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Everything posted by jimmyenglish

  1. Hi gang! Have an 89' that I'm parting out. I'm keeping the motor w/wiring, exhaust and forks. Floor boards are gone but all else is available. Offer me whatever (+shipping) for whatever you want. Need gone. WA 98409 https://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/mpo/d/tacoma-1989-yamaha-venture-royale-parts/7722290895.html
  2. Sadly, it happened. https://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/mpo/d/tacoma-yamaha-flintstones-style-push/7732598636.html
  3. Omg. I literally just sold the one i had posted here days ago and here's another! Same bike! https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/mcy/d/everett-1989-yamaha-venture-xvz13/7592660867.html
  4. Howdy gang. I reckon this question's been asked been asked before but I'm severely perplexed. I'm pretty sure in one of my last fork seal replacement abominations I got the under and over washer around the seal backwards. I have a flat one and a beveled one. Which one goes where? Thanks in advance! John
  5. Hi gang! I put R1/R6 calipers on the front and a front one mounted backwards on the rear of my 86'. The fronts are great but the pads are smaller than the stock venture rear caliper/pads. It works OK but I notice less stopping power in the rear and I burned up a set of pads in less than 7000 kms (mostly 2 up, fully laden w/trailer). I would like to put the original back on the rear and was wondering will a 2nd gen rear caliper fit? They look the same but I haven't read of anyone doing that. It was cheaper to buy the R1/R6 caliper for the rear than replacing my pad channeled up, sticking, 30 year original. Thanks!
  6. I'm convinced the linked brakes caused our 15mph crash in 2009. Invisible, silty surface entering a gas station. Front wheel locked and it was over. Sure did hurt! Delinked after that trip. Bike is way better.
  7. Hi everyone! I was just wondering if there's a way to convert the clock to 24hr time? Thanks! John
  8. Well I have no idea. Put old stator back and everything's fine after 200+miles.Totally confused but Rick's stator passed all the tests when hot. Can't say I'll be shopping there again.
  9. Hi everyone, I have a mind boggling charging issue with my 86'. Just now getting the bike back on the road after a bunch of upgrades. New stator from Rick's, Shindegen RR, Dingy's Czech TCI, new battery and a bunch of others. I've ridden the bike about 65 miles since doing all this. So my issue... When cold and for about 10 minutes into warm up, the charging gauge is nice and strong, around 14.5-15,even at idle. Then something happens and the gauge goes down to 12 and sits there. I rode 40 miles waiting to see if it was going to croak and it never did. I got back and immediately started taking readings. 25ishV at all 3 stator leads@idle, 55-65or so at 3k+. Reconnected everything and at idle voltage at battery was 12.4. Increasing RPM makes minimal change. Now I'm thinking the RR is bad. Disconnect the RR leads from the battery and measure with the bike idling, 14.5-15. Disconnect all my accessories from battery(nicely organised in their own fuse holder) so now only the stock pos and negative leads and pos/neg from the Shindegen are hooked up. Still not charging. Now I'm thinking my brand new gel battery is bad. Swapped a different, fully charged Odyssey PC680 and same thing; no charging. it was about 12.7 or so. I can only speculate that there is a bad ground somewhere that happens as the bike heats up. When the gauge does drop into the warm up its right away. Also, the RR was really warm when I returned from the ride. I have it in the left side cover where the tape deck used to be and the cover is off right now so there's plenty of air getting in. What do you guys think? I'm stumped! Thanks in advance, John
  10. Hi everyone, I recently got my 86' strapped back together and have aa leak where the bypass pipe goes into the thermostat housing . The pipe looks ok but it's leaking like mad! The parts fiche doesn't show an o ring or anything. It just sits in there? II tried looking for a new pipe but it seems to be out of stock everywhere. What should iI do? On another note, I bought a new thermostat lhousing and o ring (Yamaha oem) and I cannot get it inserted. Even with mounds of Vaseline and the vise it won't go. What's the trick to that? Wound up using old housing with new o ring. Thanks everyone!
  11. Hi gang! I'm going to be in Europe for awhile and was wondering if anyone ever manufactured a clear front turn signal lens? The reason I ask is that,technically,amber running lights are illegal here. However, clear ones are ok. I love the idea of a clear running light and an amber turn signal bulb. Just curious if such a thing ever existed. As it stands, I simply disabled the running lights. Thanks all! Great forum as always! John
  12. Could you please tell me the exact website and part number? Perhaps I spoke to the Wrong Mark. I still need aa collector bad. Thanks!
