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About Irene

  • Birthday 04/19/1948

Personal Information

  • Name
    Irene Bumgardner


  • Location
    Indianapolis, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Shanghai/Shisensho/MahJongg by any other name.
  • Bike Year and Model
    '06 RSV passenger
  1. Corrected that for you. (Always glad to help out, Carl.) Ok, now what were we talking about... Oh yeah, teachers. No, no, Bummer's Mango Habanero wing sauce. That was hotter than the conversation about teachers. Right Naugh? Oh wait, that was Detroit. Sigh. Maturity. Still not all it's cracked up to be.
  2. Our weather guy said our area,Indy, set a record for August 2010 as the driest in recorded history. Sure wish we could have some of the record rainfalls that we had in the spring right about now.
  3. Officer Bisard could have used the left turn lane. It was open. Reports say he was going 60 to 65MPH when he plowed into them. He was on his way to assist fellow officers in a drug warrant. Unless there were shots being fired at this drug case, there was no reason an earth Officer Bisard should have going that fast! Police Chief said he felt bad for the family of Mr. Wells. But he especially felt bad for Officer Bisard because he will have to live with this for the rest of his life. Eric Wells is dead and he feels bad for Officer Bisard!
  4. Prayers sent,and yes it can be done local. Had it done on both hands at the same time was awake for the entire sugery. Did not know how cold an operating room was, nearly froze! Also left the bandages off after the first week. Kept the wound clean and dry. Dr. was amazed at how quickly they healed. That was over 20 years ago and haven't had sleeping hands since. Good luck.
  5. He is now! Might just win this years race.
  6. Most of my kin live in southeastern Ky. Went to my grandmothers funeral a few years ago. My sister and I were talking to one of our cousins, we had not seen him or his brothers and sisters since they were youngsters. So naturally we filled each other in on our children and their ages. One of my cousins was telling the age of his sisters kids and he turned and called to her and said Elsie is Annie your least 'un? Meaning is Annie your youngest? I thought my sister was going to wet her pants because she was laughing so hard.
  7. Steve and I got home around 3:30. Had a great ride Sat.A little warmer would have been nice. Good to see the old friends and meeting new ones. We came home 62 W to 231 N. Very good ride. Hope to see everyone next spring. Maybe at Squealers?
  8. Without a doubt the most beautiful and breathtaking ride in the U.S. Steve and I rode it again before the Ft Collins Rally. After the ralley we did Pikes Peak and Mt. Evans. Told him I had left nothing at either place and had no desire to go back. But I would go ride the Beartooth in a heartbeat.
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