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Everything posted by raceman62race

  1. Here is how I blend and I have had good results. This is of course after the damaged area has been repaired: Wet sand an area larger than the area you want to blend with 1000 grit sandpaper. Wash with water, simple green and scrub with a green scotchbrite pad....or use wax and grease remover. Be careful not to touch the area you are going to paint so the oils on your skin won't come off on the paint surface. Let surface dry from the through washing overnight. Mix paint according to instructions and spray a coat over the repair area only. Don't go spraying very far away from repair. Wait about 10 minutes and put a second coat on. At this point you should be getting pretty good coverage in that you can barely see through the paint to see the repair area. Add a little thinner to the paint and spray a 3rd coat on. Make sure the 3rd coat covers a little larger area than previously sprayed. The idea is to blend the paint to an area that wasn't repaired as you add coats and thined paint. If you have good coverage, (meaning you can't see the repair anylonger) you can stop with the paint. If not, add another coat. Most of the time 3 coats is enough but sometimes it may take 4 coats. Mix clear according to instructions and spray clear on being sure to cover an area slightly larger than the painted area. I usually do 2 coats of clear and then add a little thinner and spray a final coat of clear that is a little large than the previously area sprayed. Then I let everything dry for 4 or 5 days. Then I wet sand the edges of the clear with 1000 grit sand paper to blend the clear with the original clear. You can also sand out any trash that might have gotten in the clear. When I have it good and blended in with the sandpaper, I let it dry and buff with medium grit buffing compound using an electric buffer and a lambs skin pad. Then I buff with finnessit and a foam pad. Everybody does it a little different. Take ideas form everyone and see what you think would work best for you. Hope this helps!
  2. I've only done HJC and VOX helmets. I carefully pushed a butter knife between the outter shell and foam liner to get it out. Used hot melt glue for re-assembly. That worked well for me but like I said, I've only done HJC and VOX.
  3. Dealers don't have the quality of mechanics that we would like to see. I have a thread on here somewhere about dealer issues I have experienced. I bought a 08 RSV new and the dealer didn't put but 20 PSI of air in the tires when it left the lot new. At 1800 miles the final drive started making so much noise that you couldn't hear the radio at all unless it was turned up to 20+ volume. Took it to dealer and they said it was suppose to make that much noise because of straight cut gears. Ended up having to get Yamaha involved and they made the dealer replace the final drive.....back quiet. One week later I took scoot to get new tires and the tire dealer pointed out that there was a washer (manual calls it a spacer but it looks more like a washer) missing on the rear. Looked up an assembly drawing on the internet and sure enough, there is a washer missing! The dealer didn't put the washer back in the rear when they changed the final drive. Most of the dealers that I have seen, have very young men working on bikes. I don't have anything at all against young men but because of their age, they can't have much experience and I think this is part of the problem.....the dealer will not pay enough money to get a seasoned motorcycle mechanic and they hire the first person that shows an interest in becoming a motorcycle mechanic, send him to a couple of 2 day courses and now they think they have a mechanic for half price.
  4. This place has them for $135.00. ordered a set about a month ago https://www.ronayers.com/co/l.cfm
  5. If I am not mistaken, and I may be, my 08 RSV is suppose to hold 5.9 gallons of fuel. I think I read in my manual that when the fuel light comes on, I have about 1 gallon of fuel remaining and I will have to switch to reserve pretty soon after the light somes on. It is true that I have to switch to reserve pretty soon after the light comes on. However, when I fill up, it only holds about 4 gallons. If my tank does hold 5.9 gallons, I should have almost 2 gallons of fuel remaining. My question is do you think my fuel light is coming on a little soon or does the tank hold 5.9 gallons and only 5 gallons is usable fuel? Or do I have 1.9 gallons of reserve fuel? I'm a little confused because I was thinking I only have 1 gallon of reserve fuel.
  6. I second what ediddy said. My bike had a bad final drive and I took it to the dealer with a tube of Honda moly 60 that I purchased myself. I instructed him to take a look at the final drive and lub everything with the moly 60. Couple of days later, the dealer called and said Yamaha wan't going to do anything about the whine in th efinal drive and he couldn't use the moly 60 to lube anything with. I called Yamaha and got a local rep to ride my bike and he instructed the dealer to replace the final drive and lube everything with moly 60. The moly causes the grease to stick to the parts much better without wearing off better than regular grease
  7. I've ran the Rotella Synthetic in 3 of my scoots with no problems. I had a 2002 Suzuki VL1500 that I purchased used in 04 with 15,000 miles on it and I converted to Rotella and rode it untill it had 48,000 miles and sold it with no problems. I bought the wife a 1993 Virago this past Christmas with 17,000 miles on it and converted to Rotella. And I run Rotella in my 08 RSV. So far, no problems with any of them. I got started on the Rotella when I had the Suzuki bacause of a Suzuki forum I was a member of and it seemed like everyone was running Rotella in their Suzuki's. I wouldn't think you would have an issue if you converted.
  8. quote. BTW I noticed on another thread someone mentioned using Rotella and called it synthetic. I don't think it is... Check this out: http://www.shell.com/home/Framework?siteId=rotella-en&FC2=/rotella-en/html/iwgen/products/zzz_lhn.html&FC3=/rotella-en/html/iwgen/products/product_rotellasynthcj4.html I would imagine if the oil you are running meets up to the specs listed in the owners manual, I don't think it could void your warrenty. I haven't specifically checked on the motor oil, but on the final drive oil it recommends Yamalube gear oil or equivelent. Then it goes on to give some specs that the oil has to meet. I would suspect it does the same for engine oil.