  13. Hi everyone, In removing my rusted to smithereens exhaust collector, the right rear header pipe broke off in the collector. What's involved in removing the rear header pipes? They're already disconnected bit don't seem to slide out too easy. Do I have to remove the tank? Thanks!
  14. Yeah, the can below the motor where all the pipes go.
  15. Hi all, The exhaust collector for my 86' is cashed. I opened it up in 2008 and yanked the baffles but now the actual pipes are rusted to hell. One was cracked and broke off completely. There's almost no steel left in the other tubes. I was very excited to see a picture of Mark's pipe aftermarket collector but, sadly, when I wrote to him the other day he responded with: "Hi John, Sorry but I haven't had an order for those in several years so I scrapped the fixtures. Mark" So I'm curious about what others have done when the pipes are rotted away? Could I weld new (preferably stainless) pipes to the can? Is there any other bike out there that shares some sort of hook up so I could skip using this collector? Does the 2nd gen have anything I could use? Not sure I want to buy a used one since I'll have to yank the baffles all over and potentially be looking at the same problem in a few years. I like the stock exhaust except for the collector. Thanks everyone! "
  16. Hey Rosie, I too am going to get the prv175. Is the built in amp not sufficient enough? I read that it gets very hot. Any heat issues? That's a good looking setup you have!
  17. So, I noticed the oil is coming out of that giant plug next to the spark plug (oil leakage and my twice run new spark plug boot covered in oil mist). I tried to losen it and it wouldn't budge. Mega, mega tight. Started to round off the plug. What is this plug? Thanks!
  18. Hi all, recently did some light overhauling on my 86'. I had been pursuing the evasive left side oil leak. Changed the pushrod seal, stator cover gasket (and stator), middle grear cover gasket. Took it around the block and immediately had a leak under the middle gear cover. Took the cover off and everything was clean. Pushrod area, gear switch, stator wires, etc. Leak is tiny but it's getting onto the collector and stinks light crazy. After a short 10 mile jaunt today I noticed oil is leaking from behind the #1 cylinder cover thing (thing with the lines, decorative looking), down into the slave cyl area. I haven't taken it off yet but am wondering what's behind there? Oil is clearly coming from there as this is my first ride since cleaning the crap out of it. The other strange thing that started happening recently is, after shutoff, the solenoid (or valve, switch, some clicky thing) for the compressor clicks and about 30-40 second intervals for about 5 minutes. Not losing any air in the rear shock. Have I just never noticed this before? Don't use the front fork air with progressives and I could never get the collar sealing thing back on so they don't hold air anyway. I'd also like to send a public Thank you! to Gary Dinges for the TCI. Great instructions, packaging and the install was cake. Works awesome! Thanks Gary and all the incredible support in this forum! John
  19. Hi everyone, I think one of my ignition coils on my 86' is in question and I was wondering if there are aftermarket ones available? Or do I just replace with stock new/used ones? Where are they available? Any other yamaha bikes use the same ones? Thanks in advance! John
  20. I bought a vmax starter on eBay 6 years and 45k ago. $125 and still works great. Buy one of those. The screwing with the repairs and mods just prolongs the inevitable, push starting.
  21. Hi all, I wanted to share a super connection I recently discovered. Although I'm privileged to the the super bro, local shipping discount (US Army, stationed in Germany), there's an awesome guy here in Germany who will reupholster your seat for a reasonable cost. His name is Michael Nitsche at http://www.bikepolster.de. He reupholstered 5 pieces (seat, armrests, backrest and driver backrest) to (better than) new condition for €350. His work is the finest German quality and he'll rework the foam as well. Well worth the international shipping. Great guy and speaks good English. Totally pro. John http://www.bikekpolster.de
  22. Hi Jim, yeah I would love to see that pic. I'm a little confused though with the old plug. I notice it has 2 Reds and 2 blacks. One red seems to dump out near the starter solenoid and then to battery. Where does the other one go? Thanks!
  23. Yes, thank you. I read that but do I need to use the existing harness connection?
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