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Everything posted by Ramblingman

  1. ibents I couldn't agree more...even the US seems to cave in a bit but them Aussie's have it right .........go by our laws or be gone ....your country failed you and that's why your here .... Nothing in the world erks me more then when you hear people cutting my country down and they say how good it was in the old country ...I always say ...........then go back if you don't like it here or shut the hell up ..........usually gets them shut up!!!
  2. You know I have thought hard on this and I'm not a great one at organizing anything but this is something I believe we should try ...how ..not sure ..but I think if the public knew that we are ....grandfathers ..mothers ...teachers ..students ...fathers ...mothers ....police...doctors ...everyday people that just enjoy riding ...this may get though to some to watch out a little more for us ....but I believe we have to educate ourselfs first and foremost not to trust traffic and use our instincts ...You know even if just few get the message ...wouldn't it be worth it??
  3. Just a little update here people ...Gary could be going home for a visit on the weekend..it's all up to him ...he's gone to see a eye specialist today and he said if that goes well he may be up to heading home over the weekend ..he does go back in on Monday to the hospital...but I see improvement everytime I see him...
  4. I just read this and I'm very happy you two were able to walk away from this ...Brad if you need anything let me know ...just a phone call away ...we'll talk soon !
  5. Just like to thank everyone for all the support ....He's doing better ...but still a long road ahead of him!!
  6. Lou I just go after 12 here and have never had a problem ...the hours I"m not sure of tho.....but I know they end by 8pm ....unless it's the weekend ....there strange hours ...
  7. This is for all Gary's friends ...he's ready for some company ...he's at Windsor Regional Hospital-Western Campus .. 1453 Prince Rd. Room 2516..for the American friends you can come straight off the bridge and it's about* 5 Lights from there(I could be wrong)...turn right. Thanks for all the support everyone ..!!..PS ...Could I get the address of Al Bates ..Mike and Lori Eaves and Rich and Jean Carter ...please email these to me. Thanks
  8. Well last night at 1:05 AM my daughter gave birth to our 2nd grandchild ..Ava Elizabeth 7pds 15ozs....no pic's yet as we had other grandparent duties to attend too ...my Grandson came over to help Grandma decorate and get into our mess here ..in the process of doing a hardwood floor and a new floor in the bathroom also ...I think some of my tiles aren't so straight anymore :rotf::rotf:
  9. The date for the Americade is the first full week of June ...same thing every year ...a group of us from the RedKnights go every year ...my stay was cut short last year ...mother in law got hospitalized and it was the first year the wife came...she's staying home this year !!!!!!:rotf:
  10. Hello again ...went to see GaryN today and he's off the oxygen now ...and the word is he may be moved over to another hospital for rehab.. he's still got no strength ..but things I hope are looking up now!
  11. You get to see them crazy race horses on your trip ?? When I did the two of the three sisters we came across what I thought was a holding farm for a zoo ...turns out they were just Texas race horses ...that Tom showed us everything !!!
  12. Hi folks ...I finally got up to see Gary(due to a cold I wasn't able to get up there the last two weeks)...seems to be doing okay ....he was sitting up .....he had a few questions for me and sounds like he would like to have a computer in his room but he can't hook up anyways ...he has no upper body strength because of his long stay in bed ...he feels he won't be home for Christmas their still doing a lot of tests on him ...he has blood clots they have to deal with in his legs and his one eye the vision isn't good ..their doing drops for now but what the future holds I have no idea. His breathing is still not good and he's still on oxygen . He says hello to all ....
  13. Wayne I'd take that #2 route when ever I travel the states ...but you'll find there isn't much to see though the upper UP of Mich. other then trees LOL but it's still nicer then Chicago ....I've done both and I like that way the best(2) ...then you can come down and threw Sarina ... be careful on I75 and the pot holes ....
  14. As for the little wobble you mentioned there ...try tightening your steering head and that may eliminate that problem ...there's a short cut to doing the head too ...have fun ...I also went with the Avon this summer and it's the best thing I ever did thanks to this group here and Tom!!
  15. Lonna that's great news ....I'm glad it work for you ...Happy Holidays sweetie.
  16. Well Gary is closer to home now ...he back to Windsor ...but other then that I don't have much more info for everyone ...but it's a good sign that they have decided to transport him home.
  17. Reiny I'm really sorry to hear about your brother ....them bast*(*& don't deserve a trail ....I hope all is good and gets better .....One of the reasons Canada feels so safe is cause of our population ....you just don't hear it as often...but believe things here are starting to get worse and we need to change some of our laws ...I believe in the eye for an eye ....you kill someone for no good reason you go to the chair ...actually I"d rather some of them *&^^*$^%# just suffer for a while.
  18. Hi folks ...well it's my understanding they (Gary's family)are waiting for a bed to come open down here at the hospital ...so that's very good news!!
  19. The wife was talking to my cousin this week and it sounds like Gary is eating more solid foods now and the boys may be seeing about getting closer to home soon.Keep the prayers up folks they'll still needed !! Thanks to everyone for their concerns !
  20. To all those attending Leslie's funeral on Saturday - As it would be Leslie's wishes, the family will not be having a wake after the funeral. My wife and I would like to invite any of you who will be attending to join us at our house for a light lunch and fellowship after the service. In order to make necessary arrangements we would appreciate having an idea of how many of you may be joining us. Please email us at mbooks@xplornet.com Thanks, Bruce & Maxine
  21. As for Gary I can't answer you on that ...I would guess no at this point ...broken ribs and he is just finding out about Leslie today ...this is all a guess on my part .... and I don't like to give info before I know it first hand!
  22. Thanks Brad ..much appreciated:Anyone wanting information about the services it can be found here at http://www.reidfuneralhome.ca/current.asp The service is at Essex District High School 244 Talbot Street North, Essex, Ontario The service is at 1pm ..visitation an hour before . Thanks
  23. YES ...sounds like a great idea...I know a few RSV owners!
  24. Update : After calling the funeral home I found out that the visitation for Friday afternoon is NOT set yet and it will be from 7 pm to 9pm that evening. I also found out that the Service on Saturday is at 1PM with an one hour visitation starting at noon at the Essex High School in the gym. The High School is easy to find it's on the main street heading to the north end. Thanks Everyone
  25. Okay there seems to be a mix up somewhere ....I just called the funeral home and the Friday afternoon visitation isn't set yet ....and I also just found out that the service on Saturday is at 1pm.... with an hour visitation starting at noon.This is straight from the Rieds Funeral home .
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