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Everything posted by dingy

  1. Where the bike would run in the "%" column would depend on what the settings where in the TPS voltage settings on the Misc page. What I did to set the TPS voltage was to get the TP=-[%] bar (at lower left in all screens) bar to be all the way to left at a normal idle This is for the top (0%) voltage setting. If throttle was blipped just a little, bar would start to right. When throttle was cracked all the way open hard, I wanted the TP=-[%] bar to go almost all the way to right, Adjust the TPS 100% voltage setting to get this one dialed in. Takes a number of tries to get this setting right. Each time you tweak it, program needs to be saved back in TCI, then recheck. It may take 10 or more tries to get it fine tuned in. Gary
  2. Just on the extremely remote possibility that a man hasn't read the instruction manual for the carbtune, I attached a couple of pictures. Gary
  3. In the manual, all you are seeing is a 2D representation of the advance curve that is in the TCI, It doesn't take into account the boost sensor. I just emailed you another IGN file to look at. If your RPM settings are going to 10000, you must have VMax curve in there. The Venture curve ends at 8400. Attached a picture of 3D ignition view from Ignitech software. I am all for some people experimenting with the settings in the Ignitech unit. I would suggest this involves the advance settings. The Bike tab is fixed on what it needs with possible exception of compensation settings. I don't know what they change. The Misc tab setting has the MAP sensor voltage settings on it. There probably is better settings for these. Each bike may be a little different on voltage spread settings. Servo tab has nothing for Ventures. Test tab is for bench testing outputs of TCI. Gary
  4. dingy


    How stiff a clutch you want? Barnett style are good, the 83-85 Ventures had them, then went to diaphragm spring setup. With a barnett style, there are limited options for increasing pressure though. You have a number of options depending on how hard you ride it, trailer, etc. A new stock spring would be good, the PCW would be better. Or you can put 2 springs in it with a little reconfiguring it, and then it will not slip. Lever pull is high though. Gary
  5. Do you have the restriction tubes in the carbtune vacuum lines? That will help smooth them out. You should see a difference in performance when riding it now. Gary
  6. Yes. This is using 41R unit. Gary
  7. Sync is done with all four carb boots plugged into manometer (carbtune). I don't think the boost sensor has any effect at idle. It will be unplugged, no need to cap the vacuum tube during sync. Gary
  8. I think the blinking ceases after about a minute. That's what mine does when fuel hits low warning. Gary
  9. That's the boost sensor, it will also have a 3 conductor plug going into it. Swap vacuum line per last post and see if it runs any better. It should. The 26H unit could be damaged. Gary
  10. Is there a hose going to any of the four intake manifold ports? If not, I would try swapping vacuum line to an intake port and see what the 41R runs like. Auto Zone sells caps that will fit the port on carb that hose is removed from, you can't leave it open. Gary
  11. Take a look at this web site. This guy is member on VMax site and can get most connectors for our bikes. If you don't see what you want on site, contact him. I know he is going through growing pains getting site set up. He is a good person to deal with. http://www.myconnectorstore.com/Products.html?view=category&virtuemart_category_id=275 Gary
  12. dingy


    Knowing what bike you have would help with advice. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=58880 Gary
  13. Look at your left carb pair and see if there is a vacuum port on the #2 carb (see picture, red plug). If there is a port there, then this is an 83 set of carbs. No port and carbs are from 84-93, could be 34mm or 35mm though. The 26H TCI must have the vacuum hose attached to this port, 41R & 3JJ (and Ignitech) must have vacuum hose attached to intake boot port. Difference is the vacuum profile is opposite between the two ports, on the 83, it is above the butterflies, so it sees an opposite curve as compared to port on intake manifold. This difference causes Boost sensor to send inaccurate signal to TCI when wrong port is used. This then tells TCI to retard timing when motor needs it advanced. You can use a 84-89 TCI on an 83 bike if you plug the carb port & move vacuum line to intake boot. 83 TCI can only be used on an 83 set of carbs unless port is added to newer set of carbs. Gary
  14. A 1.2K ~2K ohm resistor from 12v+ to the White with red tracer wire that the old sensor attached to. Reason for the resistor is that the plug for the original sensor was at the midpoint of the battery, so it saw in range of 6-7v. This is what the circuitry in CMU was designed to be triggered at. If full battery voltage is applied to the input circuit bad things happen and it lets a little smoke out, never to work again. The resistor drops the voltage into the expected range, clears the CMU icon, and clears the red warning light. I needed to replace it due to a break at the resistor in what is in Tweety. I put a 1K and a 470 in series and it is working fine. Resistors are very cheap, radio shack is a good place to get them. Skydoc also sells a harness to fix this in classifieds. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3766&title=first-genbattery-icon-bypass-lead-kit-21&cat=22 Gary
  15. Thread below will detail opening switch up to clean it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42720 Other switch cleaning posts in forum link below. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=68 Gary
  16. This is what JayBird did to Tweety last year at Oberlin. Went from plain to glamorous. At last years International, he added VMax to front, pics in my signature line. Gary
  17. The two curves are variable in several ways with the Ignitech. 1st you could vary the TPS (MAP) setting voltages on the Misc. screen to alter the vacuum response. 2nd, on the Advance tab, you could change view to 'Tab'. By backing off the 1st four rows in the graph a few points at a time, you may see a change in mileage. I attached a screen shot of Advance screen in TAB mode. With range I would suggest lowering slightly. Gary
  18. Do you have a 4 brush starter? I am in Mansfield. Gary
  19. Put a jumper wire from one of the thru lead components on either side of break. You had to put a lot of heat on that board to get all that solder on there. Not the best thing on a board like this. To much heat can lift traces off the FR4 substrate. Gary
  20. Attached are 2 charts with ratios of a 1st & 2nd gen Venture with VMax rear end. 1st pic is 1st gen gears, 2nd is RSV rears Gary
  21. I have received no input from any one regarding fuel economy settings. I know the timing advance is pushed out farther, this may be a factor. Gary
  22. The modulator will have to be supplying the full current for the driving lights, so a relay controlled by almost any switch would probably be in order. Gary
  23. I have never come across a rebuild kit for fuel pump for a Venture. Don't feel bad about the search not finding thread. I couldn't find it directly myself, found it linked in another thread that Google search pointed to. Just never got to use that picture on someone that I thought might take it personally. Gary
  24. I don't have a stock 90-93 to be able to help you. I do still have Ignitechs though, if you find that Prairiehammer's fixes your problem. Gary
  25. By Federal law, which supersedes all state & local laws, modulators are to go on headlights. Doesn't say running lights. "Lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment - S7.9.4 Motorcycle headlamp modulation system. S7.9.4.1 A headlamp on a motorcycle may be wired to modulate either the upper beam or the lower beam from its maximum intensity to a lesser intensity, provided that:".......... Copy of Fed law attached. Not saying not to do it, just FYI. If my modulator quits working, I will get another one ASAP. I am a very firm believer in that it makes cars stop and look again. As to your question, the modulator I have has control function that will disable it or change flash rate in horn & high beam circuits. Gary
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