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Everything posted by raceman62race

  1. I just had both front and rear Elite III's install last Saturday (Nov 1st) on my 08 RSV at Two Bro Tires. I let them do all the work.....remove wheels from bike, mount, balance......drive out price was $377.00. He said they just had a price increase. The Elite III's are a higher mileage tire than the stock Bridgestones. My stock tires cupped before I got 2000 miles them because of riding with low tire pressures.......Dealer didn't have the tires properly inflated when I purchased it new.......Yes I know, I should have checked the tire pressures as soon as I got it home instead of waiting 6 weeks
  2. Where is everyone getting the digital USA maps with the states colored that they have traveled in? Is there an internet site you download from?
  3. Gas prices in Eatonton Ga at Ingles and Walmart is $1.77/gal. Ingles and Walmart are having a price war! Ingles recently put in a gas island and ever since then, they have been competing on the cheapest price. Most other places in and around Eatonton gas is $2.29/gal
  4. Thanks for the advise guys! I ordered one from UTPR.com yesterday. The only reason I ordered from them is because they offered one that has the pillow look like the stock seat. I'll be sure to do something with the wires when I install....Thanks again!
  5. We've got as trip planned to the Dragon in 2 weeks. Where is the Cherohalla skyway? Is it close to the Dragon?
  6. Highway.....I am indeed the one. He did tell me he was caught in traffic because of a wreck and that he was on his way to Daytona. I have been bragging about Yamaha and how he postphoned a trip to Daytona for a few hours to ride my bike. He put forth a very appreciated effort to get my bike repaired. Next time you see him, tell him my bike sounds great and I really appreciated his efforts. As I said in the first post of this thread....Yamaha has been great.......
  7. Does anyone know where I can get a drivers backrest, non studded, for a stock seat for a 08 Venture..............or do they even make such a thing? I checked Yamaha's site but couldn't find one. Any advise?
  8. I guess what it all boils down to is everyone has to figure out a maintenance routine that makes you feel safe while riding. I have had numerous street bikes with a variety of tire manufacturers. I would give the tires a quick visual before each ride and I would put a gauge on them about every 6 weeks or if me and the wife was going on an overnight trip, I would check tire pressure before the trip. Rarely have I ever had to add air. In the past, that routine has worked fine for me. I have been blessed by not experiencing a 70 MPH blowout. What the manual recommends is not practicle.......my manual even suggests checking all of the frame bolts to be sure they are tight.......and I am suppose to do that before each ride!!! The Venture is by far the heaviest and the quietest bike I have ever owned and I may have had cupped tires on some of my previously owned bikes but couldn't hear it because of the loud pipes. All that set aside, I am certain it left Motions low on air pressure when I bought the bike because the rear tire has been submerged in water and no leaks were found. The lesson I have learned is to indeed check over everything possible after someone else works on your bike even if it is a Yamaha certified dealer. Kenw...sounds like you have found a good dealer and I hope you continue to get good service from them. I live in central GA and Cartersville is about 3 - 4 hours away
  9. I bought a new 08 Venture from Motions in Marietta on 8/28/08. It was perfect for the first 1800 miles. I did the 600 mile service and everything went smoothly. At 1800 miles, I started hearing a whine coming from the rear and it got progressively louder as time and miles went by. At 2400 miles I took it to the closest Yamaha dealer to my house, which was Mountain Motorsplrts in Conyers, to get the whine fixed. (I had only had the bike 7 weeks) One week later, they called me and said the whine was just a characteristic of the bike because of straight cut gears and there was actually nothing wrong with the bike. They also said my tires were low on air (20 PSI fromt and 25 PSI rear) and they were cupped and that was part of the noise I was hearing. I didn't pick up the bike and immediatly called Yamaha's South East Reginal Service Manager and asked him to check out my bike. His phone number wasn't the easiest number to get and I ended up getting it from someone here on the forum because I wasn't getting anywhere with the dealer. I talked to him at about 9:00AM one morning and by 1:30PM he had already ridden my bike and had called me and said it had a bad final drive and they were going to install a new final drive. He too, confirmed that my tires were cupped and that was a small part of the whine. It took another week for Mountain Motorsports to repair the bike because they had to order the final drive. I picked it up last Saturday and it doen't have the loud gear whine but I can now here the tire whine although it is not near as loud as the gear whine was. I feel pretty sure Motions didn't check the air pressure when they serviced it as a new bike. I have never seen a bike loose 50% of the air pressure in 7 weeks with no leaks. I called Motions to see what they intended on doing about my tires and they basically said nothing because I was suppose to check the air pressure every day. I normally check the air pressure about every 6 -8 weeks. I have talked to several people who ride bikes to see how often they check tire pressure and I have gotten every answer from every week to whenever it looks low to the eye. I plan on riding the bike another couple of weeks to see if I loose any pressure. If not, I feel like it had to of left Motions as a new bike with low pressure and I am gong to try to get a little better response out of Motions. In summary, Yamaha has been great but the dealers seem to SUCK!!!
  10. Can anyone point me to a motorcycle jack adapter for the Venture or give some idea to how to make one?
  11. I use to have an LC 1500 which was a V-twin and I made a really cheap but very accurate tool for sinking the carbs. I think it would work on the V4's as well. I'll try to explain how the tool works..... Get (2) 1 quart canning jars with lids. Get a few feet of small clear tubing. Drill 2 holes in each of the lids just large enough for the tubing to fit snuggly through. Cut a piece of the tubing long enough to reach from the bottom of one jar to the bottom of the other jar with the jars sitting side by side, lids on and the tubing going through the holes in the lids. Get 2 more pieces of tubing about 3 feet long and stick them through other hole in each of the lids about 1/2 inch. Seal tubes with silicone to the jar lids. Fill each of the jars about 1/4 full of water. Connect one of the longer hoses to the reference carb and the other long hose to one of the other carbs. If the carbs are out of sink, water will flow from one jar to the other. Adjust carbs until water doesn't flow. Move to another carb but always compare remaining carbs to reference carb...looks like reference carb would be #2 on these Yamahas. It's hard to explain but I can e mail a pic if anyone wants it.
  12. Thanks for the info. The Venture is doing well on these cooler days but I can tell I am going to want to get those vents for the hot summer days. Here in Georgia it is not uncommon to have 100+ degree days in the middle of the summer and the Venture seems to expell a lot of heat around the lower leg area. The extra heat feels good now that we are having cooler temps Thanks for the info guys!
  13. Where do the add on vents mount?
  14. I just bought a new (2008) Yamaha Venture so I am not as familliar with it yet as most of yall.I have heard some talk about manual air vents......Where exactly are these air vents at?
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