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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Right side horn facing forward. Buy Carbon1's bracket or use an L bracket from any hardware store and it will face outward from the bike. Buy a straight bracket (6"L x 3/4"w) and it will use the original horn mounting bolts and will face forward. See this post also for a discussion and some pictures: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8707 This one for installation instuctions: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=91&highlight=stebel+horn+installation
  2. It all depends on where you want to post pictures. Some sites will automatically adjust the size of the picture you are uploading ( the size of the picture you are uploading doesn't make any difference), others will require that you adjust ( usually reduce the size) of the picture. Your original picture resolution (depends on your camera) can be very large. In other words the file size is big, can be over 2 mega bites. These pictures are very high quality but the file size is just too large (takes up to much memory) for a lot of sites. I have found that if I adjust any of my pictures that I am emailing or uploading to a site it’s best to adjust the original picture. I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager to do this. There are other programs that will do the same thing. It depends on what programs you have on your computer. For instance if I’m updoading pictures to this site I adjust the original picture to 640 x 480 pixels, if I’m emailing I adjust to 314 x 235 pixels. My original pictures size is 2592 x 1944 pixels which is just too large for a lot of sites and depending on your web access speed can take a long time to upload. I know this sounds very complicated but once you do a few you will find it’s easy. If you give me an instance I will talk you through it.
  3. Same here, works great.
  4. Yes usually if the spec is equal to or greater then your OK. I.E. GL5 is higher then GL4, GL6 is higher then GL4 or GL5. I might be wrong on this I'm just going by what I have read, I'm not an expert on oil.
  5. when I was in Illinois I had Geico and my rate for my 03 was $198.00 a year. I moved to Texas and Geico wanted over $500.00 so I went with Progressive who wanted $380 a year. Bought my 07 back in December and Progressive wanted $765.00, Called Geico and they gave me the same coverage for $381.00 a year so I switched. The area you live in does reflect what you will pay. I can't figure out why one company is so much more then another company one year and then less the next. All I know is from now on when it comes time to renew I'm shopping around.
  6. And I was all prepped to give you a tongue lashing.:rotf:
  7. An 1157 bulb has two filament an 1156 bulb has one. The turn signals are hard wired for a single filament (two wires) bulb so you won't be able to light both filament on a 1157 bulb unless you replace the 2 wire bayonet with a 3 wire bayonet in the signal light housings. I looked into doing this some time back but it looked like it was going to be a pain so I didn't. I can be done though if you want to spend some time doing it. Look at this I just ordered another one to replace the one I have, which is 4 years old and is starting to act funny. I paid $39.00 for it 4 years ago: http://www.signaldynamics.com/products/Modules/tristarxp.asp If you go this route be sure to use the included load equalizer or your signals will flash very fast.
  8. There Halogen bulbs, and yes they will burn a hole in the glass if you touch them with your fingers. If you do touch them just clean them off with some windex. I did a search and could not find that part number online. They should be bright.
  9. If the front turn signals work then the flasher relay is not the problem. I would concentrate on the wiring under the seat, since that was the last place you were and the rear signal lights wiring runs thru that area.
  10. Kit you won't be able to open the individual GPX files in windows you need a program to do that, like MapSource. Is that what you are trying to do or are you having problem opening the ZIP folder? If your having problems opening the ZIP folder then I will send you the GPX files via email. Let me know. jim
  11. Sorry the number is 2057 and it's for the running/brake light not the turn signals.
  12. Like he said. Try a new bulb first and the plug under the seat, seeing as how you probable had the seat off to connect your horn it may have come loose. If not that then I would check voltage starting at one of the turn signals and trace back from there. Hope you get it.
  13. A 1257 bulb is 5 watts brighter then the 1157 and is a direct replacement if that's what your talking about. I have them in my 07. If you replace your clear lenses with RED (rear) and want to use a clear bulb instead of the orange bulb that comes with the newer VR's then all you have to do is file one of the tits off an 1157 or 1257 bulb and it will work.
  14. Did you copy (convert) all of the information. The name and GPS coordinates are in a seperate field from the Phone numbers and other information. (RoadSide Assistance, Trailer, Tools, Riding Companionship, Local Information 302 750-xxxx) This information is in the comment section of the waypoint properties. I'm not familiar with poi edit so I don't know what else I can say. Maybe there's something in the setup of poi edit that allows you to see all the related fields of a waypoint. I used WayPoint to create the files and it will not convert the file to OV2, it's possible you can't convert the file to that extension. If you get it to work please post your results for others. Thanks
  15. Here is the part of CFR 49 Section 108 pertaining to rear signal lights on a motorcycle. It's towards the bottom Table IV Turn signal lamps.................. At or near the front--1 amber on each side of the vertical centerline at the same height, and having a minimum horizontal seperation distance. At or near the rear--1 red or amber on each side of the vertical centerline.
