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Everything posted by crockettrider

  1. Okay it seems you have bought all the Kumho tires....3 stores listed here and no tires? Any suggestion? Thanks:draming:
  2. Thanks guys, I am going to give it a shot.
  3. I'm always game to try something new and must confess I am sick of replacing rear tires every 6000 miles at best. I am currently running the Avon Venom on the front and am wondering if the C/T's you are talking about are bias or radials. If radials does it affect the ride with a bias ply front? Most of my riding these days is two up. I am "fairly" aggressive in the corners but have slowed down with the wife riding now. I can here the raft of crap from my buddies so I want promises I will get the last laugh:banana:. Im about a 1000 miles from a new rear so it's time to order..
  4. Much appreciated! I'll avoid California:337:
  5. For those of us that are apparently more computer challenged than we realize....like me. Could someone post a link to the Thermactor valve plugging of the ais system. I have looked and looked and.....well, I wont get into calling myself names.
  6. Wow, reading this has me more confused than ever? Not trying to hijack the thread but I have bubs on my RSV. I was getting a little backfiring on decel and thought I should have it looked at before two Arkansas trips I had scheduled. I took it to a Yamaha dealer and he cleaned the carbs and adjusted them. I now get some pretty serious backfiring on decel (ESPECIALLY THE HILLS) from my right side. I am not a great mechanic but feel confident the dealers aren't so hot either. Iam still in a quandary as what steps to take.
  7. I sure don't miss basements. If they don't fill with water they stink like mold...At least that's the memories I have from my early 20's. Sorry to hear the mess.....not a fun thing
  8. Thanks for the replies. Just what I was looking for. I always forget about the bottom of the page with the similiar links:pushups:
  9. 95 RSV stock tire 150/80 hr 16 Time for a replacement soon....trouble is I remember reading awhile ago about people using a different sized tire up front. I have looked to no avail. Any recollection? Much appreciated:think:
  10. Like mentioned the double cord and an mp3 is all you need. I would say to find a shorter cord if possible. Mine is 6' and I have it looped and it sets around the gas cap. I have an Ipod shuffle which is about the size of a matchbox. I velcro it on my tank and can flip though songs as desired. I really like being able to drive down the road to nothing but songs you enjoy:smile5:
  11. Not trying to rain on anyones parade but I have heard of two aquaintances having a lot of problems (one resuting in death) from the colon-op. One is in the hospital with a punctured spleen? I know many go through it with no problems but it seems I am hearing a lot of the negatives lately? I am 51 and not too sure I want to have a 6' tube going where no man has ever gone before:225:
  12. It blew me away with how it brought my sheild back. I was contemplating a new one myself and it's now a sgood as new. Gotta be the most underated product out there for windsheilds. No I don't work for Kit Ammonia and plexiglass are a nono. We installed a plexi glass (Glass) block window and it actually cracked the plexiglass?
  13. I have loads to do myself....or should I say I had loads to do and it will wait a day. After this big Texas cold snap I need to get out. I don't know how I survived when I lived in Mass.
  14. I picked up some "Kit" scratch remover for autos and in smaller print also good for plexiglass (yellow bottle). This stuff actually cleaned my windsheild better than anything I had used, Maguires, Plexus, pledge and a dozen or so others. I think it was under $2.00 at Walmart. The stuff truly amazed me:thumbsup:
  15. Wow, thats tough. I can understand where you coming from. My wife won't ride till my last kid is in college....he's 17. I am not sure she will even at that point and I am not sure I want her to. She might take the fun out of it:225:
  16. Great stuff! Unfortunately I bought some Walmart 100 watt speakers and mounted them....they sound like shyte, if you know what I mean. I knew I should have looked more but I live in a small town and we are talking a 2 hour drive to a decent place. I like to see what I am buying to boot:Avatars_Gee_George: The speakers I put in are the pits and have to go. The stock were way better. Do I need a lower wattage as was mentioned earlier? I could end up with $400 dollar multiple sets of speakers:whistling:
  17. I'd likely be living in the garage if I tried to skip this one...but the turkey leftovers could come in handy?
  18. I guess I will brag a little about our low 70's here in Texas. I have to do it now before the mid 90's hit in mid June:crying: I should add...I did get a ride in as well
  19. I went ahead and purchased the Morgan Carb Tune....with the case. I came across a few older threads on how to use it and am hoping it is as easy as they say (I build a mean house but mechanics and I don't get along). I have now given myself days of work on the bike between speakers, cracked brackets, resetting the after market pipes etc.etc. Might have to see if the wife will let me skip the brother in-laws for T-day so I can get them done?
  20. After riding a Vulcan 5 years prior to getting my Venture I can honestly say it took a little while to get used ot the floorboards and shifter. I wouldn't go back to pegs unless I didn't have a choice. Flat setting feet are so much more comfy:big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Interesting, how do you hook it into the system? Does it plug into a lighter?
  22. So....show us what you ordered. I freeze when it's 50 degrees!
  23. Thanks for all the info. I snuck out for a ride today and lo and behold I had a working speaker! It only worked for a few minutes and never came on again? I did have consistant power to the harness so I think I will replace the two front speakers with after market as suggested. Funny how much of a song you miss when it's stereo and you have one speaker. Pink Floyd just doesn't sound the same?
  24. http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w182/copusrider/Nov20th08018.jpg
  25. Now that's interesting
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