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About loosebiker

  • Birthday 07/10/1937

Personal Information

  • Name
    Bob Grissett


  • Location
    Rome, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 venture millenium

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  1. All 4 flashers are blinking. wont turn off
  2. I blead my rear brakes on 2000 venture now the bleeder screw will not close. Has anyone had this problem? If anyone has dealt with this how did you fix it.
  3. 77 and still riding.
  4. I like the blue.
  5. I will take one.
  6. Any place would be good for me.
  7. I have a tow-Pac Trike kit on my 2000 MM. Handles great. It all depends on getting them lined up rite. I have had no problems of any kind. It handles and steers very well. My tow pack has been on the bike for 3 yrs and over 30,000 miles.
  8. I have a tow pay kit on my 2000 MM and I love it. I have not had any problems at all.
  9. You can beat this. The Lord has brought me thru 3 fights with cancer. The Last time was Nov 2013.
  10. I would order one for my 2000 MM
  11. Thanks for all the advise. I finally got the old oil seal out. That metal band was still on the shaft. Putting the drive shaft back in was a real PIA. I had the bike serviced and the rear end splines serviced at 16000 miles. When I took the drive shaft out of the bike at 32000 miles I found a paper towel that than been folded and put under the universal joint to hold it up. This by a mechanic with 30 yrs experience.
  12. Thanks Dingy. I did it.
  13. Sorry. I have a 2000 MM venture. My oil seal was destroyed so I have to replace it. My problem is that I cannot get it to go on the shaft. Part #is right for my bike.
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