  16. Tx2Sturges is correct. It's a good idea to print this law out and carry it with you then you have something to show the cop he's wrong. And every one know cops are open to correction. Your friend just ran into one of THOSE cops. Then again maybe he was doing something that made the cop look for something.
  17. Now go out and ride it like you stole it and welcome to the site. Most folks here a real.
  18. You are correct, you do have to pull the bulbs out and loosen the nut on the inside of the housing in order to aim the lights. It's a pain but it only took me about 30 min when I did it. Loosen the nut just enough to let you turn the cans with some force. That way you can put the lamps back in, adjust them and they should stay where you put them and not move when you remove the bulbs to tighten the nut back up.
  19. Finished creating the GPS POI files see the post below and please reply to the link below only so that we can keep all post regarding this in one place, THANKS. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=176169#post176169
  20. VR Assistance GPS files. The attached folder holds all the GPS files you need to upload the VR Assistance files into your Zumo, download the entire folder . They were created with the Garmin Zumo in mind. If your GPS uses this file extension (*.gpx) for Custom Points of Interest then they should work for your GPS. However I did not test these files in any GPS other then the Zumo 550 so if you have a Streetpilot you will have to test it on your own, but the file should work for any Garmin GPS that uses this file extension. If you download any of these files for any GPS other then the Zumo 550 please let everyone else know if they work or not, please include the manufactor and model of your GPS. You can download the entire US_CANADA file or you can download by State/Province to save memory. I downloaded the entire US_CANADA file into mine (file is not that big only 124 KB) but I made separate State/Province files for those that prefer to load only the states they ride in. I have included a word file (GPS File Member) which I downloaded from this site. It's a list of members who volunteered to help other members on the road. If you look at this file you will notice that some members are in BOLD print and others are not. If you name is in BOLD print then you have been included in the files. If you name is not in bold then you were not included in the files. You will also note that if you only provided your first name when you filled out this information on the site then your name will be follwed with a number. I used the last 4 digits of your phone number, I had to do this because you can't save a file with the same name and I had a bunce of Jims etc.. There are various reasons that you were left out, your phone number may be missing or you have not listed a city or the city you did list is misspelled or I can’t find a GPS coordinate for it. I did not use anyones' personnel address for the GPS coordinate, I used the city they listed. So if your in Tampa Florida you will be able to call up all members who live in Tampa. Call the person you want to get in touch with for directions because all the members in Tampa use the same GPS coordinate etc. If members wish to give you their GPS coordinte you can save that information over the files information. If you were left out for any reason but wish to be included in an update, which is to come later then please email me with the missing information and I will include you in the update. To upload the Custom POI’s into your Zumo you can follow the direction in your manual or you can follow the directions I have included below. If you do not have the POI Loader program you will need to download and install it on you computer. You can find it from this site: http://www.garmin.com/products/poiloader/ You need to put all of your Custom POI’s in 1 folder. The POI Loader will load all GPX files that you have in the folder. You can’t load the GPS with multiple directories so put all your POI’s in 1 folder. Open the POI Loader program. Wait for POI Loader to locate your GPS and click Next. Find the folder that your POI file is in and select it Hit Next, this will load all your POIs to the GPS Hit Finish Disconnect your GPS from the computer Turn on your GPS Touch "Where To" On your GPS, go to "Extras". Select "Custom POI's". If you see the list of custom POI's your ready to go. I am not an expert but I will try and help you if you email me. I have tested all the files on my Zumo and they work. If you find any errors please email me about them and I will correct them and include them in the update. There was a lot of work involved with creating these files and I was careful not to make mistakes but I know that there are errors so if you find one please let me know. If your GPS uses any of the following file extensions email me and I will email the file back to you in the requested format. Garmin GPS Database Version 2 (*.gdb) Garmin GPS Database Version 3 (*.gdb) MPS files (*.mps) DXF files (*.dxf) I tried to think of every thing but I'm sure I left something out. Enjoy.
  21. I found this link to a great video on another site. It just makes you want to RIDE. Enjoy. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=x4mU8ZqMZPU]YouTube - Open Road Music Video[/ame]
  22. You will never be able to stop things like this from happening. This individual had a mental problem and was off his medication. It’s hard for the rest of us to understand how someone could do this and it’s a sad day when it does. I feel for all those who have lost a loved one but it’s my nature to also feel sad for the one who does not understand what is going on around them. Their mental condition puts them in a different world. We will never know what he was thinking. My prayers go out to all who lost their lives in such an untimely and horrible end. God will sort it out.
  23. I grew up in those mountains and know the area well. The people are friendly and you won't have a problem. Vermont is very rustic and a very nice place to ride. Whiteface is an experience if it's a clear day. Have a good trip. You might as well go to Baa Habor as they say it in Maine (Bar Harbor) it's not that far from Whiteface and is a great ride also. Ahhhhh fresh Lobster for dinner.
  24. Any good auto body shop will be able to match the color. The color that comes in the can from colorite probable will not match anyway if your bike is a few years old, paint fades with time.
  25. See this post for speaker color codes for the second gen. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=18162
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