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Everything posted by raceman62race

  1. You can hover your pointer over their state flag and it will show you their state.
  2. Yamaha has been really good about standing behind the warranty for me....even though I had to contact Yamaha myslef once. IMHO, I would think Yamaha would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that any damage was caused because of poor/lack of maintenance
  3. I would recommend not buying a full face modular helmet online. I ended up going through 3 of them before I found one that fit nicely. I was able to try the one I like, and have now, at the motorcycle show in Greenville. Had to order one but at least I was able to try it on. I have a VOX XXL that I will let go cheap.....$40.00. It fits my head but it pushes to hard on my cheeks when the lid is down. Some people say you can get different cheek pads but I couldn't find any. If you can go somewhere and try on a VOX XXL and you like it, let me know and I can send it to you. Looks like new and is gloss black.
  4. I use this one and it works great http://www.sjdiscounttools.com/esi325.html
  5. I'm with you at 11:30 in prayer as well. I go to lunch at 11:30 and I have it logged into my palm pilot so I won' t forget.
  6. Wish I would have known about the easy fix in the tech library.....I broke one and they cost $175.00 for that chrome plastic!!!
  7. Stock Boy Factory Worker Civil Engineer Assistant Mechanic for Industrial Repair Shop Student at local trade school Maintenance Tech Electrician Electrical & Instrumentation Tech
  8. I would try pulling a spark plug wire off one at a time while idling and make sure it affects the sound of the engine. That way you verify it is not plugs, wires..... Then it's going to be a fuel/carb issue
  9. Did you leave them stock or did you drill them?
  10. I run 35 PSI in the front tire and 40 PSI in the rear. As far as shocks goes, I run 0 PSI in both front and rear unless I am riding 2 up for extended rides. Only time I add air is when the wife and I are going on an overnighter and then I add about 25 PSI to the rear. That is when the scoot is loaded ith 2 passengers and luggage for the trip. I'm 6'-0" and 230 lbs. In my opinion, the only thing you are shoting for is to keep the suspension from bottoming out from bumps you encounter with normal riding.
  11. Super nice set up but if I went with the trike, I would really want something with reverse.
  12. Just got back from Savannah about a month ago. I would suggest eating at the Pirates House. It's the oldest known standing building in GA. They have a person dressed up like a pirate that gives tours of the building. I would suggest taking the tour and listening to the history.
  13. Eddie, I'll take a patch!
  14. KOA Kabins...usually about $50.00/night and most KOA's have laundy machines to use as well as a pool to relax by. Go to KOA.com and plan out your trip.
  15. I am pretty sure I wouldn't call family, I'd leave that up to the professionals. I know I sure wouldn't want to see a loved one expired on the side of the road. About 25 years ago, I was the first on the scene where a 16 year old girl overturned a car about a mile from my house. She wasn't hurt badly and she requested I call her parents and notify them of her accident. That was in the days before cell phones and as soon as police arrived, I went home and did as she requested but I was able to re assure the parents that she only had very minor scrapes.
  16. I use Kurakian pegs with offset mounts. I bought the clamps off E-bay and I took the offset mounts and pegs off a previous bike that I owned. I didn't use any shims or locktite. Been on there for the bette rpart of 6 months or so with no problems.
  17. I too have J & M headsets.......don't remember exactly which model. I have 2 sets: one for the modular helmet and one for the half helmet. I've had them for about 6 months. I have to turn up the volume to about 25 to hear through head sets. When I have it going through the speakers, a volume of 15 will work fine. Is this normal?
  18. Go to a body shop supply store and get a bottle of fine rubbing compound. I particular like the product 3M makes. Rubbing/buffing compound has a gritty feel to it if you rub it between your fingers. The grit is what is going to take out the marks in the clear. I would suggest going to an auto parts store and buying the cheapest buffer you can get and get a lamb skin pad for the buffer. I have better luck with the lamb skin pad vs the pad that comes with most buffers. Or you can do it by hand as mentioned before but it will take a lot of elbow grease and time. If you are doing it by hand, you'll have to go over the spot a few times.....once is not going to be enough. After you go over the area really good with the rubbing compound, get a foam pad for the buffer (more than likely it came with a foam pad) and get some Finesse it. "Finesse It" is a product 3M makes that is a polish that will restore the shine. If you aren't satisfied with the finish product, you can repeat the process. If you use a buffer, don't stay in one place, always keep the buffer moving or you will blister the paint/clear. I highly doubt you went through the clear if you were using a pad simular to scotch brite. I worked in a body shop for a few years. PM me or call if you need to. Hope this helps.
  19. Got my RK mufflers yesterday. Looks like I am going to have to get a small clamp to hold it on. Is there a way to cover up the clamp?
  20. I like it! How much does the trailer weigh?
  21. Bamaventure started a thread and said he had a pair for sale and I jumped on them. I've been seeing them on E-bay as well. I'm told any touring Harley muffler will slip right on if you buy or fabricate a custom support bracket. Someone on here sells powder coated brackes for I think $40.00 set....look in the classifieds on this forum if you want to but brackets. Look on e-bay for mufflers.
  22. I've got some stainless steel at home that I plan on making brackets out of
  23. Thanks...just bought a set from Bamaventure and I didn't want to try to install them and find out there was something else I need!
  24. I know if I put a Road King muffler on my 08 RSV, I will have to use some custom brackets for support. My question is: will I have to use a bushing or will it slip right on the pipes without a bushing?
  25. I have a friend that ran an Elite III on a Harley and he got slightly over 18,000 miles on his rear tire. From what I have read, the tire is much thicker and the rubber compound must be harder than most because they are known for being a high mileage tire. I run Elite III on front and rear but haven't had them but for 1000 miles or so and they still look new.
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