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About renate

  • Birthday 01/23/1958

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    /Minneapolis MN, Germany


  • City
    /Minneapolis MN


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    riding, skiing, camping, traveling and motorcicles
  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 venture
  1. renate


    THANK YOU FREEBIRD. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bighug:
  2. renate


    ANYONE SEEN OR HEARD FROM LOWELL. PLEASE LET ME KNOW, ALL OF US ARE WORRIED AND WONDERING. I hope he is in great health and we will see each other again Thanks to anyone who can help in this matter:fingers-crossed-emo:bighug:
  3. awesome weekend with our friends from ANOTHER COUNTRY EH' LOL Even though we did not have the bikes this time it was great to get together. Good food, good drinks and most of all GREAT COMPANY. Can't wait until September when we are all together again. The plan is to have a GERMAN GOULASCH AND NUDELS for Sunday, and of course the guest of honor "our PIG. Hope to see everyone again, and make new friends in the process. HUGS TO EVERYONE:bighug: p.s RED, I ATE VELMA'S COOKING, IT'S ONLY FAIR SHE'LL EAT MINE.
  4. that's too funny, because I do that too. Never thought thou that it makes it hard on Alan. He always told me when he feels me moving back there he knows he picked the right country station. LOL:rotf:
  5. What a great but sad story. I normally just scroll through to find some news about people I know but for some reason I had to open your thread. I'm glad I did. Great idea for a short story book. You write extremely well it kept me interested from the beginning to the end. thanks and may you and "Bear" keep it up right always
  6. yea, we lost the bragging rights but there will always be next year:fingers-crossed-emo What a bummer, Twins lost all three games to the BLUE JAYS.
  7. some of them I might posted already but I could'n remember which ones.
  8. renate

    Pip 2013

    YET ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PIP. I must say it is always an unforgettable event, every year we make new friends and enjoy seeing the old ones. I for one look forward to this meeting every year. The friendships developed over the years are true and genuine. Not to forget the food, oh yea, the food. Hmmmmm yummy. This time we had, besides our oh so delicious piggi, original Spanish Rice with everything to go with it, made by our new friend Velma. Wow, what a cook. Her and Red slaved over the stove all day. :whistling:oh, did I mention the fun and laughter in front of a blazing fire, which I only got to see from my tent:sick: Yea, I started with "HOT SEX" A LITTLE TO EARLY.. Well you know , Red was not feeling himself either the first morning. Boy did I hear stories. But they say " what happends at the PIP stays at the PIP.":rotf::rotf:If you want to find out what happends there, come and join us next year. Alan and I just want to say a heart filled THANKS to Gary and Anni to open up there home to all of us, and not to forget Russel, Bubber and all the people who make this event possible.
  9. prayers are send and wishing a speedy recovery.
  10. Yesterday was Alan's B-DAY and like every other year he is on the road. The Canadians have him more than I do. What's up with that eh'. HOWEVER, he is on his way back and on Monday I'll give him his present. Nice dinner, cake, Candlelight .
  11. Hope you'll enjoy the last picture's Of the PIP. I'm already getting a new recipe for some awesome pumpkin bread with walnuts. Yummy!!!!
  12. RED, just reading your note. It made me . It will make me chuckle everytime I hear the "CITIES". Toooooo funny. QUOTE=Red1;713361]Nice pics, Bill. Great meeting you - hope you had an uneventful ride home. On my way back I missed my turn and ended going thru "the cities"! to find my way home. That's a very congested place for us country folk. Next year I'll be sure and plot my course around it.
  13. who me ? who
  14. We did had "HOT SEX' around the camp fire, provided by Marilyn. I love the Canadians!!!!!!
  15. here are a few more pic's. I love looking at them because they bring back memories which make me smile or LOL.
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