  9. Look at www.buckeyeperformance.com for the handlebars. Phone is 513-779-2447 and ask for Rick. They sell a kit made just for the Venture that includes longer throttle cables, brake and clutch lines. If you tell him what you want as far as width and pull back, he can sell you exactly what you need. I kept stock width with 2" more pull back. On long rides, I use to get a pain in my back between my shoulderblades. The new handlebars changed my posture to a more comfortable position for me. As far as foot pegs........I've had them for years and they have been on a couple of different bikes that I have owned. I ordered parts from all over.....the clamps for 1" highway bars came from E-bay. The offset mounts and highway pegs came from http://www.kuryakyn.com
  10. I installed a new set of handlebars with 2" pullback. Just got back from a week end trip to Savannah GA. Rode about 500 miles in the most beautiful weather and I didn't get any pain in my upper back at all. I also got to test out my windshield with a vent in it and it worked well. It was warm and we had a great time!!!
  11. I run the Dunlop Elite III's on front and rear. Bike handles well. I have a friend who got a little over 18K on a Harley with the E III's. I have just over 2K on mine and they still look well. As mentioned before, many people like the Avon's but I don't have any experience with them.
  12. I ride anytime the situation presents itself....day or night, interstate or back roads. I live in rural GA and the deer are the biggest threat to us be it day or night. I slow down a bit at night and I keep a close eye on the road sides more so than day riding. I live 25 miles from work and ride my scoot to work every day during summer and occationally in the winter. I leave the house at 5:30 every morning and it is dark during my commute to work. We have wild pigs in my area and I have to keep an eye out for those too but you don't tend to see them as much as deer.
  13. I see where you said you would have went with mechanical gauges had you known what you know now. I understand your concern about the oil leaking in the fairing if you had used a mechanical oil gauge. Do you think the capilary tube that a mechanical temp gauge uses could withstand the constant long term bending it would have to withstand from steering the bike?
  14. I see where you said you would have went with mechanical gauges had you known what you know now. I understand your concern about the oil leaking in the fairing if you had used a mechanical oil gauge. Do you think the capilary tube that a mechanical temp gauge uses could withstand the constant long term bending it would have to withstand from steering the bike?
  15. Name of Restaurant Ice House Street Address 271 W Washington St City Madison State or Province GA Website (Optional) - Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Good Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Variety, Seafood, Steaks, American.... Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments ONLY OPEN FOR DINNER WED THROUGH SAT. Located in downtown Madison GA..parking can be a pain in car or on a bike but if you don't mind a short walk it's no big deal. Main dish prices start about $12.00 and go up to $25.00. Nice casual dress and food is exceptional. Can be crowded at times.
  16. I bought a set of risers but didn't install them. Instead, I went with 2" set back handlebars.
  17. Don't forget about the Dragon's Tail.....318 turns in 11 miles. Be careful, I hear the LEO's are cracking down on motorcycles around the tail for the least bit of speeding.
  18. I think it is a great idea!!! I think Freebirds idea would be a great start as a sub area in favorite destinations. Would it be possible to break it down further into regions under the favorite resturants like Southeast, Northwest.......Then as threads get started under each region, list the state in the title of the thread? That way it would be easy to search for recommended resturants in the state you might be traveling to
  19. So i am assuming you bought yours from Yamaha?
  20. My wife and I wear modular helmets in the winter. I don't know the brand name that we have but I bought it from www.jafrum.com for about $75.00 each. You can also wear glasses with our helmet. I installed a J & M headset in them and it wasn't very hard to do. Although I ordered mine online, I would suggest going somewhere you could try one on exactly like what you want. I have a hard time finding a helmet that fits well and mine seems to be a little tight on my face but my wifes fits her fine. When I am around a store that sells modular helmets, I always try them on and I haven't found one that fits any better so I think it is just me.
  21. That's it! In your thread, it looks like the upper and lower rail is the same size. In the pics at Yamaha's site, they look different sizes to me??? ....along with a coupl eof other minor differences.
  22. I have an 08 RSV and at 1800 miles my final drive started to whine but it would stop whining if you pulled the clutch in. I also cupped the OEM tires. I bought my scoot new and it came with Bridgestones. After I got the final drive replaced, I could hear the tire whine but it seemed to go away or get much quieter while leaning in corners. I ended up replacing the tires and I bought a set of Dunlop elite III's. So far, they have performed well but I only have about 3000 miles on them.
  23. I was looking at the saddlebag trim rails on Yamaha's accessories page for an 08 RSV and they look different than most pics I have seen on this forum. I was looking at Freebirds thread on getting the rails to line up with the bottom of the bag and his looks different than the ones in the pic at Yamaha. Is there an aftermarket place to buy them from or did Yamaha change them?
  24. I've got an 08 RSV. Between my wife and I, our combined weight is 410 lbs. We've been riding 2 up on some overnighters when we've had the trunk and both saddlebags loaded full and never had a problem maintaining any speed we want. I've never pulled a trailer but I suspect you should be able to maintain any speed you want especially if you aren't pulling a trailer. I usually get 36 MPG riding 2 up and loaded with no power issues.
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