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Everything posted by hairman

  1. On my 1999 RSV oil is leaking around the top head gasket (no. 35 on the picture that I am going to try to post). I have been letting it run in the building for about 30 minutes while it is on the kickstand. I have been doing this every 2weeks. It is leaking on the same side the kickstand is on. I was wondering if I need to replace the gasket or take it off and clean it and put some silicone on it? I have already checked the bolts and they are tightened. I am not sure the picture will be big enough to see. Sorry. Thanks hairman
  2. I am thinking about going to Guntown Mountain in Cave City, Kentucky this spring but, I can not find out much about it on the internet. I found out about it in a Kentucky brochure. I was wondering if any of you have been to it or know anything about it. There's alot to do in Bowllng Green, but no sure about the Guntown Mountain. Thanks hairman
  3. I have a 1999 rsv and I have all the numbers for different oil filters that were posted, but I was wondering if there are any numbers for the air filter. Thanks hairman
  4. thanks for the help. If it had been a snake it would have bit me. I looked all over for it.
  5. I have a new jacket that I would like to post on the classifieds, but I am not sure how to do it. Can someone please tell me what I need to do? Thanks hairman
  6. The TN meet and eat sounds pretty good to me as long as it is early on a Sunday. I am about 1hour from Kingsport and 1 1/2 hours from Johnson City. I work Saturdays so it will be hard to do that day.
  7. I hope I can get this picture to post. The pumpkin on the bottom can't hold it's liquor.
  8. I remember chocolate gravy. My mom used to make it all the time. She also made chocolate syrup.
  9. My father-in-law has a 2002 Electra Glide Standard Harley with the touring pack and wants an intercom system for it. It is not set up for a intercom. What all will he need to hook one up? It just has a plain radio. If he gets an Autocom and buy the helmet speakers is this all he will need? Is there anyway to wire your radio thru this system? Thanks
  10. Thanks for the information. That answers my question. So what is the name of a good headset for a half helmet?
  11. I have a plug in (5 pin) on the handlebars, one on the back of the drivers backrest, and I also have a 13 pin connector in the trunk. So what can the one in the trunk go to?
  12. On 1999 Venture Royal Star what is the plug in the trunk for? Is this for the intercom system? How does the intercom system work? I have never had one on my bike and am not familiar with it. Do you have to buy a intercom box to put in the back?
  13. The best way to figure out where it is coming from is to take a rubber hose. Stick one end to your ear and move the other end around the motorcycle until you find where it is the loudest. I've done this several times on vehicles so maybe it will work on a motorcycle too.
  14. I am thinking about going to Grandfather Mountain this weekend. I heard on the news that there is a gas shortage and alot of places are out of gas. Can anyone in North Carolina tell me if you are having a gas shortage and if not what the price of gas is there. Thanks P.S. This is for 1Rooster. If I decide to ride down I'll try to let you know.
  15. Here is a picture that was emailed to me. I figured some of you may get a laugh out of it. If you can figure out how to get it to stand up let me know. I might have to try to put one in my yard next year. hairman
  16. Thanks for your help. hairman
  17. Can anyone around Boone or Blowing Rock tell me if the leaves are starting to change there? I am thinking about riding to Grandfather Mountain, but if the leaves are already turning brown and falling off like here in VA I might need to find somewhere else to go. Thanks hairman
  18. Thanks for your help on the windshield. Hairman
  19. Will a 2007 windshield for a Royal Star Venture fit on a 1999 Royal Star Venture? Also I am new to this website and was wondering how the classified section works. Do you have to call the person and let them know what you want or do you have to click the Buy It Now? How does the Buy It Now work? I have bought alot of things off ebay, but wasn't sure if this works the same way. Thanks hairman
  20. hairman


    This is my first time posting on here. Exhaust question- is louder better or not? I have almost been ran out of the road before because of someone in a car not hearing or seeing my bike. I have noticed when riding in my truck that if a motorcycle with loud exhaust is beside of me then I can hear it before seeing it. If you change exhaust do you have to have the carb. rejetted? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Hairman
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