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Everything posted by P-roy

  1. I mis-read that at first and thought it said Lunch on impact and thought he was being funny:rotf: Glad he walked away
  2. I could meet up somewhere on a weekend between now aJune 5 to get the trailer, then take it to Portland as I go, or if someone else is able to start the relay west, I could grab it from them. ( I'm assuming you have it in Cleavland, or maybe it is headed to Utah ). We could route near Salt Lake on our way out if that will help. Keep me posted.
  3. OK, we are traveling to Portland to visit family and should be arriving there on June 6th. Traveling from the Minneapolis, St. Paul area, driving out on June 5 and 6. Willing to adjust our route to pick up and deliver the trailer if needed, provided those dates work. Let us know if we can help out.
  4. Maybe bracket was the wrong word, but the ignition surround on the Venture tank and Tour deluxe tank is slightly different, same ignition will fit in either, but you need the surround for the tank. Bolts directly to the frame in the same manner. The rubber bushing on the seat end of the tanks I think are the same.
  5. If'n ya still got it, I might be persuaded to take it off your hands. PM was sent also.
  6. I have been looking at doing the same thing. I think that it is fairly straight forward, but I know that you will need the tank and the front mounting bracket that the ignition goes into. Due to the size/shape of the Venture tank that part is needed. Your Tour Deluxe ignition will fit into the Venture bracket and everything will bolt onto the frame the same. I haven't done mine yet but hope to get it done soon. I think that you need to use the float from the Tour Deluxe also as the wiring plug is different between the Tour Deluxe and Venture. Let me know how it goes for you.
  7. Have a kit on the way thanks. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
  8. Looking to lower the rear of my RSTD. Anyone got a lowering kit they would like to trade for stock parts??
  9. Thanks for the info. I had some custom risers made for my bike (about 2 inch rise and pull back) so I have plenty of room, but I thought that the fork covers caused a problem. Never had it apart so wasn't sure what I would get into. May have to give it a go as I have the bike tore apart waiting on a Vmax rear end swap. Again thanks for the info.
  10. OK, my question is, has anyone does this on a Tour Deluxe. If so what is different than the procedure for the Venture.
  11. Just found this thread, so here's a couple of pics of me and I'm w/him, married 30 years this month. sent from my phone
  12. First a big thanks to Big Tom and all the organizers for this years rally. We had a great time (our first IR). Got to see a few old friends, put some faces to a lot of forum names and just had a lot of good fun. The rides were great and can't wait til the next get together. The rally was about midway through our road trip. The day we left, about six hours down the road, we went to exit the highway and I was playing footsie with the rear brake, nothing there. I had been riding pretty hard through the hills of Virginia, WV and into PA and though maybe I just overheated the brakes. Let her sit for about 45 minutes and still absolutely nothing. Remembered a dealer just a few miles back, so returned to see if I could get some assistance. We arrived at 6:55 (shop closes at 7:00). Two employees there and after a brief conversation, they agreed to stay and do some repairs. After a flush of the rear brakes and all new fluid, I had brakes again. Walked away for a $20 bill, and was treated great and they apologized for taking so long to get the repair done. I know we all joke about the "stealerships" out there, but I saw two in the last two weeks that I would do business with anytime. Pioneer, our host at the rally and Riders Edge Yamaha in Gettysburg PA. Any of you out in the area of either of these two shops, stop in and give them a little business and say thanks for me as both places did me right. See yas at the next one.
  13. Happy birthday, and many thanks for a great rally sent from my phone
  14. Awesome story, and awesome act of kindness. More people should spend their time doing for and helping others. Just the kind of thing to lift a persons day. Thanks for all you did.
  15. This is my seat experience for what it's worth. I ride a 2005 RSTD, I bought used in Feb 06. It had on it at that time a Mustang 2 piece seat w/rider back.rest. it was comfortable enough, a little but burn after 200-250 miles, but could do 400 in a day and be fine the next day. I thought the seat pushed too close to the tank because of the way the hardware for the backrest was built into the seat. Sold it and rode the stock Yamaha seatz for a season. Better spacing from the tank, but 150 was max before needing a break. About 300 a day was my limit and 2 days was OK, more was agony. Bought a corbin dual tour saddle (1 piece) and found it the most comfortable so far for short rides (150 or less). Longer rides were similar to stock seat, with the same milti day limit for me. Bought a Russel day long saddle. 2 and half riding seasons later and I still think it is the best thing I have done with/for the bike. Over the summer I did 7 500+ days in a row. shortest day was 10 hours, longest was 14.5 hours (I take my time). Never any but burn, only need to stop has been for gas or bathroom breaks. The wife found. The Mustang seat comfortable but had similar limits for range as did I. She did not particularly like the stock seat. The Corbin was uncomfortable for her and we bought a gel pad, just so she could ride for more the 45 minutes. The Russel day long has been great for her. I have felt a wobble in the bike a few times since getting the Russel saddle, but the wobble goes away when I smack the wife's leg to wake her up. Not kidding, the first time she actually fell forward onto my back. My only minor complaint with the Russel saddle is the riders back rest. It is great and I use it often on long rides, but I can never seem to adjust it, so it is just right. I should say though that I never got any other rider back rest just right either. The Russel back rest has been the best, so maybe I am expecting too much. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
  16. well yammer dan, I'm not saying we are, but I'm not saying we aren't. My family is from not too far from your area and I spent part of my childhood there.. a couple a little towns Kopperston and Oceana. Love the area but work took me away. Hope ya get you garage done.
