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About godinmw

  • Birthday 08/01/1966

Personal Information

  • Name
    mike godin


  • Location
    rainy river, ON, Canada


  • City
    rainy river


  • State/Province


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 royal star venture
  1. the high voltage was with the new battery also,just tested about 4 hrs apart,looks like ill be doing more testing tomorrow
  2. voltages were measured with a new deka agm battery I put in today
  3. just replaced my battery today after it wouldn't start and found out it was only 1/2 full of acid.tested the voltage this a.m when idling and got 15v,went up to 16.5 volts when i rev bike up.this afternoon voltage read 12v when idling and when revving engine.am going to test all plugs and connections tomorrow but am I on the right track to assume voltage reg is shot
  4. are you looking for floorboards for the driver, i just posted a set for 86-93 in the classifieds for 225.00 plus shipping
  5. this may sound crazy but i couldnt see me front wheel thru my windshield my neighbour told me to use a car polisher with toothpaste and it worked great, can now see where im going
  6. sounds good,forgot i have an 89 venture royale 1300
  7. im looking for a neutral switch if you have
  8. i am losing neutral light with gear indication, also if i level bike off it wont even start until i put kickstand up
  9. have 2 problems with a 89 venture royale first, when bike is cold everything works great, after about 15 minutes the bike starts to miss,if i take bike off the sidestand then it runs fine, seems okay if im driving also the gear indicators only work in 3rd gear after bike runs about 15 minutes just wondering if it could be a sidestand problem, neutral switch or both
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