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Everything posted by N3FOL

  1. N3FOL


    It is an airplane.
  2. Happy Monday to all. We have some fog and left over rain this morning. Tomorrow will hit 55 °F. I think I'll ride to and from work on Tuesday. Go get your Christmas shopping done, if you haven't yet.
  3. N3FOL


    WH said there is nothing to worry about. Meaning, we are all wrong. (Next sentence left blank due to potential inappropriate posting)
  4. Good evening to all! Just chilling for the night.
  5. I've had Bison Burger, but not a sandwich. Tasty as well.
  6. Good morning to all!
  7. On a side note. My wife will not eat beef like steak but will eat corned beef. I do like reubens and it is a heavy sandwich.
  8. I guess you are right. The last two xmas party we had was held in our fairly large cafeteria. I am glad to see that this one is off site at a much better venue. On another note, I am done with hanging Xmas decorations and lights outside. This time, I installed a couple of electronic timers to turn On and Off the lights at desired times.
  9. I am having an egg and ham sandwich tomorrow morning. No cheese, since we are out of cheese.
  10. TGIF! Good Morning to all!
  11. Tomorrow, December 6, is our company Christmas party. I think it is a little too early to have one. At least a week early as far as I'm concerned. Don't you think the first week of December for a Christmas party is too early? What is your take on this? Enjoy the night. TNF it is Packers vs Lions.
  12. I always say I love how she made the sandwich. Always two thumbs up for the boss.
  13. Good evening to all. Not looking forward to the windy conditions we are going to have on Thursday. A few more days of winter like temps then we should warm up to the 60's next week. Just another roller coaster like weather.
  14. I like all aforementioned sandwich. I am not hard to please. Yummy!
  15. I have a couple: 1) PB&J and 2) Double Egg Sandwich with Canadian Bacon which will last me longer. I am already getting hungry.
  16. Bingo! Houston is the place. Just curious...how far is Katy, TX to Houston, TX?
  17. I guess as long as it is getting better, that is something to be optimistic about. Cold air is in place this week in our area, so no riding for the rest of the week. I guess I'll have to hit the treadmill this afternoon.
  18. Good morning to all! Almost lunch time and I am getting hungry already.
  19. Wow that was something to go through on your rear tire, but glad to hear that Revzilla agreed to replace your tire due to inconsistencies on the thread and perhaps a defect on manufacturing. You just had to remove the tire have a shop unmount and defective tire and remount the new tire over again. At the end of the day, glad you have the peace of mind knowing that you are confident on your tires. Blessing in disguise, you also have regreased/serviced the rear end of your bike. All the best on your carb service project. FWIW, I frequent Dennis Kirk for most of my bike needs.
  20. You are too young to have arthritis. Hit the gym and all of that arthritis will disappear.
  21. Nice! Hope you can get all that done before the weather starts to warm up again. Glad you are able to spend some quality time with your family. Enjoy the holidays and thanks for sharing your pics. And by the way, great choice on tires. I really like the Shinko 777s.
  22. Just remember...age is just a number.
  23. Good morning to all! 26 degrees this morning. Hope you did some shopping yesterday. We were out and about yesterday and it was very busy everywhere we went. Enjoy the weekend.
  24. I really liked that show and I would even stop working on my homework just to watch the show for an hour. Your new $6 Million dollar men sounds reasonable taking into account inflation.
  25. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Yes! We had a nice gathering with family and friends earlier than normal. Belly is full and I have no more space for dinner. I am so ready for leftovers tomorrow. Enjoy the football game and to whatever you are doing tonight.
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