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Everything posted by latchkey

  1. what rear end gear oil do you thanks best. its time to change mine and looking for what works best on a gen 2
  2. i think you`ll be very happy once the feel comes around. i run a federal and will not go back to m/c tire. almost all i ride with run a c/t on the back and were all pleased with the proformance. welcome to the darkside.
  3. if keeping it, paint it, if not sell it.
  4. alot of bikes can`t be hauled that way cause of damage to to tranny. no lub if engine not running. i read were ventures are one of them.i check into more before you buy one.
  5. your lights look good mounted on the bags. i could`nt get my pics to download on this post so i put them in my profile it anyone cares to look.
  6. latchkey

    june09 067

    From the album: my bike

  7. latchkey

    june09 069

    From the album: my bike

  8. latchkey

    my bike

  9. autozone 10.99 each had to drill holes in bags to run wires thru and held on with 3m double side hd tape.
  10. great, thats what i was hoping. will put some pics of them here this weekend. they look like they came with the bike. searched for months to fine a led light that wouldnt look like a add on. my bud`s say i found them?
  11. i just installed six led lights on my saddle bags . lights have 3 led bulbs in each light. i will hook up to the running light wire off bake light. leds will be used as running lights not brake. do you see a problem here as far as having enough power to do so? thanks
  12. latchkey

    vr caps

    i hope we do, need some myself!
  13. once your use to the handling, you wont go back to m/t i bet.
  14. i`ll take two please
  15. rode the devils triangle in oliver springs tenn. 529 curves on a mountain side. dam makes the dragon tail a ride in the park. we found out about this from some guy at the gas station. it was on our way to the skyway so we rode it. has anyone here rode it? will worth the ride if you have`nt.
  16. latchkey

    cb mic

    can someone tell me if there`s a mic hand held made for the cb on the ventures???
  17. i ride with the wingers also. when i got my bike i felt it to be doggie. read post here about driving it like it was built to be driven. high rpm, dont go to 5th gear till over 65mph. i keep up just find now! so much power there if you unlease it.
  18. must have the lube . glad no ones hurt
  19. thanks , always so many to help. great site
  20. i uploaded pic of wife and bike but still not showing it on thread next to my name?
  21. why thank you , thank you very much!
  22. how do you move a pic you want to your profile as seen when you post ? when i post its just latchkey. so many have there bikes or other photos next to theres? can someone tell me a simple how to? thanks
  23. no it would not. there is one size i got for a buddy awhile back off the darksiders . not the ones here but the web site. go there, ask and they will tell. i cant think of it right off.
  24. the only down fall of the venture. glad it has a good audio system
  25. sorry your right . called my buddy said its 550 nuvi not a zumo
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