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Everything posted by LLonearth

  1. I finally found the speedo gear for the front axle and need to replace the old one. Are there any shortcuts? The bearings were replaced last year and I only want to get this different speedo gear in place to see if that fixes my speedometer and cruise problem. Thanks for any help. 1987 VR. Larry
  2. When I checked the cable ends at first, I had to remove the headlight to get at the upper connection to the back of the speedo. Not too easy with big fingers but it was tight and, as I mentioned, when I manually spun the core, the odometer moved so I concluded that portion was functional. It sure seems like it could be the front axle gearing for the cable. Thanks for the reply, though.
  3. Well, I just pulled the cable core out and it looks fine, long and square ends. It could be the part on the front axle may have broken. I guess I'll have to pull the front wheel off sometime but will wait till I find the spare I have somewhere or else order one off fleabay.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I, too, suspect the mechanical components, as the cruise was working just fine until the speedo quit. When I checked the cable by turning manually I noticed I could pull the core out. Is that normal or does it indicate the core is broken? I could pull the core all the way out and measure it or see a broken spot. Does anyone know the normal length? Thanks.
  5. My 87 Venture's speedometer just stopped working. I have checked the connections and when I checked the cable on the front wheel I spun the cable manually and it changed the odometer so it is apparently connected at the top. I was on the highway today and when I tried to engage the cruise the power light came on but I could not "set" a speed. Does the cruise control work off the speedo cable? Could something at the front wheel connection be loose or broken? I have the rotor covers so it is somewhat of a problem getting at the connection. Thanks for any help.
  6. At the other end of the price spectrum, look at http://www.gezagear.com/index.htm
  7. We can ride pretty much all winter here in Mercedes, TX (way down in the Rio Grande Valley) except of course, yesterday and today while it is raining and cold, cold, cold...only supposed to get to mid-50's today. After way too many winters in Iowa, I know we won't get any sympathy from anyone still up North.
  8. You may already know this but in case you do not, the rear brake is linked to the left front rotor also and there is another bleeder point by the top of the right front fork.
  9. Please don't forget about us poor souls suffering down in the Rio Grande Valley. Today Mercedes is supposed to be sunny and 85. I am planning to ride over to Progresso for some cheap tequila and Kahlua. Somebody's gotta do it.
  10. Thanks, guys. Let me get settled down here in Mercedes, TX and I'll get back to you. You're right, it could have been much worse. There was that one moment where I could have pulled real hard and pulled the bike the other way which could have resulted in me falling backwards and the bike then falling on me. Nothing was damaged except for my bike and my pride. Not so bad as I have been working on being more humble.
  11. I must have had a worse day...just cannot remember it now. As I was winching the 87 VR up on the Volvo semi for the trip to the Rio Grande Valley for the winter I slipped on the ramp and lost my balance which resulted in a drop test from about 2.5 feet. It landed on the right handlebar which bent severely and main fairing which cracked in several places. I guess my stupidity will cost me 5$? Not to mention much more than that in plastic repairs. Does the stupid fund accept Paypal? I have a spare handlebar but need another right fairing and the parts that hold the speaker and a right front turn signal. I'll be monitoring ebay but wondered if any here had spares for sale. Thanks. Larry
  12. Do you need to change the jets when you put these on? If so, to what size?
  13. I have winched my 87 VR up into my Volvo semi truck two or three time and am curious about any potential damage to the forks. I found a thick tree strap (for ATVs with a winch) that wraps around the forks just above the fork brace and clears the front tire. I then winch the bike up a 14 foot ramp and have had no problems. The bike steers and tracks just fine after I get it down but I don't want to cause future problems. It looks like I could rig up a longer strap which could connect on the lower crash bars and clear the front wheel if I am doing this the wrong way. Any input on potentially damaging the forks with this procedure? Thanks.
  14. In January, we're in Mercedes, TX, where you can ride all winter! Don't mean to be mean...I did my time in many years in Iowa winters. I'll try the WD-40 before I take the switch housing apart. Thanks for the input everyone. I was concerned about springs flying around. Might still have to split the housing.
  15. Suddenly, my starter button went from silky smooth to hard to push. It doesn't hang up and keep grinding the starter. My first inclination was to remove that one screw on the bottom and "start exploring" but I thought to first check in here to see if that is wise. I did spray contact cleaner all around the switch without any success. Thanks for any input.
  16. Where does leave us poor first gen cousins with our 10.5:1?
  17. I went looking for a key blank for my first gen Venture. I had read that the ILCO YH46 X120 was the correct blank but there is a better choice. The keymaster at our local ACE Hardware had the X120 but said the HICO 11010 YH50 was a better match for my OEM key. Of course, it has a flat head, not the Yamaha plastic logo one, but I was looking for one I could stash somewhere on the bike so no problem. ACE UPC # 029069706852. Price = $2.19 plus tax and that includes cutting the blank!
  18. That's just the kind of situation that prompted me to replace the stock horns on my 87 Royale with two Bolo air horns. They have alerted one absent minded driver so far that they need to pay attention to me! Glad you weren't injured seriously.
  19. Maybe he can find a copy of John Hiatt's Wintertime Blues! By the way, we're in a cold spell down in the Rio Grande Valley...only low 80's today but 90's by Thursday. Here's just a bit: There's no spring There was never any spring Spring's a long gone thing There won't ever be a spring no more At least that's the way it feels when your Skin is cracked and peeled And you've been livin' under Sixty pounds of blanket And the snow's drifting up to your window And you're out of firewood And the wolf is howling at your door Three hours of day light And all of them gray The suicide prevention group has all run away I'm running out of groceries I ain't got no rubber shoes Bring the bacon baby I got the wintertime blues I could cut a hole in the floor Catch you a fish by a quarter to four But I'm stuck up this mountain Where I got a bird's eye view Of couple more months of these Ol' wintertime blues
  20. J&P Cycles is a big catalog company from Anamosa, IA and they carry a bunch of Milwaukee Leather products. Perhaps the California Leather is faking it?
  21. I think they have just expanded their search engine. I've noticed recently when I checked for, say, a Venture in San Antonio, it pulled up entries from different "listed" cities, like Austin, Corpus Christi and San Marcos. It must have a regional filter of some kind because it did not scope out Dallas or Houston. "New and Improved?"
  22. Hey, Kent. Sorry we couldn't hook up in Mercedes on your way to S. Padre Island. I just don't understand how a ride down Padre beach during Spring Break and barely clad coeds would trump a free hamburger! When you get up to Galveston, check to see if the free ferry is back in action after the Hurricane. If it is, it is a 15 min ferry ride across the Galveston channel and you can ride right along the beach on Hwy 87 and then head North to Beaumont or Port Arthur. Good luck and I hope to meet you guys somewhere down the road. Larry
  23. I've enjoyed following your adventure (other than the crash) and wondered what your ETA is for McAllen/Mercedes/Harlingen area. I'm in Mercedes for the winter and would ride over to wherever you plan for lunch. If you haven't made any plans and like hamburgers, there is a local place in Donna that is only open for lunch and they sell the biggest burgers outside of "make your own." The name is Gonzales Sisters, I believe. Keep on keepin' on.
  24. I'd probably take two full sets.
  25. I'm not aware of any really happy users with any of the sprays. After a while they lose effectiveness. In my opinion, your best bet may be to have a fabric cover made that will cover the dish and the LNB. That way you get a "roof-line" from the top of the dish to the top of the LNB and the snow will slide off instead of sticking. I've seen these covers on some of the commercial installations. I don't know what size of dish you have but you can probably find a local shop to make you one. Good luck.
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