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Everything posted by RSTDdog

  1. The venture rear seat will bolt up if you buy the bracket for the rear seat and then cut a slot in the chrome bracket that secures the rear of your RSTD seat. I just did a complete Venture swap. I attached some of the pictures I took below that show the differences in the rear seats and what you need to do. I planned on adding these to the Venture Seat thread in the RSTD forum that has links to the L bracket drawing you need to make to use a venture front seat. I'll upload all the photos to my gallery in a while.You can get the stock venture seat bracket to use the rear seat from Pinwall cycles for 5.00 + shipping. If you get your seats from them they combine shipping. Here's alink to the bracket you need they have several.Try to find one that has the bolts for the seat with it. If the bolts are pictured they will come with it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-1300-SEAT-BRACKET-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1e5bcc1665QQitemZ130389120613QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories To modify the rear chrome bracket make a center line across the vertical part of the bracket. Along the center line make two marks that are 1 and 1/2" apart in the middle of the bracket. Drill 4 5/16" diameter holes along the center line equally between the marks.The edge of the and cut the sections between out with a dremel. File smooth and square and keep test fitting till it goes over the tab on the venture seat base. You should end up with a square hole 5/16" H x 1 1/2 " long. And that's the rear seat. RSTDdog
  2. Actually crossing the Glades on Old 41 there is a wide variety of Flying insects virtually year round, some the size of small birds. You don't want to get hit on your bare head at 60 by one those flying beetles. Its sounds like a rock hitting your helmet. Do you know what the last thing that goes through a bugs head is when it hits your helmet? .......... RSTDdog
  3. I wear a full face helmet. You'll really appreciate one crossing through the Everglades on Tamiami Trail (old US 41) on your way to the Keys. Don't know how they get around that big RSTD windshield, but i get an average of 5 loud cracks on the helmet from the variety of large hard shell flying insects on that 80 mile stretch depending on the time of day and every time I think I'm glad that's not my head getting hit at 60 with that bug. If it was only me I had to worry about I probably wouldn't wear one, but that is not the case. Have gotten so used to it, Its difficult for me to ride without one now. Don't have to wear a helmet in Florida, but insurance is required to not wear a helmet. I don't think you can or should legislate common sense. Someone told me a long time ago-- If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough..... RSTDdog
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