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Everything posted by PITBULL


    yup yup

    NC is my one "I dunno" spot yet. Originally I was gonna come in on I-40 to Summerfield where wifeys uncle lives. I wanted to do some family research while I was there. ( Family settled in Guilford county in the late 1600s and I hear the family name is on a bunch of stuff around the High Point and Kernersville area guess therre are even some old houses they built still around) BUT I wasnt planning on the stop in Maryland so that would bring me in on the eastern edge of the state. Dont know what kinda time frame I will be on. Loota that depends on how much time I am given to transfer.

    yup yup

    Hey guys...we are moving to Boynton Beach which is just north of Miami. We are anticipating leaving here on June 2nd if all goes well with my transfer. we are taking the scenic route to FL. We are giving everything away to the kids and if it dont fit on the bike it dont go....'cept a few things. We are Fed Exing some stuff like my work clothes, movies and some stuff. We are going to go thru NM, TX, OK, AR, TN, KY( to see her dad),IN, OH PA, WV, MD( to see her grandma), VA, NC, SC, GA, then to southern FL. Nice little bike ride huh?

    yup yup

    Im am still around. Just thought I would pop in and say HI. Sooooo HI. Busy busy, getting ready to move to Florida. One of the good parts about that is that means another cross country run! WOOHOO. Still riding the Roadstar and the guy who bought my !st gen. STILL hasnt taken it out and ridden it yet. What a tool! I mean really now..its been 18 months! My email is still the same for those of you that have it. And you can keep track of me thru www.vikingwarhorse.webs.com Ride safe.
  4. Thanks guys but I think I have opted not to go with the '06. I would have had to trade in my Roadstar and Im just not willing to do that. Sure wish I could afford 2 bikes!
  5. the whine?
  6. Thinkng about picking up a 2006 midnight rsv......any problems with that year?
  7. I have already...its under my sig pic.....been there for quite a while
  8. Have folks here actually taken the time to check out fellow member's personal sites when they post them?
  9. I have Samson Ripsaws on my Roadie and I love 'em
  10. Thats funny cuz I just wrote a piece on cops like that LOL
  11. It was 1:45 am when I was letting the crew in the warehouse and one of the bigshot executives was with them. Some of the girls on my crew had dressed up a bit for Halloween so Mr. Bigshot asks me what I was "going to be" for Halloween. The past few weeks have been a bit stressful at work so I half asleep replied,"Im going as a disgruntled worker who went on a shooting spree" OMFG! He about soiled himself! The executives all think Im a bit nuts anyway...which is good because it keeps them away from me and my crew. But he did bring me breakfast after kissing my butt all day!
  12. You mean "real cowboys" aint the ones with the big trucks hanging out the the bar getting one too many Coors Lights in 'em and gettin beat up????????
  13. Fellow Norseman?????????
  14. 22 degrees right now as I get my "battlegear" on for the ride to work at almost 1 am. Riding the 04'Roadie. No fairing or windshield to hide behind! Its gona be a cold one.
  15. I have ridden in the single digits several times and have been caught in the snow a few times as well. I ride year round 'cept for when the roads are a hazard. There have been times when I have gotten off work and had to chip the ice of the seat. Right now it around 30 degrees every morning when I leave for work. Still riding........
  16. Should be pretty staright forward....its the same job I have been doing for the past few years...now Im just the one whos in charge of making sure it gets done, which I was doing anyway. Now I just make 12K year more
  17. Anyone here "Darksided" their bike? "Darkside" = car tire on rear of bike. I have seen vids and done lots of research on this. Stronger sidewalls. Longer treadlife. I have talked to a few people on a Roadstar forum that I belong to about it. Lots of people say it cant be done or its to dangerous....I have seen underbike camera footage showing bikes cornering sharply and maintaining tread contact with the road and showing that radial tires actully "round out" a bit as you corner thus maintaining that contact patch. Found lots of vids about it on YouTube.
  18. As some of you know...I was passed over for a promotion at one of my companies new locations a few months back...I was pretty angry about it because they hired an outsider with no exp. what so ever and I had been signed off for the promotion for over 2 years and was just biding my time....well little Ms."we thinks shes a better fit" didn't even make it 4 months. SOOOOO FINALLY.....I got the promotion I hade been waiting for all this time. FINALLY. I even talked them into more money than what they had offered originally. 'bout time I was on the right side of the stick!
  19. Lots of motocycle tires seem to shred.....I have been SERIOUSLY contimplating going to the "darkside" I have seen videos of car tires on bike and the radials round out just like a bike tire when you are moving....better sidewalls, better treadware, longer life on the tread....seriously thinking about it.


