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Everything posted by loosebiker

  1. loosebiker


    From the album: SANYO431

  2. loosebiker


    From the album: SANYO431

  3. loosebiker


    From the album: SANYO431

  4. loosebiker


    2000 MM Venture
  5. loosebiker


    From the album: SANYO431

  6. I will turn 72 7/10/09. I am still riding the 2000 Venture MM. I don't see the end in sight yet. I have been blessed with good health.
  7. I have the tourking half cover on my venture. It is good quality and I like it. This my second tourking cover. The other one was on a Royal Star.
  8. These are three pics from my Wildwood, Fla trip.
  9. I had the same squeak on my 2000 rsv. When I had the 16000 mile service they lubed the shiock mounting bolts and bushing. Squeak gone.
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