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Everything posted by barend

  1. I'm sure it might be personally satisfying to rip someone a new one or to mess with them, but these folks are just doing their job, and for the most part they are doing it politely and non-confrontational. If you don't want to talk to people, don't answer the damn phone, or if you do answer and decide you don't want to talk, lay the thing down and walk away, or heaven forbid, tell them you're not interested but thanks for asking and hang up. I am not, nor have I ever worked as a telemarketer, hope I never have to either! Not that I would last very long 'cause I'm liable to throw your **** right back at you. Next time you get stopped for a traffic violation try ripping the LEO a new one for doing his job, let me know how that works for you .... so now if you want to call me a self righteous chrotchety old bastard, knock yourself out, see if I care. And then tell me I am wrong .......
  2. trike: increased stability, more storage, lower mpg's, trailer rides centered behind the trike, two people. Never rode one! Hack: a-symetrical trike> stable unless you do something stupid, much more storage, trailer rides centered behind rig or centered behind the bike (is there a preference?), three plus people, covered sidecars are for non claustrophobic people, you'll want to make sure your chair has it's own brake, especially on a 1st Gen; you'll definitely get the looks and allegedly you'll be safer because it looks different; expect to drop to 30-35mpg, convert to all LED running and tail lights on the unit to lighten the load on the stator; you have the storage to carry an extra battery and fuel in the hack. Unless properly set up, it's a bear. As far as my experience with one, I have a leaning rig and my only experience with a rigid was driving mine home locked up as a rigid which left me wondering why anyone would want one. But!!! make sure it is set up properly and things will be much better. I have an open cockpit, which suits us since my wife would be tearing the canopy of if I were to have one to close on her. Brenda prefers the chair since it allows her to "sit up front" and she doesn't have to look around me all the time.
  3. I'll second what Clive said!!! Plywood sandwiched between fiberglass is a problem waiting to happen. balsa core or insulating foam are better choices if you insist on a solid insert. Laying up strips may be slightly more work since you have to cut the strips and applying the fiberglass over them will be more time consuming since you need t make sure you have no voids, but hell, with what you are already planning on doing what is a couple of extra hours.
  4. On the way home from the last Ga M&E someone (I don't remember who) on a 2nd Gen had a LED bar under the trunk. as I recall it consisted of a double row of LED's, half the bar would light up as the turn signal, and the brake part would flash before becoming steady. don't recall if it had a running light feature, but it was a bright little sucker! I've been looking on line trying to find it but so far no luck. If you own one, or know which one I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks.
  5. What is interesting is that every brand has it's own followers and each think theirs is THE brand to have. I've owned a Honda Shadow 1100, a MkI Venture and now a Valkyrie. Can't speak for Shadow riders but both Venture riders and Valk riders seem to think their ride is best (just like they claim their forum is best). From my perspective the truth is that they are different bikes and they fit/sit/ride different. I liken the MkI to a fighter and the Valk to a bomber, they both have plenty of power and can haul ass but the MkI seems more nimble. For me the Valk's seating and handlebar position is better and there's more room on the back for my wife. I also like the looks of the bike, whereas I don't really care for the looks of a second Gen. Relating that to a Harley, my stepson rides one (bar hopper) and though the thing will definitely move, I wouldn't want to try riding on it for even an hour, but then, neither does he. Now as far as who has the better forum??? Hands down, no contest, I'm posting here, aren't I!!!!!! :happy65:
  6. Good luck on the job search, though as a landscaper for 20 years, I'd best leave that part alone, sorry!
  7. I'll take it! (if it would work on a Honda) would be installing in a Scorpion full face helmet, since I've never had one, which would you recommend? Paypal?
  8. stealer: where you buy 5 year old bikes for new prices 2012 Venture: Same as a 2000 Venture with different paint colors VR.Org: a great place to make new friends and learn all kind of stuff you didn't know you didn't know
  9. Got a black one of an '83, vinyl has wear on the front edge where the false tank cover is. Not to undercut Dano, but shipping plus whatever you think it's worth. And no i don't have a picture
  10. barend

