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Big Hack

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About Big Hack

  • Birthday 03/24/1963

Personal Information

  • Name
    Thom Hacker


  • Location
    Cloverdale,IN, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Coon Huntin' & Bike riddin'
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSV
  1. The cop was drunk twice the legal limit!! HANG DA BAS_ _ _ D!!
  2. I have been useing PIG SPIT on mine for the last rear, does a great job and it doesn't leave a residue like Armorall. http://www.properautocare.com/pigspit1.html
  3. This happened to my 93,no spark what so ever, on the driver side at the big plug check with an ohm meter to see if the is any resistance for the pick up coil. If I remember right it should show between 110-130 ohms. If it show none, bad pickup coil.
  4. Where Is a good Place to get 2 gaskets for my newly aquired Jardines to put on my 93 VR?
  5. Will Jaredine exhaust off of an 85 Venture fit on my 93 VR and how much more sound will I gain? THanks
  6. Thanks Gary, It only blows when I use it, I will try a different lighter, I got a spare. I ran the ground wire directly to the frame. and the hot wire directly to the battery.
  7. I installed a cigarette lighter on my 93 Royale. I inserted an inline fuse between it and the battery connection and used a 30amp mini fuse. Every once in a while it pops the fuse, some times two fuses in a row and then maybe 4 or 5 trips before it blows another fuse. ANy Ideas on how to keep from blowin fuses? Thanks BIG HACK
  8. Eddie, I paypaled ya today for one thanks Bro.
  9. I have had 5 of those suckers and it ain't no fun, feels like your peein cockelburrs, Blastin them is the way to go, takes about two days to flush them out, DO NOT let them go get it, the stint thing really sucks. NORCO 5's is good pain med too. Good Luck brother. P.S. The first one that hit me,I was drivin my truck to work and bent the steering wheel from the pain!!
  10. ME wants one too!!!!
  11. SUPERDUPER:Cool_cool36:
  12. I just recieved this in a email. Send it to others. Go to YOU TUBE watch "YOU DIDN'T SEE ME" [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBNyuf533Go]YouTube- You didnt see me[/ame]
  13. My co-pilot will be 51 at the end of January. Merry Christmas
  14. Wood stove in a 30X40 Barn & Kerosene salamander in needed.
  15. My favorite thing is the cranberry sauce and next is grandma corn, or breaded corn. Happy Thanksgiving to all from me and Ms Hack.
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