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Everything posted by raceman62race

  1. Question: The link posted says they will fit 99-05. I have an 08 RSV and I didn't think there was any difference from 99- 08. Am I correct? Will the vents fit an 08?
  2. I have an 08 and I love it. One thing I had to do was install another set of handlebars that pulled the grips a little further back towards me. On long rides I got a pain between my shoulder blades. We really love ours and we have no regrets
  3. FYI, I ordered a Clearview windshield with a vent a couple of weeks ago. I haven't gotten it yet so I thought I would give them a call. They said that they normally could send them out right away but they were out of vents. He said they were suppose to get some vents in on Monday so they would be able to install the vent and ship out on Monday. In the course of our conversation, he said they get the vents straight from Honda. So, I think it would be safe to assume that Clearview buys Goldwing vents and installs them on Venture windshields just like someone suggested earlier in this thread
  4. Hang in there! I use a small portable generator (4000 watt) when we lose electricity. I have a 50 foot cord made up with a male plug on each end. When we lose electricity, I simply turn off the main breaker in the house so I don't back feed down the power line and plug one end of the cord into the clothes dryer plug and the other into the generator. We have all the lights we want and can watch TV. I close off most of the house except for the living room and we use small space heaters to keep the chill off.
  5. I'm not sure about the Venture but I can't see why it wouldn't work. I use to own a Suzuki VL1500 with an extended range fuel tank. The VL1500's gas tank is actually under the seat and an electric fuel pump would pump fuel to the carbs much like the Venture. A man known a G-man designed and marketed a fuel tank that went in place of the catalytic converter so you had to run after market pipes if you ran his tank. When you removed the stock pipes, it opened up a rather large spot in front of the rear tire. His tank fit right in the spot where the catalytic converter use to be. When low fuel light came on, the driver had to flip a momentary toggle switch that started a timing relay. A sEperate fuel pump would pump the fuel out of the aux tank into the main tank. The timing relay was set to run the fuel pump just long enough to pump the aux tank dry then turn off. It was a really neat and well thought out system. I would think the aux tank on the Venture would work as well.
  6. What is the skid in II?
  7. Bigfoot.....I noticed in the start of this thread you said you would stay in the cheapest motels you could find to save money............You might want to consider the KOA cabins. Most KOA's have small cabins you can rent for $45.00/night and they welcome motorcycles. You can look them up online http://www.koa.com/where/usa.htm
  8. Welcome Highwaypeg! My wife rides her own bike.......Yamaha Virago 1100 and she loves it. She's not a member of this site primarly because she just doesn't care much for computers. When we do long distances, she rides with me. If your ever in the GA area, look us up...we're always looking for someone to ride with
  9. I want to do some things to my 2nd gen but have questions 1. Where can I purchase a windshield with a vent or do they even make such a thing? 2. I want to replace the handle bars with a set that brings the grips back toward the rider about 2 1/2" and about 2" wider than stock. Is the throttle cable the only thing I will have to replace with a longer set? What about wiring?
  10. Hope you get iit straightened out!!! Sounds like a bunch of BS!!! Here is something that happened to me: My house burned down in 2006. We lost EVERYTHING....wallet, keys, all belongings...House and everything in it burned compeltely down. We were asleep and the house caught fire late at night and we had to run out quickly. All my wife and I had left was a pair of sweat pants that we grabbed on the way out. A day or 2 later, I went to try and get my drivers license replaced. Well guess what? I had to have a birth certificate to get my drivers license replaced. And guess what I needed to get a birth certificate?....You guessed it....a drivers license or some other form of official ID!! I didn't have ANYTHING! Luckly, my mother had a copy of my birth certificate that I was able to get and I was finally able to get my drivers license replaced
  11. Just to throw this in about oils.... Several years ago Quaker State got a bad reputation. My Grandfather had a 1970 GMC truck with a 307 engine. He ran Quaker State oil in it and he was very persistant about changing it every 3000 miles. His opionion was that any motor oil would work as long as it was changed often. My Grandfather died many years ago and I ended up with his truck. I continued to drive the truck until it had 167,000 miles on it but I didn't change the oil as often as he did. After a couple of years, the body rusted and fell apart but the engine was still strong. I sold the engine to a friend and helped installed it in his truck. I don't know how many thousands of miles he drive his truck before selling it. During the engine swap, we replaced all of the gaskets because they were starting to leak and we were shocked as to how clean the engine was inside. This proved to me that regular maintenance (oil changes) played a huge roll in long lasting engines. Here I had an engine that had 167,000 miles put on it with an oil that had a terrible reputation but for the most part it was changed regularly. I run the Yamahalube in my RSV and Yamaha filters but as long as it meets motorcycle oil specs, I don't think it really matters much as long as it is changed at the proper intervals. I use to be a member of a forum for Suziki's and I know a lot of people use to run the blue jug Rotella in their bikes
  12. I've got a 2nd gen and the owners manual says a maximum of 7.1 PSI in the front and a maximum of 57 PSI in the rear. On the last trip the wife and I took, I didn't add any air to the front and I ran about 30 PSI in the rear and that seem to work well.
  13. I just bought my wife a Yamaha Virago. It fits her well and she likes it. The Suzuki that you are looking at is a good choice as well. You may want to consider the C50T because it comes with saddlebags and wind shield.
  14. Thanks a lot for the suggestions and info. I think I am going to try the bolt on extentions and see if that helps. I am pretty sure it will. If it doesn't pull the bars towards me enough, I'll go with the more expensive handlebar replacement. The thought of replacing the handlebars never entered my mind until someone suggested it here...but as always, people here are full of great advise and ideas! Thanks again for the suggestions, links and info!! Ride safe.....chrome up and rubber down!!!
