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Silver Bullet

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Everything posted by Silver Bullet

  1. hold boath buttons down till the clock starts blinking the hour then justset thehour the the min. will start blinking and just set them...hope this helps..
  2. also if you can , get a buddy to ride bwehind you. he or she can tell if the tires are wobbling. try it empty first [very slow] 20-30 and let some one watch from behind and all around. if all is well ride it around a while .. this worked for me and now i ride the limit.have ridd3en over 6k with mine wioth no trouble.. good luck and have fun,,,,,,
  3. I use rotella-t 5-40,,,it is working great for me... my tranny seems to shift smoother. my sams club dosent have 5-40 sen.rotilla.I wish they did. I usely get my rotilla 5-40 at auto zone.
  4. Shoot,,,, if you cant stand the heat--[sTAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN]--ha! brian-thanks for the pics.we had a good time didn't we..h we could have seen every thing, but there are only so many hours in a day.
  5. thank you guys that came to meet dragonslaure...[brian,his friend ken..and gary and me]....this was such short notice that a few other guys wanted to make it but worked till nearly 8:00 and didn't get the e-mail....sorry guys .... now for the bad news-----dragonslayer didn't make it eather.... he hade a flat in tucumcari. more news to follow!!! jack:fingers-crossed-emo
  6. dragonslayer said he just left las-vegas. so any one who can and would like to, give me a call at 806-674 0800. I know this is not the place for this ,but I have to get it together.before mr. dragonslayer gets to amarillo. thanks jack:bagpipes-emoticon:
  7. hey a-dragonslayer. if you get to amarillo and have the time , maby we could ride to the canyon. its called palo duro canyon. I think you would have a good time. lots of history.. give me a call 806 674-0800.... jack:12101:
  8. I have used ride-on in 3 sets of tires now and it works very well,, just my 2 cents.....
  9. prayers are sent to the Father.. your mom soundes like a tuff little lady,maby GOD needed another warrior for his return..prayers also for you and your family...
  10. boomer, sorry you went down. but glad you could get up. we all hope you heel up fast. take care...
  11. Bob after you get it checked out- jump on that raskel and ride it like you stole it.. and if you come theough amarillo tx. come on by and have what ever you would have to cool you off. tea or a cool one or water or some shade for a while.. jack
  12. I would like someone to tell me what kind of brake pads to buy that will last for a while. my brakes are out again and it seems like I just put them on.
  14. prayers going out from us , god bless you all
  15. I changed mine out in a wal-mart parking lot. stoped there to got some channel-loks to push the piston down .it took my son-inlaw and me about 45min. to do the job. [no bleeding ].still working great.
  16. I have a friend in wyoming who just found a 69 chevell ss 396 with 4 speed. it is black with white stripe, the sorry dog has'nt even sent me a picture yet. he said it hasen't been drivev in a while so he is having it gone over by his mech. sorry dog...
  17. well it's rainning to day [which we need very bad] here in the panhandel. so I will wait till it stops ,so I can turn it upside down and hook it to the bike and check all the wireing.I followed freebirds inst, but I guess I did somthing wrong... I did check the ground again. having said that, I did change the lights to led's. thanks for every ones help ,mabye i'll find it when the rain stops. jack
  18. yes I cheaked the ground and it good...yes I did use the modulite. every thing works great ..the turn signal on the trailor works great untile I apply the break to turn .the turn on the bike works as it should but the turn on the trailor reverts to brake light..???? jack.
  19. I have a small problem with my trailer wireing. my lights all work -the turn and brake lights all work, but when I have the turn signal on, the brake lite over rides the turn signal on the trailer.I am just wondering what's up with that???? :confused24:
  20. where can I get the flag?
  21. I sure like my sheep skin, I rode up to montana last year in hot weather .and every time we stoped to eat ,that danged ol' seat got hot. my frieend in montana took me to a place that sold sheep skins of all colors. I got one and it is very nice.my wife likes it a lot also,it's cool in the summer and worm in the winter. works for me... jack:backinmyday:
  22. HEY Goose,,I always said that you were a good man. -no matter what they say,,LOL.
  23. What Tim said,,,
  24. 63, and am looking for a good trike, i'm not in any hurry to find one. just planning ahead.
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