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Everything posted by 86er

  1. At 137,000 (and 90k of that is since 07-04) my starter clutch finally cracked and I had to replace that yesterday! (Thanks for the help Landon!) Like Squidley said, keep up the maintenance and you can ride a long ways!
  2. . . . http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e138/TMagEnterprises/Extra%20Junk/HomeAlone3.jpg . . ,
  3. Not in a Race!!!!
  4. Once, when I was driving a bus load of tourists through Yellowstone, we stopped for a bear sighting. One of my passengers wanted to get off and take a picture. I didn't want to let her off, but I warned her that it was really dangerous and that she shouldn't get too close to the bear. She didn't pay any attention and got really close for her picture! The bear got really pissed and started chasing her....she ran back to the bus, but I shut the door before she got there. One of the other passengers asked why I didn't let her on the bus.....I said that I wasn't going to let a woman on the bus with a "bear behind"!!!!
  5. Hey Owl! You know that they say California is like a bowl of granola........you take out all the fruits and nuts; all you have left is a bunch of flakes!!! (I got your back, Muff!!! )
  6. I guess that was a hell of a storm....Bobbie only got 5 pictures!!!
  7. Way Cool!!!
  8. That is nice! I only wish I had the cash and the ROOM for it!
  9. Yep, she's a tough one. Jamie says he'll have the bike ready to ride in a couple of weeks! Now I just want to revisit an old thread that, fortunately, I don't need to add to this year! [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13886]The Official "I Dropped My Bike At Vogel" Thread[/ame] I believe I smell a 10 dolla donation coming, Don!
  10. I believe my vacation is the week of Sept 27th. I'd like to show y'all around if I'm not on the road. Or I might follow you back to Tx.
  11. Yo Dude, Nothin' tastes right with whiskey in it except a glass with ice!!! But knowing how much you drink, send that addy and you'll get plenty of Pepsi (gag!). We missed you (and especially Mini) at Vogel. No fried tacos was a shock!!! But I got to play with; and smoke some sport bikes. Take care over there and don't lift any veils!
  12. Maybe that's what Skid needs to do with the RSV; put some training wheels on it! That would answer LilBeaver's question too!!!
  13. Yup! Y'all are smart not to mess wit dat girl! ;~>
  14. Hey Carl, that color is called: "The Prettiest Color Ever On A 1st Gen"! If you don't believe me, just ask Skid!
  15. 86er


    Sorry to hear of your embarrassment, Kerry! But at least you just dropped it and didn't crash it, plus you are now in a club with almost as many members as VR.org!!! I refer you to [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13886]this link[/ame]....
  16. This is all great info! I like the idea of fixing the board and the reed switches. I've already been in there once for the "obligatory" re-solder, so that doesn't scare me too much! I just may use the "Black Tape Cure" until I need to take the fairing apart again. I think, Brad, that a load equalizer is just a bunch of resistors to balance out the lighter load of the LEDs. Again, we're back at square one, although when I do the turn signals, I will probably do that.
  17. One of the main reasons that I am going to LEDs is to reduce the load on the system (read: Stator!) but if I add resistance with another light or even a resistor, aren't I just going back to square one?!? Is there any other way to fool the computer?
  18. Landon and I hit the Atl area about 6:15pm Sunday and I rolled into the garage around 6:45. I unloaded the trailer and rolled it outside for the night just as it started to sprinkle. I shut the garage door and let the storms roll through!!! Landon and I only made it to the rally for one, count 'em 1, night but it was well worth it. It was great seeing everybody! And the Jack In The Box fried tacos were excellent, I even think that Blackjack found that they are good! Hey Muffin, we may have a new convert!!!
  19. If Bobbie was using film, George would already have to have the trailer that he want's to get!!! Great pics, Mechanic, makes me feel like I was there! Oh, wait, I was there! Complete with air conditioning!!!
  20. I just installed LED taillights and now I'm getting the warning light on the monitor. If I leave one incandescent bulb in, it doesn't trip the computer, but it doesn't look as good either. I know that somebody around here knows the fix other than black tape over the red warning light! (I fixed the battery warning light that way until I could get around to adding the resistor!) So, what's the fix? The LEDs that I used have a ring of lights around the base to hit the reflector. They don't reflect as much as a regular bulb but they are brighter anyway. I will probably go with the turn signals when I can afford them. The question is: Will I run into this again with the reduced load on the turn signal system? I didn't find anything about the warning light in the [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=9477]LED Tail Light[/ame] thread
  21. Actually it's now a "Presidential Solution"!
  22. Great Pics! Now I don't need to spend fitty bucks to see the Biltmore!
  23. Can you say "NOVA"? Twenty-five years ago (Yep, 25!) Harley had a prototype V4, water cooled motorcycle. Everybody was doing it back then (Venture, Magna), But they couldn't afford to do R&D on the Nova and the Evo engine. You know which one won!!! Here is a link to an article on the Nova. To bad it got quashed by HD.
  24. I'm in for dinner on Sat (I need me some sourbratten!). Should be there about 4 or 5pm. What time is din-din? And somebody save me 4 bucks worth of ground with an a/c outlet!
  25. Ahhright! Sounds like there will be lots of room. Somebody save me a little real estate, I'll be there Sat afternoon. I ran into BillM in the grocery store the other day and he's planning on coming up too. I haven't talked to him yet so I'm not sure what day.
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