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Everything posted by Pilot

  1. I finished watching the DVD for the 3rd time and will be mailing it out to Scooter as soon as he emails me his address. I finished watching the DVD for the 3rd. time. I have to say that I found out why it was hard to ride when my wife was on the back. The problem always accrued while going around curves and while turning. The bike just did not seam to handle the way I thought it should. I never could figure out why it handled well with others on the bike, just when my wife was back there. She does not ride very much in fact the last time she went for a ride was over a year ago, she ‘s just not a bike person. Well after watching the DVD it was because my wife was looking the opposite way of the turn and she was throwing the balance off. I never would have figured it out if I had not watched the DVD, now I think I will take the course if it ever gets around DE. Thanks KiteSquid for putting this together.
  2. You will like the Ultra's Anti Lock Brakes. The people here are friendly: http://forums.delphiforums.com/ucrg/start
  3. I may kick myself for asking this but where did you see a toad with socks? And why do you think it's sexy?
  4. I may kick myself for asking this but where did you see a toad with socks? And why do you think it's sexy?
  5. Pilot

    Just got robbed!

    Happened to me about 3 weeks ago. Actually they got my wife’s debit card number. Funny thing was that I received a letter from the card company informing me that they thought my card was being used without my knowledge the day after I noticed charges which were not ours. Now they mailed the letter out 4 days before I noticed any charges. What’s up with that? I had about $2300.00 in charges the very next day, all from India. I called the card company and asked them what was going on? Why did they allow the charges when they knew my account was compromised? They could or would not tell me how they knew. The lady I was speaking with immediately canx my number and refunded all the money. They issued new cards and I’m still waiting for them to arrive. The lady told me that there has been a large upswing in stolen card numbers in the past 6 months. She also told me that her son and daughter had there info jacked. What's the world coming to? Life just has not been the same since, I had to inform 5 company’s that I have auto payments with that the card was compromised and that it was canx so they would not be able to charge the card. Man what a pain in the butt that was, I’m sending checks out to those people until I receive my new cards. The really bad part is that I’m not getting any movies from Netflix, now that’s a real bummer. I’m now living in fear and paranoia….
  6. It takes about 2 minutes to change the air filter on a Harley, about 20 minutes to change both air filters on a Venture. He doesn’t care what the name is on the bike, just how long it takes to change the filter.
  7. Pilot

    2004 4 Sale

    Sorry about that, my head must have been up my butt....LOL The backrest is a Diamond R Backrest.
  8. Found this 04 for sale on another site, I don't know if this person posted his bike on this site or not. http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTourer/messages/?start=Start+Reading+%3E%3E
  9. Pilot

    Big Snake

    Winter has NOT been good to you....LOL
  10. It says it all....
  11. Try a can of Seafoam, just might do the trick. It's worth a try anyway.
  12. Pilot

    Just curious

    Most places charge by the axle, 2 axles on a bike so we pay the same a car. Add a trailer and you add an axle so you pay for three. I can see why we pay the same as a car….we do tear up the roads.
  13. Harley use a 7 pin configuration. You are correct in that the extra wire is to pre-amp the mic. And that's where I ran into the problem. The mic on Harleys (if they use the Harley setup) is a J&M very high output microphone made just for Harley setups. The mic has so much gain that it was overriding the input circuits and making voice communication quality very bad. I was also affraid of blowing the phone's input circuits. You may not have these same problems. I just wanted to give you a heads up on possible blowing your phone input circuit. Good luck with it, if one does not try one will never know. Jim
  14. Buddy I wasted about 5 weeks trying to do this for a fellow Harley rider who also rides an 1100 once in awhile. Lives down the street. The mix not only prioritizes but it amplifies the signals. If I'm understanding this situation correctly then the problem is going to be amplifing the mic signal and mathing it to the mix circuit and phone. I may not be understanding what he wants but it sound very similar. I make interface cables for Harleys, switched an unswitched but I won't sell one to any Venture rider because you do. I have made J&M interface headset cords to allow one to use the Zumo on bikes without Radio's. And I had the guys bike and phone in my Garage to work on it for 3 weeks. Good luck to you if you try it.
  15. Take a 09 Ultra for a ride. They should be available this year in the rental fleet. You CAN'T lock up the breaks....I tried. You will also notice a BIG differance in slow speed handling. It does have less cockpit room but you will get used to it, I did and I'm 6'. Now as far as a riding course goes, take the advanced course I did. I have to say that even knowing how to stop in a panic situation the Ultra will outdo the Venture any day, but to be fair the Ultra has ABS. The reason I switched was the same as yours I wanted a bike that was more up to date in the technology dept. I hope Yamaha updates the Venture some day, if they do I will look at trading back I loved the Venture I just wanted more technology and ABS was the deciding factor. I do not like the cockpit on the Wing although it is a very good handling bike. And one other thing the Venture has that 5 year warranty thing, some thing you want to think about. It will cost you an addition $1200.00 to get that on a Harley. Happy hunting.
  16. :rotfl:
  17. I remember the good old days when you went to the library if you wanted to know something.
  18. Keep it up....Go ahead and keep it up.
  19. Heated grips are great if you want to keep the inside of your hands warm. I don't know about other people but it's the outside of my hands that get cold. Try heated glove liners, they keep both sides of your hands warm.
  20. That's a great idea and it looks nice. One could paint it to match.
  21. They have always been expensive if your buying a bike. I never bought there because like you said you can find a better deal else where. It's a nice place for all the other stuff and they will do your service or warranty work no matter where you buy your horse.
  22. Try these. You can't beat the price. Bought a jacket liner, pants liner, glove liner and socks. All work and they are nice and warm. I don't know if the Ventures electrical system will handle all of this at once. I need to keep my rpm up above 1500 or they start getting a bit cool. http://www.heatedclothingoutlet.com/gloveLiner.shtml
  23. I sort of wish I still lived in Troy, Ill. I love that place and used to ride up on Sat. for breakfast and then go and look at all the bikes and stuff. Usually ended up buying some thing.
  24. The Venture is a nice ride, but like all bikes it has it's drawbacks. I owned 3 a 99, 03 and my last one was a 07. My 99 and 03 both had the whine when new but you could live with it. After about 7K miles on those bikes the whine became bad to the piont that I installed other mufflers and then I did not hear the whine. The whine will usually only accure at a certain speed and rpm. If it happens to be 47 mph in 3rd then don't run her in 3rd at 47 mph. My 07 was very nice, no whine and when I traded for the Ultra it had 9K miles on the speedo and still no whine. Yamaha will try and fix any problem you have and the bike has the 5 year warranty. You can save some big $$$ by buying a used bike. You still get the remander of the 5 year warranty and there are many used Ventures for sale now as well as other brands because of the economy. Get what ever makes you happy, your the one who's going to be going down the road on her. Happy hunting.
  25. ICE is COOL!
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