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Personal Information

  • Name
    Ellis O'Brien


  • Location
    Kelowna, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    '84 VR
  1. I bought a high output one from RM Stator 3 years ago and still working fine on a MK I with factory cooling kit. They ship from Canada for no unpleasant border extras.
  2. Very cool to see the old Venture Road magazine! I've never actually seen one before and I'm looking forward to reading it "cover to cover". Thanks!
  3. You could try searching for one of the numerous threads on the subject of carb synchronization on this site. There are many different tools and methods available but I'm sure someone with the "correct" procedure will chime in soon.
  4. I like that better than moving to the top of the airbox as others have done. It gets crowded on there if you also move the TCI box to that location. Will have to look for that nice compact fuse panel. Thanks for the post!
  5. Definitely interested in a set of Delrin mounts at that price.
  6. Ah yes, galvanic corrosion. That's a delrin advantage I hadn't thought of. Thanks!
  7. Currently doing the second gear major and planning on solid motor mounts for the re-install. Is there a downside to the delrin mounts vs solid metal? They claim to be heat tolerant and provide all the advantages of solid mounts without the vibration. Sounds good but I'd like to hear from some who are using them. Thanks for all the good advice so far...
  8. It's on the floor as we speak with no apparent issues despite have been abused apparently, with every rear tire change ever performed on it.
  9. So how do you remove the mufflers without moving them up and down to get them loosened?
  10. Once you have those clamp bolts loosened, it is quite possible to push down on the mufflers enough to get the nut off and the axle out without actually removing the mufflers. They have to be worked up and down to get them loose enough to remove anyway, but there's really no need if all you're doing is taking the rear wheel off.
  11. I have used these tires on my '84 VR for many years, front and rear, without issues. They meet or exceed my standards although I always wish for more mileage out of the rears.
  12. I have the opposite problem having acquired an american miles speedo for my kilometers canadian bike. I was hoping the gearing was accomplished in the drive gear at the wheel hub and was going to swap faces as you did, but apparently not. Perhaps we chould trade but shipping would be a barrier, although I could ship and receive from a u.s address nearby.
  13. Hi All. New guy from BC here but have been riding my '84 VR for 15 years and enjoy reading the posts here. Somewhere I saw one about replacing the shift linkage bushings with a generic hardware type since they don't appear to be available from Yamaha. Now that I'm replacing my stator I'd like to snug things up in the shifter as well. Anybody remember where I may have seen this or be aware of a serviceable replacement? Thanks!!
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