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Everything posted by eazyduzzit

  1. That's funny! My wife and I just got back from test riding a used Electra glide, and this was the first thread I saw when I got back home.
  2. An update on the Stearns suits from Wal-mart. The last 2 times I've worn them, the seams in the crotch leaked like a sieve. So I'm looking for a better rain suit. That's why I dug up this old post.
  3. I would buy the chrome passenger floorboards from you for a good price!
  4. They do hold their value well. I've looked at them lately too. I ride a RSTD and I'm looking for a bike like a GW, Ultra, RSV or Valkyrie Interstate that has a radio/fairing, a trunk and a cushier passenger seat. Karen always rides with me and long rides are hard on her bum. And by bum, I don't mean me.
  5. I think it would be a great bike. I would love to ride one, and I like the look. Have you found one or just thinking about looking?
  6. I made it home okay, but my name isn't Aarrrrggh.
  7. I looked up the colorrite numbers, but my local paint store couldn't use them.
  8. Does anybody have the paint code for a black and gray 05 RSTD? The gray is what I need.
  9. I'm getting seasick!
  10. I love my iphone. I may go days without talking on it, but I use it all the time for internet access, camera, notepad, reminder alarms, GPS, music, TV, calculator etc. it would take me all day to tell what all it does. I don't even know why they call it a phone. I couldn't care less if I had a phone.
  11. All I have used in mine is Rotella 15w40 dino. I have no whine to speak of. I have read on this site where others have changed to synthetic and the whine actually got worse until they changed back to regular oil. I have not personally tried synthetic because I haven't had a reason to.
  12. I've been looking at some GWs on Craigslist. That sounds like it's a pretty good price.
  13. Here's a picture of me on one. They were giving demo rides at the bike rally in Knoxville last month. It was the wildest ride I've ever had! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v153/eazyduzzit/329d384b.jpg
  14. Ditto what Monty said. We've had unusually hot weather here this year, and I've ridden in traffic with no problems. 15-40 Rotella is all I've run since I've had the bike.
  15. You've been watching American Pickers, haven't you.
  16. Apparently it didn't happen...
  17. I was there in '08, and they had signs up that they were closing that month and indicated they might be moving to Las Vegas, but something must have happened as they are still there...
  18. When were you in DC? My wife and I just made that trip a couple of weeks ago. We went BRP and Skyline DR also.
  19. You can't jump start the economy like that!
  20. Sounds like they're taking their cue from hospitals. $16 for a valve stem equals $10 for an aspirin. Good way to get rich if you can somehow get people to come back.
  21. What year model Wing did you have? The couple of guys I've talked to were very happy with the ride and handling. I met a guy on our last trip riding a GW, and he said it was like a sport bike in the handling department. He almost made me want one.
  22. I looked on ebay, and found a right one, but not a left. I don't really care what color. I can have it painted.
  23. That is a pretty good description of where it's cracked. Does anyone know what causes it?
  24. My lower left fairing mysteriously got cracked. I came out to the garage one morning and there it was. Does anyone here have one at a reasonable price?
  25. OK, did you get a tire? You gotta tell the whole story.
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