  17. I don't have one laying around, but am looking to do an upgrade as a preventative measure. I started pulling a trailer this year and thought a clutch upgrade would be a good idea. At this time I am NOT noticing any problems with the stock clutch. But I would be willing to make a swap, my stock for the upgrade provided there are no known issued with the upgrade you are looking to remove. Let me know.
  18. Well the originals are MIA. I really think I put them in but never tightened them. I rode the bike for 2 days and about 300 miles before I had problems. I did not notice any brake issues or noises until headed to work that night. I guess I'll never know for sure, but I do know that I am very good at putting stuff back together and having left over parts. I always thought it was because I am just more efficient at design than the original engineers. And I am also notorious for putting things in a place where I will always know where they are. So I am sure if I forgot to put the bolts back in, I will find them in that special place in a couple of months.
  19. Well the bike is all fixed up and stopping great again:). The bolts were 10mm 1.25 pitch. Took a little while to locate them as all the big box hardwares around had 10mm but only 1.00 pitch or 1.50 pitch. I even stopped at a commercial fastener place, and a young guy came outside to the bike with a pitch gauge and swore that the bolts were a 1.5 pitch. Sold be a couple of bolts and off I went on my way home. I did not install the bolts then and rode with the caliper tied up and out of the way just not using the rear brake. The bolts would only start in a little way and then stop, like they were the wrong threads. I was going to buy a tap and re-thread the holes but I just couldn't see that the threads looked damaged. Decided to give my local mom and pop hardware a try. They had 10mm bolts in a variety of thread pitches. So I grabbed a couple of 1.25 pitch bolts and presto, they threaded in like new. Looks like mm482 was dead on (not that I doubted you). Thanks again for the help and replies.
  20. Thanks for the info. Looking at the bolt size I would think they were a little bigger than an 3/8 SAE, 3/8=9.5mm, so my guess would have been a 10mm. The pitch always throws me, but 1.25 seems pretty standard in metric stuff. Thanks again for the info, it makes me a little more confident in my guess, and hopefully makes for a few less trips to the hardware store.
  21. Actually a couple of zip ties and not using the rear brake I was able ride it the rest of the way into work. Just hoping to get er fixed up proper before the 30 mile commute home.
  22. Riding an 05 Tour Deluxe with 35K on the original shock, but the back end bounces like crazy. Deciding which shock to get as it needs replaced.
  23. Oh yes it is entirely possible that I just didn't put them in. I called home and had someone check my work area, and they didn't see them. I don't get off work til 6:30 in the morning and am hoping to just hit the 24 hardware nearby and bolt things back up for the drive home. I remember looking at them on a parts tray when I was bolting everything together, but don't remember putting them or tightening them.
  24. On my way to work tonight I noticed a grinding noise coming from the rear brake. I thought it odd as 2 days ago I put on new rear tire, brakes pads did the lube of the splines..etc...... When I tried to stop tonight the rear brake pedal was soft, managed to get her stopped and on the side of the road. Looking at the rear brakes, I find that either I forgot to install or tighten the two bolts that hold the rear caliper in place, (they were gone). The caliper was rubbing against the rim and was making the grinding noise. I was able to limp the bike to my work but now need to get things fixed up. Anyone know what size and thread pitch the bolts are for the caliper. If it wasn't metric I could make a good guess, my metric skills are lacking. Everything looks to be in good shape, and should just be able to be bolted back in place. I will prob run a tap in the caliper to chase the threads. And should I use locktite or something similar when I bolt it back in place.
  25. First a belated big thanks to Gary and Ann for hosting us. Life was a bit busy starting the day we got home, and now a few weeks have past without posting anything. This was our first time at Pork in the Pines (or any rally for that matter), and we had a great time. Met a lot of people, and made some new friends. Hope to make many more of these rallies and friends in the future. The food was awesome (I voted 3 for the chilli by the way), and the conversation was even better. Got quite a few good tips on keeping the bike maintained and enjoyed the marathon ride on Saturday (thanks Marilyn). A great bunch of people, hope to see ya again at the next gathering. Thanks again.
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