 6 places that have the Hopnel Tuxedo Trunk Bib advertised on their web site to see if they had them in stock or if they could call their supplier and see if they could still get them. Negative I'm sorry to say. So if anyone finds an avenue for them please advise others here. I'm still looking and if I run across a source I will let you all know. Good hunting!
  20. Have them but I never felt the need to carry one. Hope I never regret that.
  21. Pilot

    Moving Again

    Thanks for the invitation Margaret that was kind of you. I am sure I will like that part of the country and it sounds like there's much more to do without having to travel 150 miles first to do it. I miss having a good bike ralley or dealer to go to without having to plan on a day out of town. My wife is not into riding but she is in to NASCAR and she is looking forward to being able to go to the two Nascar races they have each year in Dover. I look forward to meeting all of you and riding in that part of the country. I have been retired for a year now and I have been toying with the idea of looking for a part time job, I can always use some extra chrome money!
  22. Pilot

    Moving Again

    Thanks for the info Jeff, we will have to get together after I get settled. I'm NY born and bread and have taken trips back to upstate (and I mean upstate) just to ride in the Adirondacks, I just love those mountains and I'm happy that I will be close to them once again. By upstaet I mean Plattsburgh, Malone, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake and parts around there. My grandchildren are around Watertown and my son is a trooper in Malone. I have a brother North of Albany. I would love to join up with you anytime you want to go to NY riding and look forward to meeting you.
  23. All you need is a 5 Pin DIN male-to-5 Pin DIN female 6 foot extension cable commonly used with a KeyAT or a KeyLT to extend the cable length to the computer. Do a search online and you will come up with them hear is one link I picked the 6 pin by mistake the first time: http://www.electronicplus.com/content/ProductPage.asp?maincat=ac&subcat=adi
  24. Your correct, my mistake.
  25. Here you go $2.00: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.5171
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