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Everything posted by rjg1985

  1. I didn't suspect the valves because the compression came up with oil in the cylinder, but it is worth checking the clearence in the process of elimination. That would be great if that was the cause.
  2. I have done all of those things except check the valve clearence. Cylinders #1,3 & 4 have equal compression but it seems low also all 3 are around 125 psi.
  3. I have a 1985 that starts and runs great, but it has a miss at idle. Cyclinder #2 has low compression (about 65 psi) I think it is the rings because after I put a little oil in the cylinder the compression went up to 100 psi. I can not find new piston rings anywhere. My question is do I replace the engine or just ride that way. It goes down the higway just fine and gets 38 mpg. I bought it last fall with 45600 miles on the odometer I'm thinking that was 145600 miles? The local salvage yards want $500 to $1000 for an engine. Does anyone here know of a source for rings for these bikes? Thanks in advance for your help, Randy
  4. I will try to get some cut out next week. The brushed finish is the easiest for me. The fish scale I have to do by hand. Please PM me with your name and address the sizes you want. I will let you know the cost before I send them.
  5. What would you guys prefer the fish scale polish like in the first picture or a brushed finish?
  6. Here is what the car size frame would look like.
  7. Right now they sized for MC plates, but I can scale it up to fit car plates. The cost would be my cost for the stainless and shipping. Don't know for sure what that would be yet. I'm not looking to make money just help out members of this forum.
  8. Here is a computer model of it.
  9. Here are some plate frames I made a few months ago. The bottom one in the picture is not polished yet. I could make some with "Life's a Venture" in the bottom area instead of the flames and and XVZ12.
  10. Check out this custom Honda cbx v12 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEe6c3KIUB4]YouTube - V12 CBX running down the road (alley)[/ame]
  11. Sorry here is a link that works. http://www.mawonline.com/newsite/progressive-fork_springs.htm
  12. I bought some from this place good price fast shipping 4 days part # 111112 http://www.mawonline.com/newsite/pro...rk_springs.htm
  13. I bought some from this place good price fast shipping 4 days part # 111112 http://www.mawonline.com/newsite/progressive-fork_springs.htm
  14. Hi Jack, My 85 would leak a little after I drove it and then stop. It turned out to be the large o-ring in the drive gear assembly coming out the back of the engine.
  15. Here are some pictures of the side cover vent filler panel. I have 7 sets if anyone is interested. They are made from stainless steel.
  16. Sorry I missed it, I never saw the posting.
  17. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=66550
  18. Hi All, I would like to attend also. I have been waiting for an opportunity to meet some of the great people that use this forum. Looking forward to it. Thanks, Randy
  19. Here is a computer model of the GPS mount
  20. Great, I'm taking a road trip this weekend so I'm also working on a gps mount that goes over the false tank cover. I will post pictures of that also. I hope to have that on tonight. If you have somthing in mind for a cutout in the vent panel let me know I'm open to suggestions. Randy
  21. Hello, Last fall I bought an 85 royale and it was missing the louvers in the left vent. I got a good one on ebay, but before that I was going to make an insert panel to replace the louvers. I work for a fab shop and have access to laser cutter. If I can draw it it will cut it. I can make a solid panel for summer and a panel with a custom cutout for cooler weather. If anyone is interested and has a design idea let me know. I have my old left hand vent yet, I will get a panel made for it and post a picture as soon as I can. Randy,
  22. rjg1985

    85 Royale 03

    From the album: The Bike

  23. rjg1985

    The Bike

    1985 Venture Royale
  24. rjg1985

    85 Royale 01

    From the album: The Bike

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