    New Scoot

    Put baffles in it since then Randy, it's taken the edge off and I think they may let me live in the neighborhood again :crackup:
  11. Now that you mention it, you're correct they were those 2nd Gen bikes ........
  12. Just don't believe the myth that as a Venture rider you have to stop at all of them; I have personally witness three (3) of them ride right by a DQ!! On the right side of the road, ....... with plenty of stopping/parking space ......
  13. YesSireee, I does! 'xcepting of course that I have the gold color variety which went much better with my (previous) Blonde. Now I have to cut a hole in it to facilitate the valk's back rest
  14. I have (access to) a 4x8 tilt bed trailer, It's a bolt together thing and doesn't weigh much. Though I'm currently not in the landscaping business anymore I'm considering dabbling and would need something to carry hand tools, trimmer, blower, maybe even a push mower, etc. With the truck that's no problem, but fuel being what it is and having a full time job I'm wondering if an eight foot long trailer plus tongue would be too long for a bike? I'd have to build a box on it at least 16 inch (preferably 24)high and 24 to 30 inch wide. Depending on how I organize things I could shorten the bed by about a foot. I'm guessing the tongue, measured from the axle, is about 7 feet, so a 4.5 ft wide trailer would still give me the 1.5:1 tongue vs. axle ratio. I know there's folks out there (take that any way you'd like) who pull a coffin for a trailer which theoretically means this should be doable, but I'd still like y'all s opinion.
  15. Actually talked to Sean after he talked to the guy who build the engine. The verdict is that someone sugared his tank at some point. If I understand it correctly, the way the engine is build, I think it's an S&S, any trash would have blown straight through the engine, but since it has been sitting a lot over the winter and then got run this hard, caused some of the crystallized sugar to break up and clog the jets. Sean says you could squeeze the fuel line and hear it crackle. The man said he'll clean the fuel system, install new lines and flush the tank and he'll be good to go. So I am humbled by my premature assessment. .....................Still wouldn't want one:cool17:
  16. Y'all gonna love this one!!! I've been texting him since we both work nights, let me excerpt this: him: I just think bad gas all that white stuff feels like wet sand all in the carb me: No fuel filter????? him: Not that I've seen :doh::bang head::bang head: Oh well, he does ride a Harley :rotfl::rotfl:
  17. I like that idea, prolly would've been faster and possibly cheaper.
  18. What do you do to stay awake?? I have a hard time keeping my eyes open in a car after working all night (10 hrs) and the bike only gives me a slight edge.
  19. While we were marching on Rome, my stepson, Sean went for a 'bout 100 mile ride with a friend. They both ride the rattlecan brand, 'xcept hers is new and his is a customized job (barhopper). I'm told they were hitting 80-90 mph and turning of on the exit for home his bike died - totally, No loose battery connection or out of gas, just dead. Now his friends are saying the bike wasn't built for that kind of riding and that it was the ethanol at those speeds. :think::confused07::confused24: We probably all agree that ethanol is not good for most any engine other then a racecar maybe, but I've never heard of a bike flat out dying because it was driving too fast for the type of fuel you buy. Oh yeah, the "friends" are saying he should only buy plain gas, which of course would really turn this puppy in a bar hopper. So, I'm calling BS. (in spite of the fact that it's a Harley)
  20. '99 Valkyrie Interstate; a Wing with attitude! Kinda like the relationship between a first Gen and second gen. That being the 1st Gen the one with attitude of course :cool10: Oh, what number is that??
  21. More to the point, is there any other vehicle on the market which has been sold unchanged in the last 12 years?
  22. Could've been me .......... Naw, just kidding!:buttkick::buttkick:
  23. Got home about 0730, stayed dry the whole way too :-) Had a good time, but I'm gonna have to do something with those pipes, my ears are still roaring
  24. install a red LED, more light, less power and as red as you can get even with a faded lens. as far as the side marker lights, I installed some oval LED's with a chrome bezel. works and looks great. Probably got them at superbrightleds [email=http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Fspecs%2Fmoc.htm#photos]http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Fspecs%2Fmoc.htm#photos[/email]
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