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Everything posted by LLonearth

  1. Electrical gremlins plus potential water damage from Hurricane Ike mean a very thorough examination is in order. Beaumont isn't that far from Galveston.
  2. Does a Markland hitch off an 84 fit on a 1987 VR? There is an 84 takeoff on eBay and I have been looking for a hitch for my 87. Anybody have one they want to sell? Thanks
  3. Choke seems to work just fine. George: I'm on the third tank of Seafoam/gas mixture. So far no change but I'm still hopeful. The bike runs strong with no missing at highway speeds. Miles per gallon seem low, though, as the last full tank resulted in 125 miles/3.5 gallons at 55-60 mph = 35 mpg. How about removing the air cleaner and spraying carb cleaner down to clean them out? I already put new plugs in.
  4. My "new to me" 87 VR is acting up with a fast idle around 2500 rpm when warmed up. I've searched this forum and have found it is not that unusual. The recommended fixes are beyond my comfort level, as I would rather take it to someone who knows, rather than mess it up further myself, at least until I understand what to do. I am in the Benton, IL area about 110 miles SE of St. Louis. Any knowledgeable members or recommended shops/mechanics in this area? Thanks.
  5. Well, the washer was installed next to the wheel and the dragging disappeared after assembling properly. The tech apologized repeatedly and said to ride it for a while and come by the shop so he could look at the pads and rotor again. The wheel spins easily and rotor "appears" true. I will ride over to the shop tomorrow or Thursday but all seems ok today. Thanks for the input. By the way, the Yamaha Dealer is Southard Implement in Grinnell, Iowa. They are a big John Deere shop with a Yamaha cycle and ATV sideline. They should be congratulated for their response so far and I will post again if there are any other developments.
  6. George: In looking at it, I think you may have diagnosed it! The angle to the brake caliper just doesn't look right. I'll know more in a couple hours when the tech makes a house call! How is that for customer service? I talked to him on the phone and told him your opinion and he said that he did have to refer to the manual to see how to put it back together and it was not clear to him. He is making a trip to me at their expense. Here in Iowa, many businesses still pride themselves in customer service but I am pleased they didn't request me to find a way to bring the bike in to the shop (20 miles). I guess the brakes had been dragging on the way home so they might need replacing. Anything else that could have been damaged in the 20 mile ride? Thanks for your help. Larry
  7. I just had my tires replaced by the local Yamaha shop (by a tech service guy who wasn't born when my 1987 Venture Royale was made). After riding it home, I put it on the center stand to work on cleaning the wheels and noticed that even when in neutral the rear wheel does not spin easily. Is this abnormal? I had noticed when trying to back the bike into the carport it seemed very difficult. How easily should the rear wheel turn? Is it possible the tech overtightened something? Thanks for any info on this as I have only had this bike less than two weeks. Larry
  8. Big Daddy: If he didn't take your hitch I would be interested. Thanks. LLonearth
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