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Everything posted by 86er

  1. I like deltarat's idea!
  2. We may do that, Lew. Oops! I just saw that the bid is over $1.5K so I guess I'm out!
  3. I'm glad that you are ok with this, Lowell. My prayers and and support go out to Juston's family as well, my friend.
  4. I may try to take a look at that one. I've thought about a black and white paint job for the Road Sofa.
  5. Nope, wasn't me, Terry. Wish it were though! I could use a fishing trip on the bike! I did a post, that I linked to in my earlier post, about a club that I belong to that tosses five bucks in the kitty for a drop and ten for a crash. The difference being under or over 5mph! I suggested we do that using the "donations" button on the top right of this page. I think I've done 5, 5 and 10......so far! Careful there, Harold! That sounds like you're tempting the fates a wee bit! I've watched and practiced that cd as well. It is very helpful. I can scrape both pegs in a parking lot at slow speed, but there are times that nothing you do will "stop the drop". Like starting up in a turn and loosing forward momentum. IE: the bike popping into neutral or dieing suddenly.
  6. You're definitely not alone in that one, Terry! I've been known to ease my bike down on it's side! Checkout this thread: The Oficial "I Dropped My Bike At Vogel" Thread (And get your five bucks ready!)
  7. These pics aren't real good because I was shooting the GPS mount, but this is my cup holder made out of an old UPS belt! It snaps over the left bar, rests against the cables/wires, has two loops of leather and a bottom in it. Works great for coffee cup or bottle of water.
  8. Awwwww, c'mon George, I gotta go to bed in an hour!
  9. Heck with that! Does she have a mother?
  10. Saawwweeeet Ride, Mike!
  11. I lived in Texas for 13 years.... It seems like I've heard that slogan before! And I have to second what Eck said! Good Job, Dude!
  12. Don't worry about it, Jonas. You just have the same medical malady that many of us here suffer from: MBD Multiple Bike Disorder At last count I have 7 bikes in the garage (3 run) and 6 in the back yard under tarps! Welcome to the support group!
  13. Looks like Y'All had a great time and a good turnout. Nice pics, rosebud! It's fun putting one of these together isn't it? Well, when it finally happens and you can quit worrying any way!
  14. No Title! Here ya go,Dan: 2006 ROYAL STAR VENTURE
  15. Have you seen the muffinman, the muffinman, the muffinman? Have you seen the muffinman? Where is the muffinman?!!!
  16. Wow Bob, that's a bummer. I had a cousin that lost his big toe to a lawn mower and he had to learn to walk again. The big toe gives lots of balance. But I would think that the middle toes wouldn't be as bad. As to healing, I imagine that will depend on how easily you heal. My dad lost to a lawnmower once too and it took off part of his thumb and the next two and a half fingers. They found one finger and the tip of another. They used his index finger to rebuild his thumb, reattached his middle finger and removed the bone going to the index finger. It seems that it took about a month or so to heal up. He said that for years, though, his index finger, the one that was gone, would itch and get cold easy. It's called phantom pain. Good luck, man! I'll be pullin' for ya!
  17. I feel for you, JB. I went through that this summer after a sandwich in a deli outside the NE entrance to Yellowstone. Thought I was gonna die, and wouldn't have minded! Feel better soon!
  18. Make sure that the speakers are aimed at your ears and are close. I used triangular cosmetic sponges, scissors and hot glue to get mine in the right place. The sound is much better when they are in right.
  19. Looking really good, Dave! What are the front forks off of?
  20. Glad you're here to talk about it too! That looks like a hole in the tire. Did you pick up a nail or a screw or something?
  21. DARN, Georgie! I was expectin' a burn out!
  22. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_19_3.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_75.gif Bobbie! But I've got a question, in Ga when you finish an accredited rider course, you get your endorsement, doesn't that happen in SC? Or do you take the certificate to the DMV and get the all important "M" on your license? Of course if you are qualified to drive a bus, you get a B on your license. Since I am qualified for a bus and a motorcycle, I have a license with a class BM! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_4_6.gif
  23. Man! I missed this whole thread! Thanks for pointing me this way, Squeeze. This working thing is really getting in the way. At least you got the prettiest Venture made, the original Black Cherry! (You know that "Urishi" means cherry in japanese, right?) It's great that you've got two wheels again, I knew that you wouldn't be without for long. 1st gen, 2nd gen, 1st gen, 2nd gen. We all know that it really doesn't matter what you ride, just as long as you ride.....a 1st gen! Congratulations my Brotha and Sista!
  24. I've heard that running nitrogen in the tire keeps it running cooler and thereby prolongs the life of the tire. Although we would all love the to extend our tire life, running cooler is not what we want in our tires! When I'm laid over in a turn, I want my tires warm and sticky! That is why racers keep electric blankets on their tires between races.
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