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Everything posted by 86er

  1. Not my first pics, but some of my favorites!
  2. $120K?!? For half that you can get an enclosed gyro-copter, and for a mere $25,000.00, you can get a flying motorcycle, Although that thing has a lot more off road potential.
  3. I'd like to buy a vowel, Alex. (And I'd like another shot of that Black Death!.....Wait, Ahhh, now I understand!!! )
  4. Hey, Bob! That awning would give you some great shade when you're tearing your bike apart at the next Meet-N-Eat! That thing is awsome!!!
  5. I'm still trying to figure out which, if any, size Michelin Commander II will fit the front of a 1st Gen?
  6. 1st) Is low speed wobble (35-40mph) caused by the head bearing being too tight or too loose? (And, Lewis, don't tell me it's the nut that connects the handlebars to the seat!) 2nd) I know on the 2nd gen, people are running a different sized front tire in order to use the Michelin Commander II tire. I am about to change my front and would like to run that tire. I love it on the back, but they are not making a front for the First Gen yet. (At least not when I last replaced it!) Is there a size that will work, and how much does it change the geometry? Thanks for any input! Even from you Dragonrider!
  7. You are not the first to go to that "Dark Side"! And if we let Eck hang around, heck y'all are safe, Barry. Congrats on the new ride!
  8. If you remember the sixties, Ben, you weren't really there!
  9. Bubba said that if someone was shooting at him................ Well, I can't repeat what he said on a PG site!
  10. I have been getting texts and calls from friends, both from this site and other places, showing concern for my well being. As many of you know, I work for FedEx here in the Atlanta area, and I'm sure you have heard the news of the shooting at a FedEx facility in the area, five injured and one (the gunman) dead. That was a FedEx Ground facility in Kennesaw and I work for FedEx Express out of Alpharetta. We are about 30 miles apart. So once again, Thank You for your concern! And I bid your prayers for all those affected by this tragedy.
  11. Great News, Skid! Prayers will keep coming.
  12. Still prayin, Skid. And congrats on the retirement! I'm thinking that the streets are safer now that you are retired!!!
  13. Hey Skid! I haven't been on the site for a while and this is the first I've heard of this. You know my prayers are going out for you, just like Vogel '09. It worked well then and I believe it is again! You know we all love you guys!
  14. Good luck, Lewis! I know you always do what Charlene tells you, so I won't even go there! If you need anything, just let me know. (I'll call Jamie! )
  15. Best of luck to you, Larry and best of skill to your Doc!!!
  16. I can't believe I missed this! Happy Belated B-Day, Bobbie!!! 29 is a really great age! (Especially if you have a few years experience!! Personally, I have 42 years experience at being 18.)
  17. I understand all the controversy! And now that 4 of the greater minds are here!: I had de-linked the brakes on my '86 and gone to the R1 calipers. Now that I have bought a "Brand-Used" '88 I am moving all of that to it. Including the forks from the '86 (The '88s look stupid with the EAD on the sides!) I am selling the '86 to a friend and it is his first big bike so I figure that stock is best for him. I took the metering valve off of a parts bike I have and installed it. It seems to be working OK and holding the pressure. Knock on wood! One other issue that I'm having is that if I accelerate hard, the bike goes flat at either 3500 or 4500 RPM depending how hard I'm accelerating. If I ease thru' it (as much as I can "ease thru' it"!), it's real smooth. Also, If I just cruise along at about 3000 RPM, it has a barely noticeable stutter, like one cylinder is kicking in and out. I have checked the diaphragms on the two back carbs and they look OK, but I haven't checked the front two yet. I have also changed the plugs, fuel filter and I've run a couple of cans of SeaFoam and one can of K100 through it.. Any ideas? (I can't believe I asked that!) (And I'm sure Gary wasn't calling me a less experienced rider!)
  18. Thanks Kevin, I do have a metering valve that I pulled off of a parts bike. Do you know if there's any way to tell if its good before assembly? I'm about to start working on it now.
  19. Thought I'd bump this in case someone that can help me didn't see it. HELP!!
  20. I knew Steve only thru Vogel and one maintenance day at his shop. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with him. God speed and prayers for your pain to ease, Gloria and Heather.
  21. The junction block (on the 86) on my rear to front brake line is leaking. (This is the point where the bleeder line comes off.) There is a rubber cap on the bottom of it with a spring clip on it. With the cap off there is a black piece of rubber in the center and that is where it is leaking. With the cap on, it fills the cap and then leaks. Is this something that can be fixed or do I have to replace it? And is there a way to test a used one before putting it on the bike?
  22. Bubba said he liked the music and the scenery (and some of those cute women!), but them thar folks sure do talk funny!
  23. Actually, Lewis, for those of us that know Charlene, it's really not that shocking! Good luck with the lessons and on the surgery. I was only off the bike a few weeks after my back surgery. And that was only because I recuperated at my sisters for 3 weeks. I knew that if I went home sooner I'd be back on it! If you need anything, you've got my #! Rock on Charlene!!!
  24. Another question is, do I have to take the tops off to refill the fork fluid if I'm not changing the seal, or can I fill it from one of the EADS holes?
  25. Is it easier to change fork seals with the forks on the bike or off? I am switching my 88 and 86 forks, so I can go either way. 86 forks are already off, and I have polished the aluminum. I plan on doing this today.
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