  15. I have noticed that on long rides, (300 miles+) I get a slight pain in my back between my shoulders. I have an 08 RSV and it seems like the handle bars need to be slightly higher and back towards me a little more. I can't really sit up straight and get full use of the back rest. Seems like I have to lean forward slightly to get to the handle bars and I end up supporting a small amount of my upper body with my arms (like riding a sport bike but not near as intense) I noticed the handle bar mounts that goes in the triple tree has sort of a sweeping curve to it......its not straight like most. I have a couple of questions: 1. Does anyone make handle bar mounts that will move handle bars back towards the driver about 1" - ! 1/2" that will not require me to altar the front cowling? 2. Will I have to re-route or extend cables and or wiring if I extend handle bar mounts by 1" - 1 1/2"
  16. I believe!!!........I had a personal experience about 30 years ago. I was about 16 years old and I woke up very early one morning at 5:00 AM. I know it was 5:00 AM because it was back when digital clocks first came out and I had one. This was odd because I never woke up at night, I always slept all night long. After laying in bed awake for about 10 -15 minutes, some sort of mist or dark cloud came out of the bathroom which was shared with my bedroom.The mist didn't have any type of human shape and it floated to the side of my bed. It appeared to be holding some sort of object like a dinner candle that wasn't lit. I swatted at it with the bed spread that was hanging down on my side of the bed and it gently backed up as if to avoid the swat. I started screaming for my Dad had I heard his feet hit the floor as he was running for my room. The mist slowly retreated back into the bathroom never to be seen again. It scared me so bad that it took about 3 months for me to get up enough courage to sleep in that room again. I wouldn't enter the room after dark either . My Dad built the house so it was never occupied by anyone other than us. Let me add that this was not due to drugs. This is the only paranormal experience I have ever had and it was enough to make a believer out of me. Back then, there were no shows on TV like Ghost Hunters or any other shows that delt with the paranormal. I THINK I would like to go on a ghost hunt.
  17. I bought a new 08 RSV at the end of August and I don't regret it. I had to have the rear end replaced due to a bad whine it developed at 1800 miles and had to get in touch with Yamaha to get it done.......dealer wasn't going to do anything about it. I was really impressed with Yamaha......Scoot developed an whine at 1800 miles. Took it to dealer to get it fixed. Dealer calls and said whine was part of bike and they weren't going to do anything about it. I called the Yamaha SE rep at 9:30 AM and said scoot had whine and dealer wasn't going to fix. At 2:00 PM, (same day) rep called and said he rode my bike and they were going to replace final drive. I only have about 4000 mile on bike and I don't hear anything that is annoying. Dealers are like restaurants, some are good and some are bad. I have had several scoots in the past...Suzuki VL1500, Honda V45, Yamaha XS1100, Honda CB400 just to name a few. Each one of them seem to have some sort of noise that shouldn't be there but as someone in the earlier post said.....just learn to live with it and ride. I considered the Harley but couldn't justify spending the money. The Gold wing was nice but I REALLY didn't need all of the gadgets that they have and they were pricey as well. My Yamaha RSV has everything I need to make a long trip comfortable like a radio, good soft saddle, a built in intercom and plenty of storage plus the 5 year warranty and it is affordable. But, you are going to be the one riding it and paying for it so you need to get what fits you. All scoots are nice in their own way!
  18. We had to go outside and turn TV antenna until Dad got some sort of thing that turned it automatically from some dial that sat on top of the TV. Sure was glad to see him get that thing cause I was getting sick of having to go outside and turn the antenna. Remember the LP turntables that you could stack records on and it would play the stack automatically? It came with some sort of adaptor you could slide onto the center post and stack 45's to play automatically?
  19. Thanks for the flash back. I remember those days.....staying out until after dark (we lived in the country and there wasn't any street lights). I would have to ride a bicycle a couple of miles just to get to the next house where more kids my age lived. Playing kick the can after dark on a summer night was some of my best memories.........more than likely most kids these days haven't heard of kick the can.
  20. Just some info for what it's worth: I had some issues with Bridgestone M/C tires. I contacted Bridgestone and I was told that a M/C tire, on average, will loose about 1 PSI per month and about 1 PSI for every 10 deg F of ambient temp drop. I dont' have a clue as to how nitrogen would react but this info came from the manufacturer.
  21. I was thinking that an altered sissors jack would work well after you had the scoot secured on the lift table.....It didn't work for you?
  22. Sorry to hear about your crash. Hope you and the wife recover quickly! As far as the bike, you could rent a small enclosed U-haul trailer. Had a friend of mine buy 2 bikes in Atlanta and couldn't get both of them home so he rented a U-haul trailer. He didn't have to return the trailer to the orginal renting location. He rented it one way and returned it to his local U-haul.
  23. Looks like a nice lift table.....It doesn't look like it has the removable rear panel but you could design that into it as you build it. The removable panel allows you to remove your rear tire without jacking it up really high for the tire to clear the rear fender. If you are capable of doing metal work (and I assume you are if you are planning on building this table) you could alter a standard sissors jack that comes with most compact cars to use on the scoot. I'm sure any auto salvage yard would have one you could pick up for a few bucks Sounds like none of us are really comfortable lifting our scoots up.
  24. I know there has been a lot of talk about lift tables. I couldn't resist throwing in a thread about the one I just bought. I got the one from Complete Hydraulic. I bought the one with side and front extentions for choppers and a service jack. It's rated for 1500 lbs. I raised the scoot up on it as soon as I put it together. It seemed to be stable but I was still nervous about having the scoot raised up. Has anyone ever dropped a scoot off the table? http://www.completehydraulic.com/tcmlw.html
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