    Every 5 or 6 tanks I pour a couple of shotsglass fulls in the tank. I have used it faithfully for years. One of the bestest and easiest things out there you can do to keep your bike running they way it should.
  21. I know its a myth! I was a professional tattoo artist for 14 years. I know all abouth the skin, pigmentation, and the whole shootin match. I wrote the body art laws for Colorado...yes I can prove it. So for them to come off with that BS just really twists my pickle. And YES this will end up on the Viking site LOL....you know hair dye companies tell tattoed people that they can have allergic reactions because of their tattoos????? Thats funny Wifey is a licensed cosmotologist and has never heard that. Yeah I think tattoos and peoples perception of tattooed people would make a good rant. Mybe I should write a tamer version for the magazine but then again thats like preachin' to the choir.
  22. My wife, aka MOM is still battling some kindey isues. She went to the hospital today fro some bloodwork and some ditzy nurse told her that she couldnt draw blood because the tattoo MOM has would cause an infection. Then they proceded to treat her like a lepper!!!! This turned into a big ordeal with MOM almost getting arrested....Stay tuned for another upcoming rant
  23. Hey Ron, Squid and the rest of ya. Thanks for checkin in on my new little site. I did post a new rant today Ron...some dude tried giving me a hard time about riding a Roadie....yeah...that went over well..LOL Make sure you check the Biker Stuff page. I personally test the stuff. I got companies as far away as Austraila sending me stuff to write reviews for the magazine.Im fixing to do some more tests on some gel seat pads, reflective gloves and Schampa in sending me a "package" of goodies...Im working on a jokes page but I am hesitant because the jokes I know are pretty far out there LMAO! Oh and MOM sayd HI EVERYONE!! Yer right Ron...woman that can stack up the miles are few and far between. Linda, Lonna, MOM and a few more on here seem to be the exception. Gotta love that!
  24. Well as many of you know my wife aka MOM had total hip replacement about 2 months ago. She is up and around and thinking she is indestructable LMAO. Shes back to work and riding her little scooter all over town. Shes doing pretty good. AND she quit smoking! Even better! I have made up another site with trip pics, trip stories, mom's random photography, rants, biker products ( I have gotten a ton of stuff from businesses wanting me to write reviews for the Magazine) etc...Its a work in progress. BE WARNED: IF YOU ARE THE OVERLY SENSITVE TYPE YOU SHOULD AVOID THE SITE! http://vikingwarhorse.webs.com/ Its just me being me.
  25. I usually dont rant about stuff. Thats what I do for the magazine. But I recently did a product review for something that might be of interest to some folks. I know the Ventures have a fairings so its not an issue BUT if you have another ride or have a friend that has a windshield (like on a roadstar) and they keep whining about the buffetting I found something that works... well... to kill that wind. Its a vest that .....well...kills the wind. http://www.jacksflaps.com/index.htm I recently got one because the wind ripping around the sheild was pushing my beard up into my face. It works really well. If you decide that you are interested I HIGHLY reccommend that you call and talk to Jack personally. Hes a stand up guy with a good product. Check it out for yourself. Im done babbling..sorry.
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