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The Crimson Knight

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10 Good

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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Honda Hawk 650GT
  1. Its available! And now its reserved for you. Please send me a PM with your email, shipping address and what you would be confortable paying. We'll go from there.
  2. Watauga, TX (Just south of Keller) I can send you the full address if you want in a PM.
  3. @JasonM - Replied to your PM about this. Bike is not wrecked at all. Just can't seem to get it running well enough for the performance shop to tune the TCI. Long story short, I'm not mechanically inclined and I'm not looking for a fix-er-bike. Since I have lost all faith in my mechanic, it's just over. I have sunk 7 months and over $1200 into something I still can't get a good ride out of. Parting it out to help the masses and hopefully earn me enough money to put down on a newer cycle one day. *EDIT* EVERYONE: MasterGuns is coming out on Saturday to assist me in tearing down as much of the bike as possible in a day that is supposed to be 103+ degrees! I'm not expecting to get the bike completely dis-assembled but I do expect to be able to get many requested items taken off and pictures sent out, measurements taken, condition evaluated and prices set so please be watching your PM and E-mails on Monday! If anyone else in the DFW, TX area wants to come and assist please let me know. I don't think I can take it apart fast enough!!
  4. Everyone, I'm keeping a list going on what people are requesting. I'm getting a lot of requests so please be patient with me as I work to document what is being requested so I don't promise something that isn't available or miss anything. @ Flyinfool - They are available, send me a PM with info about what you want and we'll go from there. @ BRileyR - All parts you mentioned have NOT been spoken for yet. Send me a PM with what you want. Also, to some of you that are more mechanically inclined, I might need some guideance on disassembly as this process moves beyond plastics (Rotors, carburator, transmission etc)... *EDIT* I'll also post some good pictures today or tomorrow of the bike as a whole so people can see what's on it.
  5. I can ship, shipping would be factored into the price. Are you wanting just the black plastic vents or do you want the entire side panel covers? PM me with your response, Thx
  6. @ doug - Yes and no. One side (left I think) are intact. Other side (right I think) are damaged but not all are missing.
  7. @ Ponch - yea, it's really become a source of unhappyness. Haven't gotten to ride at all this year. Seems I just need to save up and spend the $$ on a fuel injected touring bike somewhere down the road. @ MasterGuns - you got it. Sending you a PM
  8. So my 88 VR will be parted and sold to the best of my ability, as posted in the aftermarket TCI thread... It has a lot of chrome parts and extras on it. I was thinking about hosting a 1 day pick'n-pull for anyone who wants to come and 'vulture' it. this way the buyer can assist in removing the part as to not allow me to cause any damage attempting to remove it. If anything good is left I'll sell on ebay for what I can get it for or on this forum and scrap the rest. Don't want to spend the next 6 months on ebay.. Parts will still be sold indiviually but I'm hoping everyone will be fair about prices. I'm not looking to get rich by any means, just put a fraction of the $2k back in my savings... Of course, this could be a completely bad idea... Any thoughts?
  9. I don't want to get this thread off topic. If anyone has any part requests please PM me.
  10. Yes I do. Sending you a PM now.
  11. Well folks it's over... My 88 VR is beyond my financial capability and desire to repair. It's been in the shop a solid 5+ months and still is not running well enough to do the dyno test. I have put countless hours and money into it and have no further action to take but to part it and sell it. I'm returning the TCI that I borrowed. And I'll be posting sometime in the next week about what's up for sale on ebay. I'll be taking a couple parts off at a time as I can. I'm going to attempt to recover some of the money I sunk into it and that's it. It has a bunch of good parts, rick butler seat mod, lots of chrome, etc. If anyone is interested in a barely used Ignitech TCI pre-programmed I'm selling that first for $125 obo, free shipping. Once I get down to the bare bike and I'm not able to personally strip anything further, i'll post a new thread for whomever wants the rest as is. I have some other commitments this year and most likely will not be buying another bike until middle of winter at the very earliest. Even then, I'm not sure what I'm going to get. I DO know it will be a fuel injected bike This has been a very difficult 5-6 months, and certainly did not end the way I wanted it to. I apologize for not being able to come through on my attempt to get dyno info. Thanks again for all the help.
  12. Excellent. $53 sounds like a deal to me man. I'm gonna get one ordered up. Thanks a bunch for the info, D.
  13. Hey Condor My 88 is in the shop currently for a list of things, one of them was the ignition computer and is being updated on the IgniTech aftermarket computer thread elsewhere. My question is this. Ever since I bought the bike it would smoke after heating up when it sits for a while but then be fine as long as it was driven. My mechanic has located the leak and it's the shift sensor where the wires come out of. Yamaha discontinued the part. they have tried to seal it with silicone, jb weld and it's still leaking. The leak isn't bad at all, it's more of a seepage. Once it sits enough leaks out to burn off in a big cloud of smoke that looks, well, UN-appealing. So the smoking, not the loss of oil is my reasoning for fixing it. Could you share with me, in as much detail as you feel like, any possible fix for this so that I can pass it onto my mechanic for consideration? It sounds like you might have found one.. Any advice or info you can give me is much appreciated. ~Chris
  14. I would very much like to take you up on your offer. If you want to PM me when you have time. I'll be happy to pay for the return shipping to you once the test is complete.
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