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About GaryZ

  • Birthday June 30

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  • Location
    Moore, OK, OK, United States


  • City
    Moore, OK


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Cars, Trucks, Vans, Motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 & 1992 Venture Royale


  • Occupation
    Design large and small sound systems

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  • VR Assistance
    Local info, trailer, room to camp, shop

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  1. I was coming home from Kansas and when I stopped for gas and deployed the kick stand it went sliding across the parking lot! The hinge bolt had sheared off. My local Ace Hardware is the go-to for nuts and bolts. I found a good replacement bolt that I could double-nut, I added a shim to stop the slop and it has been working great. BTW: I use the kick stand briefly when getting off this 800lb beast, then I put it on the center stand.
  2. Cowpuc  - 

    I hope you have good info that will help me. The Subject is my 1999 ZX11 Ninja and it's carb issue. After a bit of troubleshooting I found the "T" fuel fittings between carb 1-2 and carb 3-4 are leaking fuel. The parts diagram shows there are o-rings involved. My problem is that the carbs must be separated to get the "T" out. I removed the obvious bracket and the choke linkage and the carbs will not separate. Any ideas???

  3. I am thinking about converting my VentureMax into a trike and searched the web for rear axle ratios. For the record: 1985 Venture = 3:33 1985 Vmax = 3:66 The rear end that I am interested in is 4:54 and should do the job. I will be able to accelerate about as well as on two wheels.
  4. These two bikes are in different categories of riding. The fj has always been a sport-touring bike while the zx11 was more sport bike. It is true the later versions of the zx11 have become viewed as sport-tourers, they still offer more sport when compared to the fj. More cramped riding position, harsher ride, physically smaller and lighter. The zx has more bottom end grunt and an incredible top end charge. The fj is supposed to be smoother with its power delivery. I own a ‘93 and a ‘99 zx11d and have never owned an fj I also own an ‘85 and a’ ‘92 Yamaha venture royale A zx11 with 24,000 miles is easily worth $1000 My 2 cents
  5. I have not been on this forum a lot the past year and I just found your post. It would seem others here are not impressed with your custom. I am very impressed. It looks very cool! I am really interested in if you found a way to put a big tire on the back. I have an ‘85 that I call my Beast. A bobbed rear fender and fat rear tire would be nice.
  6. Still alive and kicking. The Beast has not been ridden in a couple of years. It is waiting for me to build a single carb manifold. The '92 hasn't seen a lot of use this year due to lots of other demands for my time. I have a heater for the shop and I hope to get stuff done over the winter. Safe riding to all.
  7. Never use the front at low speed or you will go down. Just my imput. This is simply not true. There are exceptions, of course. Poor traction conditions are always a potential problem for the front brake, especially on a heavy bike. If this were true, the linked brakes would regularly put VR riders down.
  8. This is also the rare occasion when loud pipes can actually be good. I know this from personal experience with my rather loud Ninja and my very quiet VR. I have decided to make my VR a little louder, but, not too load.
  9. It is my habit to change the brake fluid and clutch fluid at least every two years. The difference with fresh fluid can be surprising. The fitting that you asked about is equal to the fitting found on the brake caliper. I use a simple method to bleed air from the system or replace the fluid; A short piece of rubber hose (3") that is tight on bleed fitting, a clear plastic hose that is tight in the rubber hose and long enough to reach a clear bottle or jar on the ground. Place the rubber end on the bleed fitting and the other end (plastic) in the jar with enough water or old fluid to keep the hose in the fluid. Remove the master cylinder cover, open the bleed fitting, and slowly squeeze the handle (slowly or it will squirt out!). You will see the dirty fluid coming out of the clear tube. Repeat until the master gets low on fluid. Do not allow the master to suck air!. Add fresh fluid to the master. Repeat until fresh fluid is coming out of the tube. Close the bleed fitting, top off the master cylinder, and reinstall the cover. Done.
  10. The swing arms are different because the Vmax has a dual shocks and the Venture has a single rear shock. The exhaust systems will not swap. The Vmax intake system is too tall for the Venture's stock air cleaner. There should be a thread here that discusses adapting the Vmax rear wheel to the Venture.
  11. That is a beautiful bike! What mufflers are on it?
  12. We have renamed the baby skunk "Lily" The wife didn't think she looked like a "Cookie"
  13. Here is what I have heard you say; Popping during deceleration Poor running when cold Best MPG ever This list is all pointing at a lean closed throttle condition. With the vacuum idle set perfect, the needles on the slides are possibly too low. Add spacers to the slides and to raise the needles. See if that helps . . .
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