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Everything posted by jimmyenglish

  1. That's it. It just has a bolt. Almost like you'd use a ring connector or something.
  2. So I bought the firestik and a mount. I'm sure this sounds retarded but how do I connect the wire? Thanks!http://www.kilik.com/antenna1.jpghttp://www.kilik.com/antenna2.jpg
  3. At this point just replace the caliper with an R6. I can't remember the specific years that will work. It's an easy search and they're cheap on ebay all day. I'm going to do this soon with all of them. These bikes are awesome and all the money you throw at them will not be in vain! Nice purchase.
  4. Thanks for the info guys. The motor is in the bike. It's pretty tough to get to with the motor in frame. I guess I'll wait till it starts leaking. It looked ok and wasn't leaking. Fixed the slave and it's tight. Thanks again!
  5. So I rebuilt my slave cylinder on my 86' tonight. The kit came with a new pushrod seal. I mildly (without destroying) played with trying to get it out and eventually gave up. I'm assuming it gets wrecked taking it off. So how do you remove this seal? Thanks!
  6. THanks guys. Yeah, from reading some of the other info it kinda seems inherent to the machine. I forgot to mention that the rear tire is new and I replaced the wheel bearings as well. The speedo groaned like mad when I first got it but I lubed that up good and it's quiet now. Some day I'll check the pinion nut.
  7. Hi everyone. Great forum! I have an 86' with 54k. I've put 4k on it since I bought it last Oct 2008. The bike rules in every regard. However, since I've owned it it has always had a consistent whine from somewhere in the drivetrain. THe whine is always there. Wether accelerating, decelerating, coasting, engine on or engine off. In or out of gear. Clutch in or out. The first thing I did when I bought the bike was change the final drive fluid. The previous owner was pretty neglectful of the mantainence so I was suprised when the fluid that came out looked almost new. No flakes or anything. I filled it with synthetic and nothing changed. Having experienced a failed pinion bearing on my BMW k75 and also my jeep cherokee, I know what dying bearings sound like. This almost sounds like backlash out of whack. However, in my experience, bad backlash adj. sounds different on the drive or coast side and also depending on how hot the gears are. This is consistent all the time. For awhile I thought it was the front tire that was cupped all to hell but I just replaced the tires. It's not the tires. Definitely coming from down yonder. There's no clunkiness or slop in the final drive and the bike is smooth overall. Just a whine that sounds like a semitruck (not as loud though). It doesn't bother me too much but I'm getting a little paranoid. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  8. I was reinstalling the the giant "Yamaha" reflector the other day on my 86' and smashed a huge hole in it. Anybody have one for sale? Thanks! Great forum!
  9. Hey thanks lonestar! That's great info!
  10. Hello Everybody! Great forum. I'm replacing the tires on my 86' w/53k and the rear ball bearing is a little crunchy. The needle bearing seems fine. I will probably replace the fronts to just because. My question is what is the model # of these cheap aftermarket bearings? I've seen people talk about them but can't find a model #. Also, which is the best online place for oem parts? Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey Bob. I would love to buy the right speaker grill/frame. Thanks!
  12. Thanks Dragon. I followed the link but it wouldn't let me post. Where is the proper location to post a parts request? Thanks again!
  13. Hello everybody. Is there a parts wanted/available forum anywhere on this site? I'm looking for a right speaker frame/grill assembly for an 86'. Thanks in advance. Great forum!
  14. Good for a popular mechanics issue but otherwise kinda gay.
  15. Hey thanks guys! Yeah, let me know when you're in town!
  16. Hey everyone. My future wife and I are planning on shipping our 86' and trailer to somewhere in the UK and from there touring Europe for a month or two. I have absolutely no idea what's involved in getting the bike and trailer over there. We live near a port city, Charleston, SC. Have any of you done this before? What issues are there with licenses and insurance and the overall legality of riding a US registered bike? What's a ballpark figure for shipping/crating? Thanks everyone!
  17. Hello everyone! Great site! I just recently purchased an 86'. The previous owner put a slip stream windshield on the bike which I find too short. Does anyone make an aftermarket windshield for this bike anymore? Or do I need to just focus on finding a used stock one? Thanks again!
  18. jimmyenglish

    New Venture!

  19. jimmyenglish

    IMG 3435

    From the album: New Venture!

  20. jimmyenglish

    Dragon's Tale

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