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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Sorry to hear that you got stiffed. Now to the small claims court thing. I had an electronics/satellite store back in NY years back. It also was a side job but I was doing well with it and had employees. Long story the short way, I had a customer (a lawyer) who stiffed me for about 6 grand worth of satellite and electronics equipment for his new house. I of course took him to small claims court after 4 months of sending him registered letters. Well we get to court and the first thing the judge asked me is if I payed taxes and had a permit to operate a business in the state. Of course I did having employees who I paid taxes on and I had all the paper work which was required by the state to do business. My point here is that if you can't prove you are operating a legal business you MIGHT have a problem in small claims court so if you go that way don't tell the jugde you have a side business, tell the judge you were just doing a friend a favor and you want your money, of course unless you have all the permits required that is. Hope you get your money from your so called friend, he doesn't sound like a friend to me.
  2. Use these: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-yYcyoo9mATS/App/Product/Item/Main.aspx?i=237XT42
  3. I lost a pair of those mag ones 30 minutes after I left the store. I use clip on's now and haven't lost a pair yet.
  4. Pilot

    I Hate Wax !!

    My vote is for Pledge, I have used it for years it's great and is good and safe for all surfaces. Takes me about 2 beers and an hour to do the entire bike. I used pledge back in 68 on the floors of my barracks room and my shoes and boots to make them shine like no tomorrow. Always looked good at inspection time. These were the days BEFORE coraframe shoes (spelling).
  5. I didn't think to look to see the year of your bike. Like Buddy says it's under warranty bring it to the dealer. If the dealer is not helpful then call your area Yamaha rep.
  6. I don't have one but I say one on EBay a few weeks ago, you might want to check on it. Good luck with it. If the controller still works you migh be able to put it back together with some epoxy to get you by until you do find one.
  7. WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY. I hope he's getting friendly with BUBBA in his nice SMALL cell.
  8. Good idea if that's what people want me to do, it's OK with me, I just need to insert a coordinate or I can't save the file, which is why I used the airport to begin with. I'm in the process of changing them to the city, state they listed on the VR Assistance page.
  9. Riding the 4 Sisters yes, the 4 Sisters, people always forget about the Step Sister "FM 334." People come from all over the US to ride the 3 sisters (FM 335, FM 336, FM 337) here in my back yard. I have been on them at least 4 times in a year. It will be good to be back on them again. You can even buy a t-shirt that has a picture of 3 nice looking girls on the back with the heading "I rode the 3 sisters" The first time I say it I just had to Congratulate the guy who was wearing it. :rotf: My favorite is 335 North to South. There are parts where you will think your heading into the river as you top a hill but the road gently turns onto a downward slop and you can see the pacific I think. Forcast is for mid 70's, sun screen time.
  10. Thanks for the information BigShell. Jim
  11. Now this is a bike trailer.
  12. To find your GPS coordinates download Google Earth. In the Fly To field (top left hand corner of Google Earth) type in you address and click on the magnifying glass. If it is a valid address it will go there. After it does on the bottom of the google earth window you will see the GPS coordinates. NOTE: mover your mouse pointer off the google earth window to read your coordinates because if you mouse is on the window the coordintes will change to where your mouse is. I.E. 19 cedar st malone ny should give you the following coordinates: 44 51 17.59 N 74 16 42.20 W This is what I need email them to jbissonette@stx.rr.com along with your first and last name. Thanks.
  13. I have attached a file of the members that did not provide their first and last names when they filled out thier information on the VR Assistance page. Please look and see if you name is on the list. If so would you send me your first and last name so that I can input you. So far I have not included anyone who did not list their first and last names. I have the file done for the US and used a null GPS coordinate of Ragan International Airport if I didn't have your personnel coordinate and I have only received three so far. The only thing that is holding me up from completing the file are your full names (see attachment) and your personnel GPS coordinates. I could upload what I have it has been tested and looks good but without your coordinates it won't do you much good because everyone except 3 people now live at Ragan International Airport. So far I can convert the file to the following extensions: gdb (Version 2 or 3) Garmin File gpx Garmin File mps dxf qpx
  14. I think all Garmin's use a gpx file, if so it will work. I may be able to convert the gpx file to other brands, I don't know yet.
  15. OK folks in order for me to make this work like it should I will need to input the GPS coordinates for your address. I don't mind using a null coordinate but I think if I'm going to do this I want to do it the best way I can and that means inputing your address coordinates and your full name. This does two things it gives other VR members a way to find you so that they can stop by for a cup of joe and it helps me fill in the blanks. Second the program will automaticaly fill in the street, city and country and zip when I input the GPS coordinates. Coordinates save me a lot of typing and I'm a bit slow at typing. I think the best way to do this is for everyone who wants to be in the list to send me your coordinates or your address AND your full name. You can send me this information via email at: jbissonette@stx.rr.com If you can't find your coordinates then send me your name and address, I need your physical address if it's different then your mailing adress. This way we don't use a bunch of memory in this post. When I have finished, tested and checked for errors I will upload the file to this site along with direction on how to download it into your ZUMO. Thanks for your help in this project. Jim
  16. I must be missing some thing Buddy, I don't see a street address in the VR Assistance list. Do you mean another list?
  17. That's OK Freebird I didn't know it would be a pain never mind that idea. Thanks for looking into it.
  18. Freebird in order to help me keep all this data coordinated it would be helpful if you could just add a column to the VR Assistance page with the heading GPS Code or some thing like that. Then the members can go there and add the code. I will then be able to copy that directly into the gxp file. If you would not mind doing that. For those members who don’t want or know how to get their GPS coordinates they just need to supply their address and I’ll find the coordinates. Also if any member wants to have their names added to this file even though there not offering assistance I will be happy to do it. At this point in time I will work on just those names that are providing assistance. When I have all of them done I will work on adding the others.
  19. Let me get back to you.
  20. Your not such a halfwitt after all. I can tell you that the file for the Zumo is a gpx file. So it should work on any GPS that uses this type of file extension.
  21. If you decide to give me your GPS coordinates I need it in this type format. Example: N42 30.714 W70 30.812
  22. I don't think having your GPS coordinates in your profile would be a bad thing since you already have your name and where you live there so anyone could get your address online using the phone book. But this is up to you people to decide what you want to do.
  23. I already have the file for the US and Canada in alphanumeric format, it’s just a matter of adding GPS coordinates (if that’s what you decide to do) which is what will take the time since I will have to enter those individually. It’s easy to get numbers wrong when your playing with so many so it will take time for me to review and correct errors. I don’t want to make members of other countries like Down Under mad but I have not included you. I’m not ignoring you it’s just that there are not many members who have elected to provide assistance in these countries. I have so far included only those members (in the VR Assistance file) who have a phone number (with ZIP code) along with what type of help they are offering, this information will appear on the Zumo screen. So it looks like I’m going to do it anyway, but it would be nice to have GPS coordinates to make it automatic.
  24. I'm not what you would call a GPS expert so I'm not sure, someone could try it. I suppose it would depend on what format your GPS calls for. I know you can covert files from one format to another and there are programs to do this.
  25. I supose it could but Freebird would have to do that.
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