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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. Seen one on a TV commercial last night. Looks kind of like what Buck Rogers rides in, just a bit smaller because the two people in the commercial where sitting on top of it instead of inside it, or was that the Jetsons.......... Don't like it.
  2. At least your protected from the wind........:rotf::rotf:
  3. I drilled new holes. First take your bags off and use a clamp to hold the rail where you think it should be, then put the bag back on and step back and look to see if that's where you want it. It helps to loosen the front rail bolt a bit so the rail will mover freely. You don't need to put the bolts back in the bags just set them in place to give you an idea. Don't forget to use a piece of wood to protect the fender. When you have it where you want it drill the holes use a new bolts, nut and lock washer with a bit of lock tite and put it all back together. Tighten the front rail bolt back up ready to go riding. Take the time now to put a bit of lock tite on the front rail bolt, I lost one on my 03 because it came loose. Finding a new bolt is not a problem but finding that little chrome piece that goes between the front rail bolt and the front rail, well that's another story..... I lowered mine about 1 inch so you should be OK.
  4. Pilot


    The owners manual says that the maximum air pressure is 7.1 PSI on the front and 57 PSI on the rear. Don't use an air compressor to adjust them you will blow the seals.
  5. You work with SMART people.
  6. Sure you can connect it there or any place that is switched on and off with the ignition switch (aux position) if you want the GPS to turn On and Off automatically. If you go directly to the battery it will still work just fine but it will not turn on and off automatically.
  7. What happened to the recliners? Nice, I enjoy a good fire now and then.
  8. No it doesn't matter which one as they are both the same.
  9. " Me thinks that now would be a good time to put an 1156 bulb socket in and run the wires." All you have to do in order to use a standard 1156 bulb in this socket is to file off one of the two metal tabs on a 1156 bulb and it will fit.
  10. WOW, what a pain, should have gotten this one: http://signaldynamics.com/products/Modules/tristar.asp You don't have to remove all that stuff, just add a can of Fire Engine Red paint from the toy section at your local Wal-Mart, paint the inside of your lenses and your good to go.
  11. Back in 91 or there abouts I was folowing a pickup on RT 11 in NY. I could see four (4) 55 gallon drums turned upside down in the back flying up and down a few inches and moving sideways. At the time he was only going around 40 MPH and I was thinking to myself, self you had better give him some space because those drums just might get airborn as he picks up speed. So I backed off about 1000 yards and sure enough at about 60 MPH 2 of those things decided to take flying lessons. He never even slowed down, just kept on going down the road. Even at 1000 yards they landed about 100 feet in front of me, had to stop for a cigarette after that one. I don't follow pickup trucks now unless they are at least 1000 yards ahead of me. Glad you made it out OK.
  12. It might not be gremlins . I think it might be a family of WORMS, those guys are a real pain when they take up residency in a garage. And don't come back saying they are not real..........Ever see Men In Black? You can bait them out by placing a cartoon of cigarettes outside the garage along with a good hot pot of coffee.
  13. I think they passed overhead at my place about a month ago, they looked like they were heading that way anyway.........LOL Green grass and dry roads are just around the corner for you.
  14. When they get to the bottom of the hill they sell it for fire wood and walk home. Next time they go to town they just build a new one and repeat the process, it's called recycling.LOL
  15. Pilot

    David Mann

    If you like David Mann art work then you know this is not for all. PG-17 and up. The song is good also. I love this man's art work and I for one will miss him. I have an MP3 file of the song if you want it, just need your email. Enjoy [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogez_3_EHSg[/ame]
  16. Chances are it will work OK. If it doesn't work then you will need a load equalizer. Try it first and see what happens. As far as the priority module goes you may get pulled over for it. I have a back off module on my ride along with a Tri Star XP which does what your priority module does to the rear signals. I have never been pulled over but depending on what state you ride in you may because it's illegal to have a flashing red light unless you are an ambulance or like (ie. NY is very bad). Most police officers I know also ride and would not pull you over because they know your just trying to make yourself more visible, but theirs always that one cop. I'm keeping mine on until I have a problem.
  17. Man I don't want to pee you off but unless you have a Venture that was made in America the end weights have an allen head cut into them. Either that or the rest of us are not riding a RSV 2nd. gen. Glade you got them off ok.
  18. It was chopped for me, poor quality. I have cable with 3.7 meg download. But being in Del Rio makes things slow down a bit. I think it's because we are so far from civilization it takes time for light to reach us.
  19. You got it, no problem...............Now as for that bike BE CAREFUL with that machine your bones will take much longer to heal now that your over 25.....LOL Nice looking bike If I had one of those thunder riders I would be dead by now.
  20. I drilled straight thru the middle baffle the perforated tube in the center of the muffler. Not the outer doughnut baffle people here are talking about. I used a 1/2" bit about 8 inches long with an extension. This baffle is the center hole you see when looking at the entrance or exhaust ends of the muffler. You will have to drill thru 2 sections located about 10 inches from both ends. When you use the slash cuts it is very difficult to drill the exhaust outer baffle because of the slant, the drill wants to keep wandering and trying to use a center punch is just as hard. I ended up drilling 3 holes in the center tube. You can now see straight thru the center of the muffler. I tried to take a picture of it but they just don't turn out. Others here are talking about drilling the outer doughnut baffle. If you look into the muffler from the entrance side (the end that attaches to the exhaust) you will see the doughnut baffle they are talking about. This is easy to identify because it already has (2) 1/4 inch holes in it. These 2 holes are the first holes to enlarge they are 180 degrees out from one another. If you want more sound then drill 2 more holes 90 degress out from the existing holes. Hope this does not confuse you.
  21. If you use a snap connector you won't have to cut the plug off. Any automotive store will have them.
  22. I think I read some where that they will NOT work.
  23. What are you trying to power?
  24. This might help. ie. If you have a load of 70 watts (original Yamaha passing lights) then the closets amp draw will be 6. If you use #14 gage wire (stranded) then you can run a total of 14 feet. 12 Volts DC Amps.......... Wattage ...........#14 ..........#12 ..............#10 .............#8 .........#6 ...1 .................12 ..................84’ ..........131’ .............206’ ..........337’ .......532’ ...2 .................24 ..................42’ ...........66’ ..............103’ ..........168’ .......266’ ...4 .................48 ..................18’ ...........33’ ................52’ ............84’ .......133’ ...6 .................72 .................14’ ............22’ ................33’ ............56’ .........89’ ...8 .................96 .................10’ ...........16’ .................27’ ............42’ .........66’ .10 ...............120 ..................8’ .............13’ ................22’ ............33’ .........53’ .15 ...............180 ..................6’ ..............8’ .................13’ ............22’ .........35’ .20 ...............240 .................6’ .............10’ .................16’ ............27’ .........42’ .25 ...............300 .................8’ .............13’ .................22’ ............33’ .........54’ .30 ...............360 .................6’ .............11’ .................18’ ............28’ .........45’ .40 ...............480 .................8’ .............13’ .................21’ ............33’ .........54’
  25. I have an MP3 copy of it. If you want that I'll send it to you via email.
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