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Knees In The Breeze

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  • Name


  • Location
    Port Dover, Canada


  • City
    Port Dover


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Riding and Fishing
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Venture Royale/1986 Virago 1100
  1. I have the chrome racks on my 83 venture royale. Both side bags and trunk. They help keep the scratches down plus great for tying those odds and ends too. I have a custom duffel bag for the trunk that slips right on too which comes in handy. After a year of riding and getting the bugs out the Venture Royale 83 is my long distance Bike.Super reliable, the ride is unbeilevable solo or with my wife. We can load that puppy down with everything we can imagine needing for the long haul and other than bumping up the air pressure a bit we're ready to go. I've been riding for 42 years and had my rear on every bike you can think of and this one I'll be keeping like my twin 86 Viragos. Lol, sometimes you feel like doing wheelies and making sportster owners cry, lol. Anyways, if you can find the racks get them. I made mine and sent them out for chroming, same as guards for the side bags. Didnt like the ones I found out there, too blaaa so I made up my own. You'd be surprized what you can get strapped down on them and they look totally awesome bare, all that chrome Bet I get 15mph more with them on, lol.
  2. There are groups here, but it's been a long long time since the Canadian Gov has listened to what the people care about or need. As far as they are concerned let us gripe, won't make any difference.
  3. Well, I'm done (knock on wood). I bought a 1983 VR a month ago, low Km's ran great. It had a few issues I thought should be no problem. Silly me, lol. I should tell you I have never owned a bike that had more than Spark, Gas and Go before so this was an ad(venture) in working with a whole lot in a little space. My yoga teacher would be proud, lol. Speaking of proud, it is the members of VR that should be proud. As I said I was lost at a few stages of overhualing this wonderful bike. I had such a great responce to my questions and extra info on this bike I never knew I needed to know Me and Mrs Knees have been out on it every night this week just piling the km's on it to make sure everything is trip worthy. My god what a ride, time and km's seem to just drift by. I appreciate all the help with getting everything up and running and the only thing I had to buy was the stater. When I get some pictures I'll post them, show you what you helped put together. Knees In The Breeze
  4. Thanks I was hoping not to have to pull the tank but gotta do what needs doing, lol. I just resoldered quite a few cold solders in the controler for the air ride. Got that fix here too :) Right on guys, Thanks. Cold beer here for ya's if your down this way And food, lol Knees in the breeze
  5. I just bought a 83 VR a few weeks ago and have been running through the little problems a 25yr old bike has. Main one was the starter (Wooo Hoo that was fun, twice, rubics starter from hades, lol ) Just finishing off some wiring issues on the accessories that wern't up too par for my liking. Now... Ive looked as best I can but can't seem to find the sending unit for the fuel lv. My guage is up and down with the wind. I count my km's but that flashing red light is making me crazy. All I hear is "fix me...fix me", lol I'm sure it's just a bad ground but Waldo seems to have taken it and gone underground, lol. So.. if anyone has seem Waldo and the ground plz let me know..Thanks Knees In The Breeze
  6. And then it just came to me........ "Ventura" ......... Seems like a cool name considering. "Ventura" kinda a Barbaella Biker name. Might want to watch her near machines though when she gets older. From what I seen ... the machine lost, lol. Knees In The Breeze
  7. It's Great time if you Ride a lot are "show" but I go more for the "if you build it ( and it runs) bring it" I can't post a lot of the pics from the parties later. It's something you have to experience, a mini Daytona. No Fri13th in 09 but I hear from some guys on the planning commity that they are picking another day for it :)
  8. Yaa Squidly I think that just got you a Free Pass as Crew Cheif for the V.R.R.T.D (Venture Rider Race To Diner) Team, Wooo Hoooo!!!! It's not a ranked team yet as I just thought it up, lol. But I'm hoping for the number one spot next year:fingers-crossed-emo. If we all bring our own cutlery it will help, but No fast food joints, They never sell beer Anyways, glad your up and running. I had to change my starter in a parking lot the other day. But it was Beer Store parking lot so wasn't all that bad,lol. Had lots of Riders that stuck with me and it was a good time for all Knees In The Breeze
  9. I have a Corbin on my 83 royale and I dont find it too hard. 25yrs of Biker Butt on it might've softend it up a bit though. lol. The Mustang on the Virago though is much softer. For me, my wife on the other hand hates the Mustang seat way too hard for her. She shrinks an inch every long trip on that bike which is why I bought the Venture Royale, she's getting too hard to find in a crowd, lol. I've got the adjustable back rest on the Corbin which is great for me and the wife likes the passenger seat. She can now resume her goal of being in the NBA, lol. Hope the seat comes back just the way you like it. That was real solid of Corbin to do that for you, Happy Trails. Knees in the breeze
  10. Hey Brian I found a little Silly Puddy and G Force keeps my wife on when she takes a nap. Just have to make sure she has hands in her pockets. First time she felt like she flew in from Australia her shoulders we're so sore flapping around back there like that, lol. But seriously, I've had tons of ppl fall asleep back there, never had one fall off yet or heard of it from any of my Bros and I'm sure I would've heard of it by now. Only thing I've heard of or experienced is passanger gets a dang sore sore neck from the helmet weight. But it's a big big world and stuff happens. Knees In The Breeze
  11. Welcome to the friendliest bunch of looneys ever to ride. We're all family here. Glad to have you join us.


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