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Everything posted by 86er

  1. A little rain and sleet right now they say, although I don't see any out my window. Snow due in the next 15 or 20 minutes according to TWC. Tell Jeff to stay away from those 2nd Gens! I need to go get a haircut and the truck is on jackstands undergoing a brake job. (I ain't working on that today either!) Haven't decided if I might ride to the barber's. I haven't ridden in the snow in 25 years and that was on a 125 Suzuki not an 835 lb behemoth! As I finish this, I just looked out the window to see 3 snowflakes fall! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/28/28_4_8.gif
  2. If a '50 bus went for $4 mil, think they'd wanna give me a measly $1.5 for my 1950 truck? Heck, it's a GM too!
  3. I like that! I've got a Black Cherry!
  4. Now you're confusing me Kit. You talk about buying a wing and then at the end you say you might as well have the best bike ever made, which we know is a first gen! Let us know which you decide on!
  5. Sun City....Hmmmm Sounds like a nudist camp to me. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_1_25.gif http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_10_1.gif
  6. Hey Eck, if you ever want to change your screen name to something more anonymous, there it is: RocksBox!!! (Oh wait, that wouldn't be anonymous would it!?) Thats OK, I never knew that trick either. I allways go to the Members List on top and when you click on it the first thing in the drop down is "Full List". That gives you an alphabetical listing. You can click on the first letter of the members screen name and that'll bring up all with that letter.
  7. Doesn't look like it would survive too many of my roadtrips!
  8. I've got a down vest, good gloves, leathers and a hoodie, who needs heated? No need to come back! Lets go! Where are we meeting?
  9. Damn you, Al Gore! :rotf:
  10. I had that rotating bulb on the back of my Maxim 650 years ago when they first came out. All the guys that I rode with complained about it when they were behind me. They said that since it was moving all the time it was hard to differentiate when I was actually braking. They said that if you weren't paying attention you would miss the change. I finally took it out and went with Hyper Lights. I do like the turn signals though. Wish I could do that on my 1st gen.
  11. In the row at the top of the posting text box is an icon that looks like the earth with an infinity symbol. (If you hover over it, it says "Insert Link") Highlight the text you want to make a URL and click on that icon. Insert url in the box and click ok. If you want to insert a picture (from a URL) click on the icon of a picture of a mountain.
  12. Hi-Ho Silver, Away! But, hey, at least it'll keep up with a 2nd gen!
  13. I was wondering the same thing, Mr Owl. I posted this in another thread : "Welcome back, Clay. Get out there and ride! Missed you and Lauri at Saturday's M&E. (Well we missed Lauri anyway!) Hey, did you ever get your trailer? I've had a few people ask me about that."
  14. Saweeeet! & Saweeeeeeeeet!
  15. Or did Hell freeze over? It's snowing at my house in Georgia! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_11_8.gif http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Snow%20In%20Georgia/100_1300.jpg http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Snow%20In%20Georgia/100_1297.jpg http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Snow%20In%20Georgia/100_1301.jpg http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Snow%20In%20Georgia/100_1296A.jpg http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Snow%20In%20Georgia/100_1298.jpg http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Snow%20In%20Georgia/100_1299.jpg It's a good thing Atlanta doubled their snow removal capabilities last week!.......... ....They hired two more Mexicans and bought another snow shovel!!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/28/28_4_6.gif
  16. Hey! I represent tha.....errrrr I resemble tha.............errrrr Oh never mind!!! I just want some of the drugs y'all are on! I don't see a backrest on that second trunk, although it does look like it has some sort of bag on it. Sweet ride, Popeye!
  17. Why would you want to do that?
  18. Dang, Steve! I know that your up north, but your not in Canada! Why are you paying millions for a bike? (And hey, can I borrow some of that money?!?!?)
  19. Welcome back, Clay. Get out there and ride! Missed you and Lauri at Saturday's M&E. (Well we missed Lauri anyway!) Hey, did you ever get your trailer? I've had a few people ask me about that.
  20. I plan on being there! See y'sll at 2!
  21. In which alternate reality? :confused24:
  22. I saw your other post first and posted there. Here is a link to the color codes once you figure out which color you have. '87 is page 22 And that is a really nice combo!
  23. If you click on "Venture History" in the top bar of this page and scroll to the bottom of that page, you will see all the year's color combos. Here is a link to the actual color codes. 1987 is page 22. I hope this helps.
  24. It adds a little Hauptgewicht, Squeeze! Since I can't cuss at Jeff on line.
  25. Bite Me!!!!
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